Class MultiPartFormInputStream


public class MultiPartFormInputStream extends Object

Handle a MultiPart Mime input stream, breaking it up on the boundary into files and strings.

Deleting the parts can be done from a different thread if the parts are parsed asynchronously. Because of this we use the state to fail the parsing and coordinate which thread will delete any remaining parts. The deletion of parts is done by the cleanup thread in all cases except the transition from DELETING->DELETED which is done by the parsing thread.

 UNPARSED - Parsing has not started, there are no parts which need to be cleaned up.
 PARSING  - The parsing thread is reading from the InputStream and generating parts.
 PARSED   - Parsing has complete and no more parts will be generated.
 DELETING - deleteParts() has been called while we were in PARSING state, parsing thread will do the delete.
 DELETED  - The parts have been deleted, this is the terminal state.

     |                                                              |
     |                                          deleteParts()       v
  UNPARSED -------> PARSING --------> PARSED  ------------------>DELETED
                      |                                             ^
                      |                                             |
                      +---------------> DELETING -------------------+
                        deleteParts()               parsing thread
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MultiPartFormInputStream

      public MultiPartFormInputStream(InputStream in, String contentType, jakarta.servlet.MultipartConfigElement config, File contextTmpDir)
      in - Request input stream
      contentType - Content-Type header
      config - MultipartConfigElement
      contextTmpDir - jakarta.servlet.context.tempdir
    • MultiPartFormInputStream

      public MultiPartFormInputStream(InputStream in, String contentType, jakarta.servlet.MultipartConfigElement config, File contextTmpDir, int maxParts)
      in - Request input stream
      contentType - Content-Type header
      config - MultipartConfigElement
      contextTmpDir - javax.servlet.context.tempdir
      maxParts - the maximum number of parts that can be parsed from the multipart content (0 for no parts allowed, -1 for unlimited parts).
  • Method Details

    • getNonComplianceWarnings

      public EnumSet<MultiParts.NonCompliance> getNonComplianceWarnings()
      an EnumSet of non compliances with the RFC that were accepted by this parser
    • isEmpty

      @Deprecated public boolean isEmpty()
      use getParts().isEmpty()
      whether the list of parsed parts is empty
    • deleteParts

      public void deleteParts()
      Delete any tmp storage for parts, and clear out the parts list.
    • getParts

      public Collection<jakarta.servlet.http.Part> getParts() throws IOException
      Parse, if necessary, the multipart data and return the list of Parts.
      the parts
      IOException - if unable to get the parts
    • getPart

      public jakarta.servlet.http.Part getPart(String name) throws IOException
      Get the named Part.
      name - the part name
      the parts
      IOException - if unable to get the part
    • throwIfError

      protected void throwIfError() throws IOException
      Throws an exception if one has been latched.
      IOException - the exception (if present)
    • parse

      protected void parse()
      Parse, if necessary, the multipart stream.
    • setDeleteOnExit

      @Deprecated public void setDeleteOnExit(boolean deleteOnExit)
      no replacement provided.
    • setWriteFilesWithFilenames

      public void setWriteFilesWithFilenames(boolean writeFilesWithFilenames)
    • isWriteFilesWithFilenames

      public boolean isWriteFilesWithFilenames()
    • isDeleteOnExit

      @Deprecated public boolean isDeleteOnExit()
      no replacement provided
    • getBufferSize

      public int getBufferSize()
      the size of buffer used to read data from the input stream
    • setBufferSize

      public void setBufferSize(int bufferSize)
      bufferSize - the size of buffer used to read data from the input stream