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Home » Eclipse Projects » Rich Client Platform (RCP) » FieldEditors in a view - GridLayout gets messed up
FieldEditors in a view - GridLayout gets messed up [message #464583] Sun, 11 March 2007 10:36
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

I hope this is the correct group for posting this question.

The issue is this: I need, for various reasons, to create a preference
_view_, not a page, and I thought using the various subclasses of
FieldEditor would make sense also in this case. What I don't understand,
though, is that no matter how many columns I configure the parent
composite with, it seems to always end up with _two_.

I'm quite new to GUI programming, so am I misunderstanding how these are
supposed to be filled into the GridLayout? I have added the code to this
posting, as well as a link to a pastebin (for syntax highlighting ;) and
an image of the resulting view.


public class ConfigurationView extends ViewPart {
public static final String ID =
"edos.distribution.rcp.configuration.views.configurationview ";
private Composite composite;

public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {
composite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
composite.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, false));

// Peer type
RadioGroupFieldEditor peerType = new RadioGroupFieldEditor(
"Peer type",
new String[][] {
{"Client", "client"},
{"Mirror", "mirror"},
{"Publisher", "publisher"}
peerType.fillIntoGrid(composite, 3);

// Path do repositories
DirectoryFieldEditor repositoryPath = new DirectoryFieldEditor(
"Release repository path",
repositoryPath.fillIntoGrid(composite, 3);

FieldEditor publisherIP = new StringFieldEditor(
"Publisher IP Address",
publisherIP.fillIntoGrid(composite, 3);


public void setFocus() {

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