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Formatter2 autowrap [message #1840454] Thu, 15 April 2021 16:31 Go to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Is there some trick to enable autowrap? It doesn't seem to work even with a simple DSL:
grammar org.xtext.example.mydsl.MyDsl with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals

generate myDsl ""
import "" as ecore


	name=ID ('(' parameter=ID ')')? '=' value=Expression;

	FeatureCall | Literal;


	target=[ecore::EObject|ID] ('(' argument=ID ')')?;

Boolean returns ecore::EString:
	'true' | 'false'

And its formatter:
class MyDslFormatter extends AbstractFormatter2 {
	@Inject extension MyDslGrammarAccess

	def dispatch void format(Model model, extension IFormattableDocument document) {
	def dispatch void format(VariableDefinition it, extension IFormattableDocument document){
		val extension access = variableDefinitionAccess
		regionFor.keyword(equalsSignKeyword_2).prepend[oneSpace].append[oneSpace autowrap]

Given this, the following test fails:
class MyDslFormattingTest {
	extension FormatterTestHelper

	def void loadModel() {
			request.preferences = new MapBasedPreferenceValues => [
				put(FormatterPreferenceKeys.maxLineWidth, 31)
			toBeFormatted = '''
				myThing = longggggggggggggggggggggggggg
			expectation = '''
				myThing =

Maybe I'm missing something but the only documentation I could find was these slides and it looks like this should work.
Re: Formatter2 autowrap [message #1840466 is a reply to message #1840454] Thu, 15 April 2021 20:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
you need some formatting after the stuff that should be autowrapped.
(am not sure if this is a bug or feature. so you may try

def dispatch void format(VariableDefinition it, extension IFormattableDocument document){
val kw = regionFor.keyword("=")
kw.append[autowrap; oneSpace]
Re: Formatter2 autowrap [message #1840490 is a reply to message #1840466] Fri, 16 April 2021 11:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
This definitely looks like a bug to me. What is considered "after the stuff that should be autowrapped" though? Is it at the end of the model element specifically, or on the next hidden region? In my real DSL, I have plenty of formatting "after the stuff that should be autowrapped", it just happens in the next semantic element, for example if we change it to:

	Primary ({Addition.left=current} '+' right=Primary)*;

	FeatureCall | Literal;

def dispatch void format(VariableDefinition it, extension IFormattableDocument document){
	val extension access = variableDefinitionAccess
	regionFor.keyword(equalsSignKeyword_2).prepend[oneSpace].append[oneSpace autowrap]
def dispatch void format(Addition it, extension IFormattableDocument document) {
	val extension access = additionAccess
	regionFor.keyword(plusSignKeyword_1_1).prepend[oneSpace autowrap].append[oneSpace]

	request.preferences = new MapBasedPreferenceValues => [
		put(FormatterPreferenceKeys.maxLineWidth, 31)
	toBeFormatted = '''
		myThing = thing + longggggggggggggggggggggggggg + another
	expectation = '''
		myThing =
		+ longggggggggggggggggggggggggg
		+ another

This works for the autowrap at the equals sign, but there's no further autowrap at the + sign. I would have actually expected a forced line break before the second + in that test since I put append[newLine] on the Addition.
Re: Formatter2 autowrap [message #1840491 is a reply to message #1840490] Fri, 16 April 2021 12:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend


please debug there for differences

the autowrap happens only if there is something to format after the autowrap position
i dont know why. moritz is no longer active with Xtext

[Updated on: Fri, 16 April 2021 12:13] by Moderator

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Re: Formatter2 autowrap [message #1840577 is a reply to message #1840491] Mon, 19 April 2021 16:37 Go to previous message
Eclipse UserFriend
The clue was in the missing forced line break before the second +, since I had forgotten to actually format the child expressions.

It looks like the "formatting after the stuff that should be autowrapped" is only needed if there is no other semantic element after "the stuff" instead.

The workaround I've settled on is putting append[lowPriority noSpace] on my top level element:
def dispatch void format(Model model, extension IFormattableDocument document) {
	append[lowPriority noSpace] // this is the workaround

This seems to enable the autowrap in all contained elements as suggested, and is unlikely to conflict with some trailing formatting that might be present on the last expression in the file.
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