absolute paths in ._trace files [message #1214968] |
Wed, 27 November 2013 23:06  |
Eclipse User |
If I run the Xtend standalone compiler in the headless build (with
Buckminster), the corresponding .java._trace files contain a reference
to the original xtend file with an absolute path (starting with
file:/home/...). This happens in spite of the compiler being called
with command line argument: "-d xtend-gen src".
This way, the corresponding generated source bundles are not very
useful, since you can't inspect the source of a Java class generated
from an xtend file (Eclipse will show an empty file in the editor). Of
course you can manually open the corresponding .xtend file in the source
bundle but that's not convenient.
This does not happen if the xtend compilation takes place in the
workbench: the .java._trace files contain a reference to the original
xtend file with a relative path, and the corresponding source bundles
can be efficiently used.
Any clue about this issue?
thanks in advance
Lorenzo Bettini, PhD in Computer Science, DI, Univ. Torino
HOME: http://www.lorenzobettini.it
Xtext Book:
Re: absolute paths in ._trace files [message #1744807 is a reply to message #1219025] |
Fri, 30 September 2016 10:39   |
Eclipse User |
I have a similar issue.
When building a maven module which uses xtext-maven-plugin for code generation the created *java._trace files contains a String like
When building it in eclipse the same *java._trace contains "com/.."
I have no idea how this trace thing works, but it seems to be the cause of my problem, that in some cases the F3 (Open Declaration) does not work.
When I debug into org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.ui.editor.XbaseResourceForEditorInputFactory.createResource(IClassFile classFile) I get an uri
"C:/../maven/../emulator.topology-0.0.10-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar!/Jenkins/workspace/emulator%20nightly%20build/emulator.topology/src/main/java/com/.." which does not exists.
I see that your issue has been solved, but I do not know what I have to do.
Could you please help me?
Re: absolute paths in ._trace files [message #1745003 is a reply to message #1744941] |
Tue, 04 October 2016 06:58   |
Eclipse User |
Thanks for your answer, yes it was a long time ago, and it took me one day to find this thread 
I am using xtext 2.9.2 . The grammer was originally created with 2.8.2. (I am not sure whether the issue accorded with 2.8.2)
Any hint welcome.
Re: absolute paths in ._trace files [message #1745008 is a reply to message #1745003] |
Tue, 04 October 2016 07:51   |
Eclipse User |
oh oh... I've just checked one of such generated files in my Jenkins, with 2.10, and I can confirm your behavior for generated files with xtext-maven-plugin.
The original bug was for Xtend, and that was fixed.
But the problem seems in xtext-maven-plugin... probably you should issue a new bug
Re: absolute paths in ._trace files [message #1745016 is a reply to message #1745011] |
Tue, 04 October 2016 08:36   |
Eclipse User |
Probably I spoke too fast: in my case the culprit could be using an absolute path
I can't check it right now, but please check if you're doing the same in your xtext-maven-plugin configuration.
Re: absolute paths in ._trace files [message #1745017 is a reply to message #1745016] |
Tue, 04 October 2016 08:41   |
Eclipse User |
I have the same lines in my pom.xml
When I change it to
Nothing happens.
[Updated on: Tue, 04 October 2016 09:39] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: absolute paths in ._trace files [message #1745099 is a reply to message #1745029] |
Wed, 05 October 2016 07:41   |
Eclipse User |
changing the source folder location is not an option for me.
I did a dirty work around which seems to work for me.
import java.util.HashSet
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource
import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.trace.AbsoluteURI
import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.trace.DefaultTraceURIConverter
import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.trace.ITraceURIConverter
import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.trace.SourceRelativeURI
import org.eclipse.xtext.workspace.IProjectConfig
class DomainTraceUriConverter extends DefaultTraceURIConverter implements ITraceURIConverter {
override getURIForTrace(IProjectConfig projectConfig, AbsoluteURI absoluteURI) {
super.getURIForTrace(projectConfig, absoluteURI).convertToSourceUri
override getURIForTrace(Resource resource) {
def SourceRelativeURI convertToSourceUri (SourceRelativeURI uri)
val segementList = uri.URI.segmentsList
val HashSet<Integer> mainIndexes = newHashSet()
val HashSet<Integer> srcIndexes = newHashSet()
val HashSet<Integer> javaIndexes = newHashSet()
for (index: 0 ..< segementList.size)
if ("main".equals(segementList.get(index)))
mainIndexes.add (index)
} else if ("src".equals(segementList.get(index)))
srcIndexes.add (index)
} else if ("java".equals(segementList.get(index)))
javaIndexes.add (index)
val convertedUri = javaIndexes.filter[javaIndex|
val srcUri = segementList.subList(javaIndex+1, segementList.size)
val String[] strArray = newArrayOfSize(srcUri.size)
val segementsArray = srcUri.toArray(strArray)
new SourceRelativeURI(URI.createHierarchicalURI(segementsArray, null, null))
if (convertedUri !== null)
println('''convertUri «uri.toString» -> «convertedUri.toString»''')
} else
println('''not converted Uri «uri.toString»''')
and bound it in in RuntimeModule
def Class<? extends ITraceURIConverter> bindITraceURIConverter(){
// println("bind ITraceURIConverter to "+DomainTraceUriConverter.name)
Something like this should to be done in the xtext-maven-plugin as he has the information of the source roots.
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