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Eclipse configuration for external JS files [message #1419088] Mon, 08 September 2014 04:40
Eclipse UserFriend
Dear All,

I want to configure Eclipse Kepler ide to run the WebGL program in the browser. At the bear minimum there are simply 2 files one for the HTML(test.htm) and another where the JavaScript is defined (FirstJS.js). Creating the program from Eclipse JavaScript templates and adding those files should be enough the script to run, but doesn't run and doesn't produce any error, so I have a no way of guessing what is wrong.

My best guess is: JS couldn't locate the declaration/definition of referenced classes OSG, viewer, etc.. which are refered at the main body of JS program normally those are defined as external resources to the javascript like shown below in test.HTM file.

But is it enough to define them that way or do I have to make more configuration to point out the Eclipse IDE where the external files rest? Such as defining the External library location in Project properties.

  • Attachment: FirstJS.js
    (Size: 2.34KB, Downloaded 230 times)
  • Attachment: test.htm
    (Size: 0.71KB, Downloaded 192 times)
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