Setup to include for @ContextValue annotation [message #1504958] |
Tue, 09 December 2014 18:17  |
Eclipse User |
Hello guys,
following this very good blog post link I am thinking to include the e(fx)clipse Dependency Injection features in my project.
I tried to look here, but I could not find the info I wanted. What steps do I need to take in order to include it in my .product/pom.xml ? Maybe I have not looked hard enough, but I could not find a way. Basically I would like to use the @ContextValue annotation in my product (which now supports back to Kepler).
Re: Setup to include for @ContextValue annotation [message #1505900 is a reply to message #1505884] |
Wed, 10 December 2014 11:57   |
Eclipse User |
So is your product built with features? I don't think fx.runtime.feature
is appropriate for your usecase (assumeing that the application is based
upon SWT?)
I'm not sure what you mean by: "I still cannot see it". What can you not
see? You need to have "org.eclipse.fx.core.di" as a dependency which
holds the annotation.
On 10.12.14 12:43, Andrea Richiardi wrote:
> I added the repo and the bundles to my MANIFEST.MF, but I still cannot
> see it. Maybe I am doing something wrong...mvn clean install of my
> product does not complete as well. Maybe I need to add
> org.eclipse.fx.runtime.feature in my .product file?
Re: Setup to include for @ContextValue annotation [message #1505932 is a reply to message #1505900] |
Wed, 10 December 2014 12:29   |
Eclipse User |
Hello Tom thank you first of all and yes, feature and SWT based.
What I meant is that I added <feature id="org.eclipse.fx.runtime.feature"/> and now Maven downloads all the dependencies, but in my MANIFEST I have big red crosses in the Require-Bundle section.
But as I said, maybe I am doing something wrong and still investigating, probably a runtime dependency is different from what I think it is and I need to put it somwhere else.
For instance now I add the following to the .product and trying:
<plugin id="org.eclipse.fx.core" autoStart="true" startLevel="3" />
<plugin id="org.eclipse.fx.core.di" autoStart="true" startLevel="3" />
<plugin id="org.eclipse.fx.core.di.context" autoStart="true" startLevel="3" />
Re: Setup to include for @ContextValue annotation [message #1506023 is a reply to message #1506008] |
Wed, 10 December 2014 14:09   |
Eclipse User |
Yes, you are right, but this does not explain the failure with mvn, now I am trying to specify version 1.1.0 in my .product.
And something is moving, I now have (I am still using kepler):
Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
Software being installed: e(fx)clipse core Feature (
Software currently installed: Equinox Target Components 3.9.0.v20140221-1852 ( 3.9.0.v20140221-1852)
Only one of the following can be installed at once:
OSGi System Bundle 3.10.100.v20141020-1414 (org.eclipse.osgi 3.10.100.v20141020-1414)
OSGi System Bundle 3.9.0.v20130529-1710 (org.eclipse.osgi 3.9.0.v20130529-1710)
OSGi System Bundle 3.9.1.v20130814-1242 (org.eclipse.osgi 3.9.1.v20130814-1242)
OSGi System Bundle 3.10.1.v20140909-1633 (org.eclipse.osgi 3.10.1.v20140909-1633)
OSGi System Bundle 3.8.2.v20130124-134944 (org.eclipse.osgi 3.8.2.v20130124-134944)
OSGi System Bundle 3.9.1.v20140110-1610 (org.eclipse.osgi 3.9.1.v20140110-1610)
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Equinox Core SDK 3.8.0.v20140114-1344 ( 3.8.0.v20140114-1344)
To: org.eclipse.osgi [3.9.1.v20140110-1610]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Equinox Target Components 3.9.0.v20140221-1852 ( 3.9.0.v20140221-1852)
To: [3.8.0.v20140114-1344]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: e(fx)clipse core Feature (
To: org.eclipse.fx.osgi []
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: OSGi integration for JavaFX (org.eclipse.fx.osgi
To: bundle org.eclipse.osgi 3.10.0
Re: Setup to include for @ContextValue annotation [message #1506075 is a reply to message #1506023] |
Wed, 10 December 2014 15:03   |
Eclipse User |
I repeat including our feature is NOT a good idea it comes with too many things you don't - we only support luna because we also require java8!!! You'd have to backport our code yourself to run on Java7 or use our code as a blueprint and implement something similar.
Re: Setup to include for @ContextValue annotation [message #1506274 is a reply to message #1506243] |
Wed, 10 December 2014 18:29   |
Eclipse User |
I'm not sure this is enough - we might use jdk8 stream APIs as well and
we use type annotations for null checks!
On 10.12.14 18:54, Andrea Richiardi wrote:
> Ok I think I think I backported the three bundles successfully using
> RetroLambda, I am now trying to execute some code, I will keep you posted.
Re: Setup to include for @ContextValue annotation [message #1506324 is a reply to message #1506274] |
Wed, 10 December 2014 19:27   |
Eclipse User |
Yes, I removed every type annotation and used org.eclipse.jdt.annotation;bundle-version="[1.1.0,2.0.0) for classical return types and method parameters.
It builds with Maven without issues, I just need to verify that retrolamba generates Java 7 bytecode for the two, three lamdas I have seen.
EDIT: still some work to do the tests all fail with:
org.eclipse.e4.core.di.InjectionException: Unable to process "EventBroker.logger": no actual value was found for the argument "Logger".
at org.eclipse.e4.core.internal.di.InjectorImpl.reportUnresolvedArgument(
at org.eclipse.e4.core.internal.di.InjectorImpl.resolveRequestorArgs(
at org.eclipse.e4.core.internal.di.InjectorImpl.inject(
at org.eclipse.e4.core.internal.di.InjectorImpl.internalMake(
at org.eclipse.e4.core.internal.di.InjectorImpl.make(
at org.eclipse.e4.core.contexts.ContextInjectionFactory.make(
[Updated on: Wed, 10 December 2014 19:52] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: Setup to include for @ContextValue annotation [message #1507161 is a reply to message #1507152] |
Thu, 11 December 2014 11:19   |
Eclipse User |
It's good you managed to get it working but for e(fx)clipse it does not
make sense to host those forked bundles - e(fx)clipse requires Java8 in
all areas so downgrading to Java6/7 is not really useful to our main
user group who are JavaFX-Application devs.
Feel free to keep them at github and sync them from time to time when we
move forward ;-)
On 11.12.14 12:06, Andrea Richiardi wrote:
> Hello Tom, would like to have an opinion on my refactoring, and if you
> want to help me testing it (especially the new org...di.javafx).
> Would it make sense to have a separate repo with these bundles just for DI?
Re: Setup to include for @ContextValue annotation [message #1507320 is a reply to message #1507161] |
Thu, 11 December 2014 14:18   |
Eclipse User |
I understand it is not your use case at all, nonetheless I would not feel very comfortable in putting my name on some Maven artifact as it was not at all my merit 
You are not even interested in putting these modified packages under a *.j7 package on and delegating the maintenance to me?
Re: Setup to include for @ContextValue annotation [message #1507678 is a reply to message #1507320] |
Thu, 11 December 2014 21:10   |
Eclipse User |
On 11.12.14 15:18, Andrea Richiardi wrote:
> I understand it is not your use case at all, nonetheless I would not
> feel very comfortable in putting my name on some Maven artifact as it
> was not at all my merit :)
As long as you keep all the copyright and attribution in place and
follow the EPL you are free to do anything with the work. That's the
nature of OpenSource when released under EPL ;-)
> You are not even interested in putting these modified packages under a
> *.j7 package on and delegating the maintenance to me?
This would require me to make you a committer on the project and I'd
like to keep the focus on e(fx)clipse which is enough work already. If
you add features in future I'd appreciate if you file upstream requests.
Re: Setup to include for @ContextValue annotation [message #1512633 is a reply to message #1512400] |
Mon, 15 December 2014 22:52   |
Eclipse User |
Is the DS-Bundle loaded?
On 15.12.14 19:17, Andrea Richiardi wrote:
> Hi Tom, as I told you, I have a question :blush: I am trying to make
> your tests working but I keep receiving the error:
> testSimpleInjection(....addons.di.context.tests.ContextBoundValueTestCase)
> Time elapsed: 0.006 sec <<< ERROR!
> org.eclipse.e4.core.di.InjectionException: Could not find satisfiable
> constructor in .....di.context.internal.EclipseContextBoundValue
> I debugged from using the JUnit Plugin Test launch cofiguration and it
> looks like it cannot find AdapterService, during the injection of:
> @Inject
> public EclipseContextBoundValue(@NonNull IEclipseContext context,
> @NonNull AdapterService adapterService) {
> this.context = context;
> this.adapterService = adapterService;
> }
> Any hint on why it failes?
Re: Setup to include for @ContextValue annotation [message #1513390 is a reply to message #1512633] |
Tue, 16 December 2014 13:41   |
Eclipse User |
Thanks for answering Tom, I now have your tests with ContextValue working!
As you suggested in another Eclipse's forum thread, I also had to set a Logger in the context or the IEventBroker was not getting its dependencies filled.
I have another problem on the othe test case, the one with @Adapt. It throws:
testAdapt(com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons.di.context.AdaptSupplierTestCase) Time elapsed: 0.078 sec <<< ERROR!
org.eclipse.e4.core.di.InjectionException: Unable to process "Bean.integerValue": no actual value was found for the argument "Integer[@com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons.adapter.Adapt(),@javax.inject.Named(value=test)]".
I checked that both Providers and di.context.internal.AdaptValueSupplier are present but still it fails in
private Object[] InjectorImpl.resolveArgs(...) {
// 6) post process
for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.length; i++) {
// check that values are of a correct type
if (!descriptorsClass.isAssignableFrom(actualArgs[i].getClass()))
it gets here --> actualArgs[i] = IInjector.NOT_A_VALUE;
Basically it finds the value "test" but never converts it to the desired type, so for instance here descriptorsClass is Integer but actualArgs[i].getClass() returns a String and of course the check fails. I think both tests can be fixed in e(fx)clipse as well, that is why I am trying to make them work.
Here is what services are running:
Components in bundle com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons:
ID State Component Name Located in bundle
1 Registered com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons.jlogger com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons(bid=8)
2 Registered com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons.adapter.adapterservice com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons(bid=8)
3 Registered com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons.di.context.loggersupplier com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons(bid=8)
4 Registered com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons.di.context.observableadapter com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons(bid=8)
5 Active com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons.di.context.dateformatter com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons(bid=8)
6 Registered com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons.di.context.valuesupplier com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons(bid=8)
7 Active com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons.di.context.localeprovider com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons(bid=8)
8 Active com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons.di.context.numberformatter com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons(bid=8)
9 Registered com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons.di.context.adaptsupplier com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons(bid=8)
10 Active com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons.di.context.temporalaccessformatter com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons(bid=8)
11 Active com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons.di.context.scopedobjectfactoryfunction com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons(bid=8)
12 Active com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons.tests.stringDoubleProvider com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons.tests(bid=9)
13 Active com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons.tests.stringIntegerProvider com.andrearichiardi.eclipse.addons.tests(bid=9)
[Updated on: Tue, 16 December 2014 17:30] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: Setup to include for @ContextValue annotation [message #1513628 is a reply to message #1513390] |
Tue, 16 December 2014 17:57   |
Eclipse User |
It looks like the primary supplier used for the object is org.eclipse.e4.core.internal.contexts.ContextObjectSupplier, shouldn't it be AdaptValueSupplier ? I cannot understand why it gets the other one...
I found it.. somehow the Named annotation takes precedence over Adapt.
It is evident when putting a breakpoint in AdaptValueSupplier, removing the Named annotation.
static class Bean {
Integer integerValue;
As you can see, now the code enters in the AdaptValueSupplier.get.
You can also see this in InjectorImpl.resolveArgs where the step 3) use the primary supplier will fill up the dependency, leaving no space to other suppliers.
[Updated on: Tue, 16 December 2014 18:26] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: Setup to include for @ContextValue annotation [message #1513815 is a reply to message #1513628] |
Tue, 16 December 2014 21:39   |
Eclipse User |
Yes it should be "AdaptValueSupplier" and my test suite runs fine!
On 16.12.14 18:57, Andrea Richiardi wrote:
> It looks like the primary supplier used for the object is
> org.eclipse.e4.core.internal.contexts.ContextObjectSupplier, shouldn't
> it be AdaptValueSupplier ? I cannot understand why it gets the other one...
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