Interface ConstraintAware

    • Method Detail

      • getRoles

        java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getRoles()
      • setConstraintMappings

        void setConstraintMappings​(java.util.List<ConstraintMapping> constraintMappings,
                                   java.util.Set<java.lang.String> roles)
        Set Constraint Mappings and roles. Can only be called during initialization.
        constraintMappings - the mappings
        roles - the roles
      • addConstraintMapping

        void addConstraintMapping​(ConstraintMapping mapping)
        Add a Constraint Mapping. May be called for running webapplication as an annotated servlet is instantiated.
        mapping - the mapping
      • addRole

        void addRole​(java.lang.String role)
        Add a Role definition. May be called on running webapplication as an annotated servlet is instantiated.
        role - the role
      • setDenyUncoveredHttpMethods

        void setDenyUncoveredHttpMethods​(boolean deny)
        See Servlet Spec 31, sec 13.8.4, pg 145 When true, requests with http methods not explicitly covered either by inclusion or omissions in constraints, will have access denied.
        deny - true for denied method access
      • isDenyUncoveredHttpMethods

        boolean isDenyUncoveredHttpMethods()
      • checkPathsWithUncoveredHttpMethods

        boolean checkPathsWithUncoveredHttpMethods()
        See Servlet Spec 31, sec 13.8.4, pg 145 Container must check if there are urls with uncovered http methods
        true if urls with uncovered http methods