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multiple namespaces in one editor supported? [message #411923] Fri, 10 August 2007 09:09 Go to next message
Rene Ladan is currently offline Rene LadanFriend
Messages: 51
Registered: July 2009

say I have metamodel A with namespace http://mm.A/ which is a superset
of metamodel B with namespace http://mm.B/ .

If I generate an EMF editor using namespace A, it can by default not
read legacy files which were serialized using namespace B, unless I
manually edit the files to point to namespace A.

Is there a way to support both namespaces in the same editor? An
alternative would be to rename namespace A to B and regenerate the
editor (and merge all the manual code...). The legacy files cannot be
changed since they have to work with another EMF tool.

Re: multiple namespaces in one editor supported? [message #411924 is a reply to message #411923] Fri, 10 August 2007 09:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Rene Ladan is currently offline Rene LadanFriend
Messages: 51
Registered: July 2009
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Rene Ladan wrote:
> Hi,
> say I have metamodel A with namespace http://mm.A/ which is a superset
> of metamodel B with namespace http://mm.B/ .
> If I generate an EMF editor using namespace A, it can by default not
> read legacy files which were serialized using namespace B, unless I
> manually edit the files to point to namespace A.
> Is there a way to support both namespaces in the same editor? An
> alternative would be to rename namespace A to B and regenerate the
> editor (and merge all the manual code...). The legacy files cannot be
> changed since they have to work with another EMF tool.
Forgot to attach the error log...

> Regards,
> Rene

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Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
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b3JnLmVjbGlwc2UuY29yZS5ydW50aW1lLkFzc2VydGlvbkZhaWxlZEV4Y2Vw dGlvbjogYXNz
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MTc1KQ0KCWF0IG9yZy5lY2xpcHNlLmpkdC51aS5hY3Rpb25zLlNlbGVjdGlv bkRpc3BhdGNo
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ZS5qZHQuaW50ZXJuYWwudWkucGFja2FnZXZpZXcuUGFja2FnZUV4cGxvcmVy QWN0aW9uR3Jv
dXAuaGFuZGxlT3BlbihQYWNrYWdlRXhwbG9yZXJBY3Rpb25Hcm91cC5qYXZh OjMxNikNCglh
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bm5lci5ydW4oU2FmZVJ1bm5lci5qYXZhOjM3KQ0KCWF0IG9yZy5lY2xpcHNl LmNvcmUucnVu
dGltZS5QbGF0Zm9ybS5ydW4oUGxhdGZvcm0uamF2YTo4NTcpDQoJYXQgb3Jn LmVjbGlwc2Uu
Zy5lY2xpcHNlLmpmYWNlLnV0aWwuU2FmZVJ1bm5hYmxlLnJ1bihTYWZlUnVu bmFibGUuamF2
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dCBvcmcuZWNsaXBzZS5qZmFjZS51dGlsLk9wZW5TdHJhdGVneS5maXJlT3Bl bkV2ZW50KE9w
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NTMpDQoJYXQgb3JnLmVjbGlwc2UuY29yZS5ydW50aW1lLmludGVybmFsLmFk YXB0b3IuRWNs
aXBzZUFwcExhdW5jaGVyLnJ1bkFwcGxpY2F0aW9uKEVjbGlwc2VBcHBMYXVu Y2hlci5qYXZh
OjEwNikNCglhdCBvcmcuZWNsaXBzZS5jb3JlLnJ1bnRpbWUuaW50ZXJuYWwu YWRhcHRvci5F
Y2xpcHNlQXBwTGF1bmNoZXIuc3RhcnQoRWNsaXBzZUFwcExhdW5jaGVyLmph dmE6NzYpDQoJ
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KEVjbGlwc2VTdGFydGVyLmphdmE6MzYzKQ0KCWF0IG9yZy5lY2xpcHNlLmNv cmUucnVudGlt
ZS5hZGFwdG9yLkVjbGlwc2VTdGFydGVyLnJ1bihFY2xpcHNlU3RhcnRlci5q YXZhOjE3NikN
CglhdCBzdW4ucmVmbGVjdC5OYXRpdmVNZXRob2RBY2Nlc3NvckltcGwuaW52 b2tlMChOYXRp
Re: multiple namespaces in one editor supported? [message #411926 is a reply to message #411924] Fri, 10 August 2007 11:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ed Merks is currently offline Ed MerksFriend
Messages: 33141
Registered: July 2009
Senior Member

The error log doesn't show anything useful. Perhaps the problem would
be solved simply by registering A for both namespaces, e.g.,

<extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package">
uri = ""
class = "com.example.library.LibraryPackage"

<extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package">
uri = ""
class = "com.example.library.LibraryPackage"
genModel = "model/library.genmodel" />

Rene Ladan wrote:
> Rene Ladan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> say I have metamodel A with namespace http://mm.A/ which is a
>> superset of metamodel B with namespace http://mm.B/ .
>> If I generate an EMF editor using namespace A, it can by default not
>> read legacy files which were serialized using namespace B, unless I
>> manually edit the files to point to namespace A.
>> Is there a way to support both namespaces in the same editor? An
>> alternative would be to rename namespace A to B and regenerate the
>> editor (and merge all the manual code...). The legacy files cannot
>> be changed since they have to work with another EMF tool.
> Forgot to attach the error log...
>> Regards,
>> Rene

Ed Merks
Professional Support:
Re: multiple namespaces in one editor supported? [message #411930 is a reply to message #411926] Fri, 10 August 2007 12:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Rene Ladan is currently offline Rene LadanFriend
Messages: 51
Registered: July 2009
Hi Ed,

your suggestion works fine.


Ed Merks wrote:
> Rene,
> The error log doesn't show anything useful. Perhaps the problem would
> be solved simply by registering A for both namespaces, e.g.,
> <extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package">
> <package
> uri = ""
> class = "com.example.library.LibraryPackage"
> </extension>
> <extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package">
> <package
> uri = ""
> class = "com.example.library.LibraryPackage"
> genModel = "model/library.genmodel" />
> </extension>
> Rene Ladan wrote:
>> Rene Ladan wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> say I have metamodel A with namespace http://mm.A/ which is a
>>> superset of metamodel B with namespace http://mm.B/ .
>>> If I generate an EMF editor using namespace A, it can by default not
>>> read legacy files which were serialized using namespace B, unless I
>>> manually edit the files to point to namespace A.
>>> Is there a way to support both namespaces in the same editor? An
>>> alternative would be to rename namespace A to B and regenerate the
>>> editor (and merge all the manual code...). The legacy files cannot
>>> be changed since they have to work with another EMF tool.
>> Forgot to attach the error log...
>>> Regards,
>>> Rene
Re: multiple namespaces in one editor supported? [message #411959 is a reply to message #411926] Mon, 13 August 2007 11:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Rene Ladan is currently offline Rene LadanFriend
Messages: 51
Registered: July 2009
Hi all,

I've added Eds suggestion and some further experiences to the new EMF
recipe wiki.


Ed Merks wrote:
> Rene,
> [...] Perhaps the problem would
> be solved simply by registering A for both namespaces, e.g.,
> <extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package">
> <package
> uri = ""
> class = "com.example.library.LibraryPackage"
> </extension>
> <extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package">
> <package
> uri = ""
> class = "com.example.library.LibraryPackage"
> genModel = "model/library.genmodel" />
> </extension>
> Rene Ladan wrote:
>> Rene Ladan wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> say I have metamodel A with namespace http://mm.A/ which is a
>>> superset of metamodel B with namespace http://mm.B/ .
>>> If I generate an EMF editor using namespace A, it can by default not
>>> read legacy files which were serialized using namespace B, unless I
>>> manually edit the files to point to namespace A.
>>> Is there a way to support both namespaces in the same editor? An
>>> alternative would be to rename namespace A to B and regenerate the
>>> editor (and merge all the manual code...). The legacy files cannot
>>> be changed since they have to work with another EMF tool.
>>> Regards,
>>> Rene
Re: multiple namespaces in one editor supported? [message #423530 is a reply to message #411959] Wed, 01 October 2008 19:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Vasanth Velusamy is currently offline Vasanth VelusamyFriend
Messages: 31
Registered: July 2009

I am trying to register multiple uris to the same package. As you had
described in this thread, and yet another thread, I included an
additional extension contribution (for
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package) for a new uri, but that didn't
seem to be enough. When I attempted to open a file with the new
namespace, I received a FeatureNotFoundException (full stack trace in
attachement). Without this contribution, I received an exception similar
to what the thread owner received initially (AssertionFailedException).
So I would assume that the new extension contribution is being used.

I did a search for the old namespace in all three projects (model, edit
and editor) and found them used in the following places:

* my schema file
* my ecore file
* plugin.xml in model project
* plugin.xml in edit project (used in contributing to extension point
org.eclipse.emf.edit.itemProviderAdapterFactories. Should there be
additional contributions for the new URI here as well? I tried it but
didn't seem to help.)

I changed XXXPackage.eNS_URI to point to the new URI. Obviously, with
this change, the editor worked for the new URI but not the old URI.

So, I am wondering if I am missing any additional step to get the editor
to work with multiple uris, or if something broke. For example, should I
have another ecore for the new namespace? I am using EMF 2.3.1.


Rene Ladan wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've added Eds suggestion and some further experiences to the new EMF
> recipe wiki.
> Regards,
> Rene
> Ed Merks wrote:
>> Rene,
>> [...] Perhaps the problem would be solved simply by registering A for
>> both namespaces, e.g.,
>> <extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package">
>> <package
>> uri = ""
>> class = "com.example.library.LibraryPackage"
>> </extension>
>> <extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package">
>> <package
>> uri = ""
>> class = "com.example.library.LibraryPackage"
>> genModel = "model/library.genmodel" />
>> </extension>
>> Rene Ladan wrote:
>>> Rene Ladan wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> say I have metamodel A with namespace http://mm.A/ which is a
>>>> superset of metamodel B with namespace http://mm.B/ .
>>>> If I generate an EMF editor using namespace A, it can by default not
>>>> read legacy files which were serialized using namespace B, unless I
>>>> manually edit the files to point to namespace A.
>>>> Is there a way to support both namespaces in the same editor? An
>>>> alternative would be to rename namespace A to B and regenerate the
>>>> editor (and merge all the manual code...). The legacy files cannot
>>>> be changed since they have to work with another EMF tool.
> [...]
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Rene
Re: multiple namespaces in one editor supported? [message #423532 is a reply to message #423530] Wed, 01 October 2008 19:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Vasanth Velusamy is currently offline Vasanth VelusamyFriend
Messages: 31
Registered: July 2009
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Adding missing attachment.


Vasanth Velusamy wrote:
> Ed,
> I am trying to register multiple uris to the same package. As you had
> described in this thread, and yet another thread, I included an
> additional extension contribution (for
> org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package) for a new uri, but that didn't
> seem to be enough. When I attempted to open a file with the new
> namespace, I received a FeatureNotFoundException (full stack trace in
> attachement). Without this contribution, I received an exception similar
> to what the thread owner received initially (AssertionFailedException).
> So I would assume that the new extension contribution is being used.
> I did a search for the old namespace in all three projects (model, edit
> and editor) and found them used in the following places:
> * my schema file
> * my ecore file
> *
> *
> * plugin.xml in model project
> * plugin.xml in edit project (used in contributing to extension point
> org.eclipse.emf.edit.itemProviderAdapterFactories. Should there be
> additional contributions for the new URI here as well? I tried it but
> didn't seem to help.)
> I changed XXXPackage.eNS_URI to point to the new URI. Obviously, with
> this change, the editor worked for the new URI but not the old URI.
> So, I am wondering if I am missing any additional step to get the editor
> to work with multiple uris, or if something broke. For example, should I
> have another ecore for the new namespace? I am using EMF 2.3.1.
> Thanks,
> Vasanth
> Rene Ladan wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've added Eds suggestion and some further experiences to the new EMF
>> recipe wiki.
>> Regards,
>> Rene
>> Ed Merks wrote:
>>> Rene,
>>> [...] Perhaps the problem would be solved simply by registering A
>>> for both namespaces, e.g.,
>>> <extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package">
>>> <package
>>> uri = ""
>>> class = "com.example.library.LibraryPackage"
>>> </extension>
>>> <extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package">
>>> <package
>>> uri = ""
>>> class = "com.example.library.LibraryPackage"
>>> genModel = "model/library.genmodel" />
>>> </extension>
>>> Rene Ladan wrote:
>>>> Rene Ladan wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> say I have metamodel A with namespace http://mm.A/ which is a
>>>>> superset of metamodel B with namespace http://mm.B/ .
>>>>> If I generate an EMF editor using namespace A, it can by default
>>>>> not read legacy files which were serialized using namespace B,
>>>>> unless I manually edit the files to point to namespace A.
>>>>> Is there a way to support both namespaces in the same editor? An
>>>>> alternative would be to rename namespace A to B and regenerate the
>>>>> editor (and merge all the manual code...). The legacy files cannot
>>>>> be changed since they have to work with another EMF tool.
>> [...]
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Rene

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b3JnLmVjbGlwc2UuZW1mLmVjb3JlLnhtaS5GZWF0dXJlTm90Rm91bmRFeGNl cHRpb246IEZl
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L015TmV3LnNhbXBsZXYxLCAyLCA3NykNCglhdCBvcmcuZWNsaXBzZS5lbWYu ZWNvcmUueG1p
LmltcGwuWE1MSGFuZGxlci5yZXBvcnRVbmtub3duRmVhdHVyZShYTUxIYW5k bGVyLmphdmE6
MTg1NikNCglhdCBvcmcuZWNsaXBzZS5lbWYuZWNvcmUueG1pLmltcGwuWE1M SGFuZGxlci5o
YW5kbGVVbmtub3duRmVhdHVyZShYTUxIYW5kbGVyLmphdmE6MTgyMCkNCglh dCBvcmcuZWNs
aXBzZS5lbWYuZWNvcmUueG1pLmltcGwuWE1MSGFuZGxlci5oYW5kbGVGZWF0 dXJlKFhNTEhh
bmRsZXIuamF2YToxNzY0KQ0KCWF0IG9yZy5lY2xpcHNlLmVtZi5lY29yZS54 bWkuaW1wbC5Y
dCBvcmcuZWNsaXBzZS5lbWYuZWNvcmUueG1pLmltcGwuWE1MSGFuZGxlci5j cmVhdGVPYmpl
b3JlLnhtaS5pbXBsLlhNTEhhbmRsZXIuY3JlYXRlVG9wT2JqZWN0KFhNTEhh bmRsZXIuamF2
YToxMzM2KQ0KCWF0IG9yZy5lY2xpcHNlLmVtZi5lY29yZS54bWkuaW1wbC5Y TUxIYW5kbGVy
LnByb2Nlc3NFbGVtZW50KFhNTEhhbmRsZXIuamF2YTo5NzApDQoJYXQgb3Jn LmVjbGlwc2Uu
ZW1mLmVjb3JlLnhtaS5pbXBsLlhNTEhhbmRsZXIuc3RhcnRFbGVtZW50KFhN TEhhbmRsZXIu
amF2YTo5NTMpDQoJYXQgb3JnLmVjbGlwc2UuZW1mLmVjb3JlLnhtaS5pbXBs LlhNTEhhbmRs
ZXIuc3RhcnRFbGVtZW50KFhNTEhhbmRsZXIuamF2YTo2ODQpDQoJYXQgY29t LnN1bi5vcmcu
YXBhY2hlLnhlcmNlcy5pbnRlcm5hbC5wYXJzZXJzLkFic3RyYWN0U0FYUGFy c2VyLnN0YXJ0
RWxlbWVudChVbmtub3duIFNvdXJjZSkNCglhdCBjb20uc3VuLm9yZy5hcGFj aGUueGVyY2Vz
LmludGVybmFsLnBhcnNlcnMuQWJzdHJhY3RYTUxEb2N1bWVudFBhcnNlci5l bXB0eUVsZW1l
bnQoVW5rbm93biBTb3VyY2UpDQoJYXQgY29tLnN1bi5vcmcuYXBhY2hlLnhl cmNlcy5pbnRl
cm5hbC5pbXBsLmR0ZC5YTUxEVERWYWxpZGF0b3IuZW1wdHlFbGVtZW50KFVu a25vd24gU291
b2N1bWVudEZyYWdtZW50U2Nhbm5lckltcGwuc2NhblN0YXJ0RWxlbWVudChV bmtub3duIFNv
dXJjZSkNCglhdCBjb20uc3VuLm9yZy5hcGFjaGUueGVyY2VzLmludGVybmFs LmltcGwuWE1M
RG9jdW1lbnRTY2FubmVySW1wbCRDb250ZW50RGlzcGF0Y2hlci5zY2FuUm9v dEVsZW1lbnRI
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Zy5hcGFjaGUueGVyY2VzLmludGVybmFsLmltcGwuWE1MRG9jdW1lbnRGcmFn bWVudFNjYW5u
ZXJJbXBsLnNjYW5Eb2N1bWVudChVbmtub3duIFNvdXJjZSkNCglhdCBjb20u c3VuLm9yZy5h
cGFjaGUueGVyY2VzLmludGVybmFsLnBhcnNlcnMuWE1MMTFDb25maWd1cmF0 aW9uLnBhcnNl
KFVua25vd24gU291cmNlKQ0KCWF0IGNvbS5zdW4ub3JnLmFwYWNoZS54ZXJj ZXMuaW50ZXJu
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Zy5lY2xpcHNlLmVtZi5lY29yZS5yZXNvdXJjZS5pbXBsLlJlc291cmNlU2V0 SW1wbC5kZW1h
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aW50ZXJuYWwuRWRpdG9yTWFuYWdlci5zZXRWaXNpYmxlRWRpdG9yKEVkaXRv ck1hbmFnZXIu
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NS5ydW5XaXRoRXhjZXB0aW9uKEVkaXRvck1hbmFnZXIuamF2YTo5MzkpDQoJ YXQgb3JnLmVj
bGlwc2UudWkuaW50ZXJuYWwuU3RhcnR1cFRocmVhZGluZyRTdGFydHVwUnVu bmFibGUucnVu
KFN0YXJ0dXBUaHJlYWRpbmcuamF2YTozMSkNCglhdCBvcmcuZWNsaXBzZS5z d3Qud2lkZ2V0
cy5SdW5uYWJsZUxvY2sucnVuKFJ1bm5hYmxlTG9jay5qYXZhOjM1KQ0KCWF0 IG9yZy5lY2xp
cHNlLnN3dC53aWRnZXRzLlN5bmNocm9uaXplci5ydW5Bc3luY01lc3NhZ2Vz KFN5bmNocm9u
aXplci5qYXZhOjEyMykNCglhdCBvcmcuZWNsaXBzZS5zd3Qud2lkZ2V0cy5E aXNwbGF5LnJ1
bkFzeW5jTWVzc2FnZXMoRGlzcGxheS5qYXZhOjM2NTkpDQoJYXQgb3JnLmVj bGlwc2Uuc3d0
LndpZGdldHMuRGlzcGxheS5yZWFkQW5kRGlzcGF0Y2goRGlzcGxheS5qYXZh OjMyOTYpDQoJ
YXQgb3JnLmVjbGlwc2UudWkuYXBwbGljYXRpb24uV29ya2JlbmNoQWR2aXNv ci5vcGVuV2lu
ZG93cyhXb3JrYmVuY2hBZHZpc29yLmphdmE6ODAxKQ0KCWF0IG9yZy5lY2xp cHNlLnVpLmlu
dGVybmFsLldvcmtiZW5jaCQyNS5ydW5XaXRoRXhjZXB0aW9uKFdvcmtiZW5j aC5qYXZhOjEz
NDIpDQoJYXQgb3JnLmVjbGlwc2UudWkuaW50ZXJuYWwuU3RhcnR1cFRocmVh ZGluZyRTdGFy
dHVwUnVubmFibGUucnVuKFN0YXJ0dXBUaHJlYWRpbmcuamF2YTozMSkNCglh dCBvcmcuZWNs
aXBzZS5zd3Qud2lkZ2V0cy5SdW5uYWJsZUxvY2sucnVuKFJ1bm5hYmxlTG9j ay5qYXZhOjM1
KQ0KCWF0IG9yZy5lY2xpcHNlLnN3dC53aWRnZXRzLlN5bmNocm9uaXplci5y dW5Bc3luY01l
c3NhZ2VzKFN5bmNocm9uaXplci5qYXZhOjEyMykNCglhdCBvcmcuZWNsaXBz ZS5zd3Qud2lk
Z2V0cy5EaXNwbGF5LnJ1bkFzeW5jTWVzc2FnZXMoRGlzcGxheS5qYXZhOjM2 NTkpDQoJYXQg
b3JnLmVjbGlwc2Uuc3d0LndpZGdldHMuRGlzcGxheS5yZWFkQW5kRGlzcGF0 Y2goRGlzcGxh
eS5qYXZhOjMyOTYpDQoJYXQgb3JnLmVjbGlwc2UudWkuaW50ZXJuYWwuV29y a2JlbmNoLnJ1
blVJKFdvcmtiZW5jaC5qYXZhOjIzMDkpDQoJYXQgb3JnLmVjbGlwc2UudWku aW50ZXJuYWwu
V29ya2JlbmNoLmFjY2VzcyQ0KFdvcmtiZW5jaC5qYXZhOjIyMTkpDQoJYXQg b3JnLmVjbGlw
c2UudWkuaW50ZXJuYWwuV29ya2JlbmNoJDQucnVuKFdvcmtiZW5jaC5qYXZh OjQ2NikNCglh
dCBvcmcuZWNsaXBzZS5jb3JlLmRhdGFiaW5kaW5nLm9ic2VydmFibGUuUmVh bG0ucnVuV2l0
aERlZmF1bHQoUmVhbG0uamF2YToyODgpDQoJYXQgb3JnLmVjbGlwc2UudWku aW50ZXJuYWwu
V29ya2JlbmNoLmNyZWF0ZUFuZFJ1bldvcmtiZW5jaChXb3JrYmVuY2guamF2 YTo0NjEpDQoJ
YXQgb3JnLmVjbGlwc2UudWkuUGxhdGZvcm1VSS5jcmVhdGVBbmRSdW5Xb3Jr YmVuY2goUGxh
dGZvcm1VSS5qYXZhOjE0OSkNCglhdCBvcmcuZWNsaXBzZS51aS5pbnRlcm5h bC5pZGUuYXBw
bGljYXRpb24uSURFQXBwbGljYXRpb24uc3RhcnQoSURFQXBwbGljYXRpb24u amF2YToxMDYp
DQoJYXQgb3JnLmVjbGlwc2UuZXF1aW5veC5pbnRlcm5hbC5hcHAuRWNsaXBz ZUFwcEhhbmRs
ZS5ydW4oRWNsaXBzZUFwcEhhbmRsZS5qYXZhOjE2OSkNCglhdCBvcmcuZWNs aXBzZS5jb3Jl
LnJ1bnRpbWUuaW50ZXJuYWwuYWRhcHRvci5FY2xpcHNlQXBwTGF1bmNoZXIu cnVuQXBwbGlj
YXRpb24oRWNsaXBzZUFwcExhdW5jaGVyLmphdmE6MTA2KQ0KCWF0IG9yZy5l Y2xpcHNlLmNv
cmUucnVudGltZS5pbnRlcm5hbC5hZGFwdG9yLkVjbGlwc2VBcHBMYXVuY2hl ci5zdGFydChF
Y2xpcHNlQXBwTGF1bmNoZXIuamF2YTo3NikNCglhdCBvcmcuZWNsaXBzZS5j b3JlLnJ1bnRp
bWUuYWRhcHRvci5FY2xpcHNlU3RhcnRlci5ydW4oRWNsaXBzZVN0YXJ0ZXIu amF2YTozNjMp
DQoJYXQgb3JnLmVjbGlwc2UuY29yZS5ydW50aW1lLmFkYXB0b3IuRWNsaXBz ZVN0YXJ0ZXIu
cnVuKEVjbGlwc2VTdGFydGVyLmphdmE6MTc2KQ0KCWF0IHN1bi5yZWZsZWN0 Lk5hdGl2ZU1l
dGhvZEFjY2Vzc29ySW1wbC5pbnZva2UwKE5hdGl2ZSBNZXRob2QpDQoJYXQg c3VuLnJlZmxl
Y3QuTmF0aXZlTWV0aG9kQWNjZXNzb3JJbXBsLmludm9rZShVbmtub3duIFNv dXJjZSkNCglh
dCBzdW4ucmVmbGVjdC5EZWxlZ2F0aW5nTWV0aG9kQWNjZXNzb3JJbXBsLmlu dm9rZShVbmtu
b3duIFNvdXJjZSkNCglhdCBqYXZhLmxhbmcucmVmbGVjdC5NZXRob2QuaW52 b2tlKFVua25v
d24gU291cmNlKQ0KCWF0IG9yZy5lY2xpcHNlLmVxdWlub3gubGF1bmNoZXIu TWFpbi5pbnZv
a2VGcmFtZXdvcmsoTWFpbi5qYXZhOjUwOCkNCglhdCBvcmcuZWNsaXBzZS5l cXVpbm94Lmxh
dW5jaGVyLk1haW4uYmFzaWNSdW4oTWFpbi5qYXZhOjQ0NykNCglhdCBvcmcu ZWNsaXBzZS5l
cXVpbm94LmxhdW5jaGVyLk1haW4ucnVuKE1haW4uamF2YToxMTczKQ0KCWF0 IG9yZy5lY2xp
cHNlLmVxdWlub3gubGF1bmNoZXIuTWFpbi5tYWluKE1haW4uamF2YToxMTQ4 KQ==
Re: multiple namespaces in one editor supported? [message #423533 is a reply to message #423530] Wed, 01 October 2008 20:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ed Merks is currently offline Ed MerksFriend
Messages: 33141
Registered: July 2009
Senior Member

In a schema based model, it's more complicated because the root
element's qualified name is looked up in the document root of the
EPackage for that namespace. So while the additional registration will
result in ExtendedMetaData.getPackage finding the right package, the
getElement method won't find the right element in the document root. I
think you'd need to create a specialized BasicExtendedMetaData instance
in your resource factory, in place of Boolean.TRUE, and override
getLocalElement to replace with "additional" namespace with the "actual"
namespace before calling super.

Vasanth Velusamy wrote:
> Ed,
> I am trying to register multiple uris to the same package. As you had
> described in this thread, and yet another thread, I included an
> additional extension contribution (for
> org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package) for a new uri, but that
> didn't seem to be enough. When I attempted to open a file with the
> new namespace, I received a FeatureNotFoundException (full stack trace
> in attachement). Without this contribution, I received an exception
> similar to what the thread owner received initially
> (AssertionFailedException). So I would assume that the new extension
> contribution is being used.
> I did a search for the old namespace in all three projects (model,
> edit and editor) and found them used in the following places:
> * my schema file
> * my ecore file
> *
> *
> * plugin.xml in model project
> * plugin.xml in edit project (used in contributing to extension point
> org.eclipse.emf.edit.itemProviderAdapterFactories. Should there be
> additional contributions for the new URI here as well? I tried it but
> didn't seem to help.)
> I changed XXXPackage.eNS_URI to point to the new URI. Obviously, with
> this change, the editor worked for the new URI but not the old URI.
> So, I am wondering if I am missing any additional step to get the
> editor to work with multiple uris, or if something broke. For example,
> should I have another ecore for the new namespace? I am using EMF 2.3.1.
> Thanks,
> Vasanth
> Rene Ladan wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've added Eds suggestion and some further experiences to the new EMF
>> recipe wiki.
>> Regards,
>> Rene
>> Ed Merks wrote:
>>> Rene,
>>> [...] Perhaps the problem would be solved simply by registering A
>>> for both namespaces, e.g.,
>>> <extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package">
>>> <package
>>> uri = ""
>>> class = "com.example.library.LibraryPackage"
>>> </extension>
>>> <extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package">
>>> <package
>>> uri = ""
>>> class = "com.example.library.LibraryPackage"
>>> genModel = "model/library.genmodel" />
>>> </extension>
>>> Rene Ladan wrote:
>>>> Rene Ladan wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> say I have metamodel A with namespace http://mm.A/ which is a
>>>>> superset of metamodel B with namespace http://mm.B/ .
>>>>> If I generate an EMF editor using namespace A, it can by default
>>>>> not read legacy files which were serialized using namespace B,
>>>>> unless I manually edit the files to point to namespace A.
>>>>> Is there a way to support both namespaces in the same editor? An
>>>>> alternative would be to rename namespace A to B and regenerate the
>>>>> editor (and merge all the manual code...). The legacy files
>>>>> cannot be changed since they have to work with another EMF tool.
>> [...]
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Rene

Ed Merks
Professional Support:
Re: multiple namespaces in one editor supported? [message #423670 is a reply to message #423533] Mon, 06 October 2008 14:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Vasanth Velusamy is currently offline Vasanth VelusamyFriend
Messages: 31
Registered: July 2009

In XXXResourceFactoryImpl.createResource(...), for default load options,
I set an instance of BasicExtendedMetaData that overrides
getLocalElement(...) to replace older schema namespace with the most
current one. It works. Thanks for the pointer.

However (isn't there always a however?), this essentially converts the
model to have the newer namespace. When I save the model, it writes out
the model to be in the new namespace. This is not what I desire. I
suppose I will just have to work around that. I am planning to remember
the actual namespace when the model was read in, and perform a namespace
conversion before writing it out, if needed.


Ed Merks wrote:
> Vasanth,
> In a schema based model, it's more complicated because the root
> element's qualified name is looked up in the document root of the
> EPackage for that namespace. So while the additional registration will
> result in ExtendedMetaData.getPackage finding the right package, the
> getElement method won't find the right element in the document root. I
> think you'd need to create a specialized BasicExtendedMetaData instance
> in your resource factory, in place of Boolean.TRUE, and override
> getLocalElement to replace with "additional" namespace with the "actual"
> namespace before calling super.
> Vasanth Velusamy wrote:
>> Ed,
>> I am trying to register multiple uris to the same package. As you had
>> described in this thread, and yet another thread, I included an
>> additional extension contribution (for
>> org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package) for a new uri, but that
>> didn't seem to be enough. When I attempted to open a file with the
>> new namespace, I received a FeatureNotFoundException (full stack trace
>> in attachement). Without this contribution, I received an exception
>> similar to what the thread owner received initially
>> (AssertionFailedException). So I would assume that the new extension
>> contribution is being used.
>> I did a search for the old namespace in all three projects (model,
>> edit and editor) and found them used in the following places:
>> * my schema file
>> * my ecore file
>> *
>> *
>> * plugin.xml in model project
>> * plugin.xml in edit project (used in contributing to extension point
>> org.eclipse.emf.edit.itemProviderAdapterFactories. Should there be
>> additional contributions for the new URI here as well? I tried it but
>> didn't seem to help.)
>> I changed XXXPackage.eNS_URI to point to the new URI. Obviously, with
>> this change, the editor worked for the new URI but not the old URI.
>> So, I am wondering if I am missing any additional step to get the
>> editor to work with multiple uris, or if something broke. For example,
>> should I have another ecore for the new namespace? I am using EMF 2.3.1.
>> Thanks,
>> Vasanth
>> Rene Ladan wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've added Eds suggestion and some further experiences to the new EMF
>>> recipe wiki.
>>> Regards,
>>> Rene
>>> Ed Merks wrote:
>>>> Rene,
>>>> [...] Perhaps the problem would be solved simply by registering A
>>>> for both namespaces, e.g.,
>>>> <extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package">
>>>> <package
>>>> uri = ""
>>>> class = "com.example.library.LibraryPackage"
>>>> </extension>
>>>> <extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package">
>>>> <package
>>>> uri = ""
>>>> class = "com.example.library.LibraryPackage"
>>>> genModel = "model/library.genmodel" />
>>>> </extension>
>>>> Rene Ladan wrote:
>>>>> Rene Ladan wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> say I have metamodel A with namespace http://mm.A/ which is a
>>>>>> superset of metamodel B with namespace http://mm.B/ .
>>>>>> If I generate an EMF editor using namespace A, it can by default
>>>>>> not read legacy files which were serialized using namespace B,
>>>>>> unless I manually edit the files to point to namespace A.
>>>>>> Is there a way to support both namespaces in the same editor? An
>>>>>> alternative would be to rename namespace A to B and regenerate the
>>>>>> editor (and merge all the manual code...). The legacy files
>>>>>> cannot be changed since they have to work with another EMF tool.
>>> [...]
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Rene
Re: multiple namespaces in one editor supported? [message #423745 is a reply to message #423670] Mon, 06 October 2008 14:45 Go to previous message
Ed Merks is currently offline Ed MerksFriend
Messages: 33141
Registered: July 2009
Senior Member

Comments below.

Vasanth Velusamy wrote:
> Ed,
> In XXXResourceFactoryImpl.createResource(...), for default load
> options, I set an instance of BasicExtendedMetaData that overrides
> getLocalElement(...) to replace older schema namespace with the most
> current one. It works. Thanks for the pointer.
> However (isn't there always a however?
Unfortunately yes. :-P
> ), this essentially converts the model to have the newer namespace.
> When I save the model, it writes out the model to be in the new namespace.
It generally uses the XyzPackage.getNsURI...
> This is not what I desire. I suppose I will just have to work around that.
When extended meta data is present, it will use methods like
getNamespace() to determine what to use.
> I am planning to remember the actual namespace when the model was read
> in, and perform a namespace conversion before writing it out, if needed.
The DocumentRoot's getXMLNSPrefixDeclarations will record information
about this. You might key your behavior off of that...
> Thanks,
> Vasanth
> Ed Merks wrote:
>> Vasanth,
>> In a schema based model, it's more complicated because the root
>> element's qualified name is looked up in the document root of the
>> EPackage for that namespace. So while the additional registration
>> will result in ExtendedMetaData.getPackage finding the right package,
>> the getElement method won't find the right element in the document
>> root. I think you'd need to create a specialized
>> BasicExtendedMetaData instance in your resource factory, in place of
>> Boolean.TRUE, and override getLocalElement to replace with
>> "additional" namespace with the "actual" namespace before calling super.
>> Vasanth Velusamy wrote:
>>> Ed,
>>> I am trying to register multiple uris to the same package. As you
>>> had described in this thread, and yet another thread, I included an
>>> additional extension contribution (for
>>> org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package) for a new uri, but that
>>> didn't seem to be enough. When I attempted to open a file with the
>>> new namespace, I received a FeatureNotFoundException (full stack
>>> trace in attachement). Without this contribution, I received an
>>> exception similar to what the thread owner received initially
>>> (AssertionFailedException). So I would assume that the new extension
>>> contribution is being used.
>>> I did a search for the old namespace in all three projects (model,
>>> edit and editor) and found them used in the following places:
>>> * my schema file
>>> * my ecore file
>>> *
>>> *
>>> * plugin.xml in model project
>>> * plugin.xml in edit project (used in contributing to extension
>>> point org.eclipse.emf.edit.itemProviderAdapterFactories. Should
>>> there be additional contributions for the new URI here as well? I
>>> tried it but didn't seem to help.)
>>> I changed XXXPackage.eNS_URI to point to the new URI. Obviously,
>>> with this change, the editor worked for the new URI but not the old
>>> URI.
>>> So, I am wondering if I am missing any additional step to get the
>>> editor to work with multiple uris, or if something broke. For
>>> example, should I have another ecore for the new namespace? I am
>>> using EMF 2.3.1.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Vasanth
>>> Rene Ladan wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I've added Eds suggestion and some further experiences to the new
>>>> EMF recipe wiki.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Rene
>>>> Ed Merks wrote:
>>>>> Rene,
>>>>> [...] Perhaps the problem would be solved simply by registering A
>>>>> for both namespaces, e.g.,
>>>>> <extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package">
>>>>> <package
>>>>> uri = ""
>>>>> class = "com.example.library.LibraryPackage"
>>>>> </extension>
>>>>> <extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package">
>>>>> <package
>>>>> uri = ""
>>>>> class = "com.example.library.LibraryPackage"
>>>>> genModel = "model/library.genmodel" />
>>>>> </extension>
>>>>> Rene Ladan wrote:
>>>>>> Rene Ladan wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> say I have metamodel A with namespace http://mm.A/ which is a
>>>>>>> superset of metamodel B with namespace http://mm.B/ .
>>>>>>> If I generate an EMF editor using namespace A, it can by default
>>>>>>> not read legacy files which were serialized using namespace B,
>>>>>>> unless I manually edit the files to point to namespace A.
>>>>>>> Is there a way to support both namespaces in the same editor?
>>>>>>> An alternative would be to rename namespace A to B and
>>>>>>> regenerate the editor (and merge all the manual code...). The
>>>>>>> legacy files cannot be changed since they have to work with
>>>>>>> another EMF tool.
>>>> [...]
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Rene

Ed Merks
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