[ACCELEO] Big integers [message #1791339] |
Thu, 28 June 2018 08:39 |
Nicola Serreli Messages: 26 Registered: July 2009 |
Junior Member |
I had some problems using integers bigger than 2^31.
Running the following code, it looks like Acceleo (OCL?) is able to handle 64bit integers,
using for them the acceleo type Integer, but the actual java class used to store them looks like to be Integer or Long (depending on the integer value).
The result is that some actions/commands may not work as expected, like the following ones:
* .oclIsKindOf(Integer) returns false for big (Long) values
* ->filter(Integer) removes big (Long) values
* ->sortedBy(v | -v) fails if there is at least one small (Integer) value and one big (Long) value, throwing a java.lang.ClassCastException (the result is an "OclInvalid" object)
Here is an example
[query public powerOf2(x : Integer) : Integer =
if (x = 1) then
else if (x > 1) then
let new_x : Integer = x-1 in
2 * powerOf2( new_x )
[template public intTest(arg : OclAny) {
values : Sequence(Integer) = Sequence(Integer) { 1 .. 70 };
results : Sequence(Integer) = values->collect(powerOf2());
[file ('stdout', false, 'UTF-8')]
[for (x : Integer | values)]
2^[x/] = ( int ? [powerOf2(x).oclIsKindOf(Integer)/] ) -> [powerOf2(x)/] [if (
(powerOf2(x) <> results->at(x))
)]different values[/if]
Number of all computed values = [results->size()/] (including zeroes)
Number of all filtered values = [results->filter(Integer)->select(v : Integer | v<>0)->size()/]
Sort throws java.lang.ClassCastException -> [results->sortedBy(v | -v)/]
Here are some lines of the output
2^30 = ( int ? true ) -> 1073741824
2^31 = ( int ? false ) -> 2147483648
2^62 = ( int ? false ) -> 4611686018427387904
2^63 = ( int ? false ) -> -9223372036854775808
2^64 = ( int ? true ) -> 0
Number of all computed values = 70 (including zeroes)
Number of all filtered values = 30
Sort throws java.lang.ClassCastException -> invalid
Just a note: Acceleo has the type UnlimitedNatural, but, at the end, it still handles at most 64bit integers.
Some commands works, some other not.
* .oclIsKindOf(UnlimitedNatural) returns true for UnlimitedNatural, returns false for Integer, like literal values
* ->filter(UnlimitedNatural) keeps all UnlimitedNatural objects
* ->sortedBy(v | -v) fails if there is at least one small (<31bit) value and one big (>=31bit) value, throwing a java.lang.ClassCastException (the result is an "OclInvalid" object)
* literals depending on the context, the literals are Integer, so here and there acceleo complains that UnlimitedNatural is not an Integer (and viceversa)
Any ideas/suggestion about how avoid this kind of problem, is really appreciated.
Best regards,
Re: [ACCELEO] Big integers [message #1791693 is a reply to message #1791483] |
Wed, 04 July 2018 09:15 |
Nicola Serreli Messages: 26 Registered: July 2009 |
Junior Member |
thanks for the reply.
I tried to enable the USE_LONG_INTEGERS flag at workspace level, but it looks like the effect is related only to literals.
The following test can be compiled and runned only if USE_LONG_INTEGERS is set to true.
template public intTest2(arg : OclAny) {
v1 : Integer = 45;
v2 : Integer = 4503599627370496;
[file ('stdout', false, 'UTF-8')]
v1 is int [v1.oclIsKindOf(Integer)/]
v1 is long [v1.oclIsKindOf(ELong)/]
v2 is int [v2.oclIsKindOf(Integer)/]
v2 is long [v2.oclIsKindOf(ELong)/]
But still it uses Integer class for small values, and Long class for big values:
v1 is int true
v1 is long false
v2 is int false
v2 is long true
So, the behavior of .oclIsKindOf(Integer) , ->filter(Integer) and ->sortedBy(v | -v) does not change.
If there isn't anything better, I'll try to replace them with queries and/or java code
Best regards,
Re: [ACCELEO] Big integers [message #1791724 is a reply to message #1791711] |
Wed, 04 July 2018 13:28 |
Nicola Serreli Messages: 26 Registered: July 2009 |
Junior Member |
I found another problem, probably it is also related to the behavior of oclIsKindOf.
[template public intTest(arg : OclAny) {
vList : Sequence(Integer) = Sequence(Integer) { 1, 4503599627370496, 3};
[file ('stdout', false, 'UTF-8')]
// ------ OclAny
[for (it : OclAny | vList)]
[i/]) [it/]
// ------ Integer
[for (it : Integer | vList)]
[i/]) [it/]
The "Long" value is removed, if the "for" iterator is typed with Integer
// ------ OclAny
1) 1
2) 4503599627370496
3) 3
// ------ Integer
1) 1
3) 3
Here, the only workaround I can find is "using OclAny as iterator Type, and cast to Integer/Long", like
[for (it : OclAny | vList)]
[i/]) [it/] [1 + (
if (it.oclIsKindOf(Integer)) then
if (it.oclIsKindOf(ELong)) then
endif endif) /]
(of course, I can use a query to reduce the code)
best regards
Re: [ACCELEO] Big integers [message #1791738 is a reply to message #1791733] |
Wed, 04 July 2018 15:10 |
Nicola Serreli Messages: 26 Registered: July 2009 |
Junior Member |
Hi Ed,
I tried the build 111 in jenkins (org.eclipse.ocl-6.5.0.N20180704-1407)
oclIsKindOf/oclIsTypeOf return true for both small and big integers
* filter still removes big integers
(Sequence(Integer) { 1, 4503599627370496, 3})->filter(integer)
* the Integer iterator skip big integers
[for (it : Integer | Sequence(Integer) { 1, 4503599627370496, 3})]
Filter can be easily replaced with something like
(Sequence(Integer) { 1, 4503599627370496, 3})->select(oclIsKindOf(Integer))
But, really I would like to avoid OclAny iterators.
Do you think that anything can be done about the "for iterator"?
Best regards,
Re: [ACCELEO] Big integers [message #1791788 is a reply to message #1791746] |
Thu, 05 July 2018 09:48 |
Nicola Serreli Messages: 26 Registered: July 2009 |
Junior Member |
Hi Ed,
again, thanks for your help.
I'm going to report the problem in Acceleo Bugzilla.
If I can ask, do you think is better to write one single Bug report with everything or split in several reports, one for each place where the problem can be found?
* the filter command
* the "For" construct
* the "Let" construct
I found the "let" this morning:
It simply remove all let constructs that are "big integers" (like it does with invalid values).
I suppose that also this is an acceleo problem.
[template public intTest(arg : OclAny) {
v : Integer = 860287970189639680;
[file ('stdout', false, 'UTF-8')]
v [v/]
>> let
[let var : Integer = 860287970189639680]
var [var/]
[let var : Integer = v]
v [var/]
<< let
v 860287970189639680
>> let
<< let
Regarding the sortedBy
(Sequence(Integer) { 1, 4503599627370496, 3})->sortedBy(v | -v)
thorws a ClassCastException in an Ocl class: org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationVisitorImpl.
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.Long
at java.lang.Long.compareTo(Long.java:54)
at org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationVisitorImpl$2.compare(EvaluationVisitorImpl.java:2193)
at java.util.TimSort.countRunAndMakeAscending(TimSort.java:356)
at java.util.TimSort.sort(TimSort.java:234)
at java.util.Arrays.sort(Arrays.java:1512)
at java.util.ArrayList.sort(ArrayList.java:1454)
at java.util.Collections.sort(Collections.java:175)
at org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationVisitorImpl.evaluateSortedByIterator(EvaluationVisitorImpl.java:2156)
at org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.internal.evaluation ...
If I can try to blindly propose a fix, the method
private Comparator<Object> getComparatorForSortedBy(final Map<Object, Comparable<Object>> map, IteratorExp<C, PM> ie)
should return a special comparator for integers. Something like:
Comparator<Object> {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
int result = 0;
/// o1 integer
if (o1 instanceof Integer) {
if (o2 instanceof Integer) {
result = ((Integer) o1).compareTo((Integer) o2);
} else if (o2 instanceof Long) {
Long t1 = new Long( ((Integer) o1 ).longValue() );
result = t1.compareTo((Long) o2);
} else if (o2 instanceof BigInteger) {
BigInteger t1 = new BigInteger( ((Integer) o1 ).toString() );
result = t1.compareTo( (BigInteger) o2);
} else {
// not valid values
/// o1 long
if (o1 instanceof Long) {
if (o2 instanceof Integer) {
Long t2 = new Long( ((Integer) o2 ).longValue() );
result = ((Long) o1).compareTo(t2);
} else if (o2 instanceof Long) {
result = ((Long) o1).compareTo((Long) o2);
} else if (o2 instanceof BigInteger) {
BigInteger t1 = new BigInteger( ((Long) o1 ).toString() );
result = t1.compareTo( (BigInteger) o2);
} else {
// not valid values
/// o1 BigInteger
if (o1 instanceof BigInteger) {
if (o2 instanceof Integer) {
BigInteger t2 = new BigInteger( ((Integer) o1 ).toString() );
result = ((BigInteger) o1).compareTo(t2);
} else if (o2 instanceof Long) {
BigInteger t2 = new BigInteger( ((Long) o1 ).toString() );
result = ((BigInteger) o1).compareTo(t2);
} else if (o2 instanceof BigInteger) {
result = ((BigInteger) o1).compareTo((BigInteger) o2);
} else {
// not valid values
return result;
I do not have a deep knowledge of Ocl code, so I have no idea about the impact of this change, nor if it is actually a solution.
Best regards,
Re: [ACCELEO] Big integers [message #1791790 is a reply to message #1791788] |
Thu, 05 July 2018 10:58 |
Nicola Serreli Messages: 26 Registered: July 2009 |
Junior Member |
I was studing the ->filter(Integer)
In acceleo documentation, they declare that filter (OclType type) it is an easier way to write select(e | e.oclIsKindOf(type)).oclAsType(type).
So, I tried:
filter [(Sequence(Integer) { 1, 888888888888, 2})->filter(Integer)/]
select [(Sequence(Integer) { 1, 888888888888, 2})
->select(e | e.oclIsKindOf(Integer))
select-collect [(Sequence(Integer) { 1, 888888888888, 2})
->select(e | e.oclIsKindOf(Integer))
->collect(e | e.oclAsType(Integer))
filter 12
select 18888888888882
select-collect invalid
Both the "filter" and "select-collect" results are not what I expected.
Reducing the test to oclAsType
1 [1.oclIsKindOf(Integer) /] [1.oclAsType(Integer)/]
I [888888888888.oclIsKindOf(Integer)/] [888888888888.oclAsType(Integer)/]
L [888888888888.oclIsKindOf(Integer)/] [888888888888.oclAsType(ELong)/]
there is something strange
1 true 1
I true invalid
L true 888888888888
Best regards
Re: [ACCELEO] Big integers [message #1791806 is a reply to message #1791801] |
Thu, 05 July 2018 13:45 |
Nicola Serreli Messages: 26 Registered: July 2009 |
Junior Member |
Sorry if it was not so clear. I'll try to explain:
the idea behind the last example was:
I have an object (888888888888), that is checked to be a valid Integer by oclIsKindOf, but the oclAsType(Integer) return invalid.
One more example on this point
[( let a : Integer = 888888888888 in /* -> by construction, it is an ocl Integer */
a.oclAsType(Integer) /* -> the result is an InvalidObject */
.oclIsInvalid()) /* -> returns true */
Here I have a variable declared as Integer, then I try to "cast" it to Integer
and the result is an Invalid value.
I do not know if it is an error, but it looks strange to me.
Please, note that running the same test, with a small literal values:
-> .oclAsType(Integer) results in the choosen value
-> so .oclIsInvalid() returns false
Best regards,
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