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Home » Eclipse Projects » GEF » Unexpected entries in the tool bar
Unexpected entries in the tool bar [message #204904] Thu, 08 December 2005 14:26
Eclipse UserFriend
We are experiencing this problem with our editors and found out that the
same problem is reproducable using the gef examples.
Here is how to reproduce:
Launch the runtime workspace
Create a new java project, Examples Project
Right click on the Examples Project and select New >> Example... >> GEF
>> Flow Diagram
Repeat the previous step but this time select GEF >> Logic Diagram
Open the emptyModel1.logic
Observe the change to the tool bar
Open the flowExample1.flow
Observe the change to the tool bar
Now, with both editors open and the flow editor in focus, close the
runtime workspace.
Reopen the runtime workspace
Observe the change to the tool bar, the tool bar contains the combined
entries for both editors
Select the logic editor tab and the tool bar is back to normal
This problem only happens on launch of the runtime workspace and only
when the editor in focus is not the one that was opened first.
This is causing a problem with out tool since our editors add a number
of entries each to the tool bar.
Is there a solution to this problem?
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