This page refers to version dev. You might want to use the current stable version instead.

File Based Device Registry

The Device Registry component provides exemplary implementations of Hono’s Tenant API, Device Registration API and Credentials API.

As such it exposes AMQP 1.0 based endpoints for retrieving the relevant information and persists data to the local file system.


The file based device registry has been removed in Hono 2.0.0. Please use the Mongo DB or JDBC based registry implementations instead.

In addition, the Device Registry also exposes HTTP resources for managing the contents of the registry according to the Device Registry Management API.


The Device Registry is not intended to be used in production environments. In particular, access to the HTTP resources described below is not restricted to authorized clients only.

Managing Tenants

Please refer to the Device Registry Management API for information about managing tenants.


The file based device registry does not support the Device Registry Management API’s search tenants operation.

Managing Devices

Please refer to the Device Registry Management API for information about managing devices.


The file based device registry does not support the Device Registry Management API’s search devices operation.

Managing Credentials

Please refer to the Device Registry Management API for information about managing credentials.