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Home » Language IDEs » ServerTools (WTP) » Change in Deployment Assembly behaviour?
Change in Deployment Assembly behaviour? [message #938186] Tue, 09 October 2012 16:35
Eclipse UserFriend
I have a suite of applications that share a common core. Certain infrastructure tables, JPA objects, and JSF portlets are stored in a set of projects called "Common-*" (e.g. "Common-EJB", "Common-Web", and more).

Up to now, I have been using the Deployment Assembly to merge the output of the Common-* projects with the applications. For example, the Deployment Assembly in App1-EJB has a fileset entry defined as follows:

Root Directory: /Common-EJB/build/classes
Includes: **
Excludes: META-INF/
Deploy Path: (blank)

Until now, this has worked beautifully: EJB projects, web projects, application client projects, etc. have all been built exactly as I needed them to be for development purposes (I have Ant scripts that take care of my production environment).

I upgraded to Juno this morning and no matter how hard I try I can't get the classes from my Common-* projects into the resulting deployment archive. Has something changed in the Deployment Assembly? If so, for what purpose?

And before anyone suggests that What I Really Should Do is package the Common-* projects as libraries, I need them to be first-class objects in the resulting archives, for the very simple reason that they contain annotations that can only or should only be processed on first-class objects. Common-EJB contains JPA-annotated objects that have database presence in the application EJB projects, Common-Web contains JSF-annotated objects that have UI presence in the application web projects, and so on.

Deployment Assemby was, until today, a wonderful tool for organizing my projects in exactly the way that made the most sense for me and my team. I would hate to lose it.
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