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Home » Modeling » TMF (Xtext) » Referencing classes from different ecore using qualified names in my DSL
Referencing classes from different ecore using qualified names in my DSL [message #1740098] Tue, 09 August 2016 08:08 Go to next message
Eclipse UserFriend

I'm trying to build a dsl with follwing syntax to reference by qualified names EClasses from an ecore defined in seperate file. I',m aiming for the following syntax:
select Epacket1.Epacket2.MyEClass

grammar org.xtext.example.mydsl.MyDsl with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals

import "" as ecore
generate mydsl "mydsl"

	"select" type=[ecore::EClass]

Currently I'm confused how should I aproach this. I would by glad for any pointers what should I implement, how should i change my syntax to achieve this.


[Updated on: Wed, 22 February 2017 09:51] by Moderator

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Re: Referencing classes from different ecore using qualified names in my DSL [message #1740121 is a reply to message #1740098] Tue, 09 August 2016 12:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend

what about


ID ("." ID)*
Re: Referencing classes from different ecore using qualified names in my DSL [message #1740123 is a reply to message #1740121] Tue, 09 August 2016 13:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
just the class names are being recognized as valid. I think I am missing some crucial part to it.
I also added custom Scope provider that reads the other ecore file and delivers all classes in the following way:
public class MqlScopeProvider extends AbstractMqlScopeProvider
    public IScope getScope(EObject context, EReference reference)
        ResourceSet rs = new ResourceSetImpl();
        Resource resource = rs.getResource(URI.createURI("my.ecore"), true);
        List<EClass> classes = new ArrayList<>();
        TreeIterator<EObject> allContents = EcoreUtil.<EObject> getAllContents(resource, true);
        while (allContents.hasNext())
            EObject next =;
            if (next instanceof EClass)
                EClass eClass = (EClass) next;
      return Scopes.scopeFor(classes);


Re: Referencing classes from different ecore using qualified names in my DSL [message #1740125 is a reply to message #1740123] Tue, 09 August 2016 13:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
you dont need a scope provider adaptation. simpy throw the ecore next to the test.mydsl file
Re: Referencing classes from different ecore using qualified names in my DSL [message #1740126 is a reply to message #1740125] Tue, 09 August 2016 13:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
So if I revert to the generated scope provider i get no references whatsoever an puting my ecore together with mydsl file doesn't help. But generally You mean it should work out of the box with the syntax you recomended and ecore being in the same directory as the dsl file, or are additional changes required?
Re: Referencing classes from different ecore using qualified names in my DSL [message #1740129 is a reply to message #1740126] Tue, 09 August 2016 13:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
yes i just tested it. my grammar. project is a java project. testfile and ecore inside src folder. project has xtext automatically is on.
Re: Referencing classes from different ecore using qualified names in my DSL [message #1740136 is a reply to message #1740129] Tue, 09 August 2016 14:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Thx that works Smile adding xtext nature did the trick. Could you tell me how is the ecore picked up? I need now to change this to work with an ecore loaded from another eclipse plugin.
Re: Referencing classes from different ecore using qualified names in my DSL [message #1740138 is a reply to message #1740136] Tue, 09 August 2016 14:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Adding the plugin to the classpath eg as required plugin a plugin projects manifest should do the trick

The magic is a resourceserviceprovider for ecore files. The rest is how xtext finds other model files from classpath
Re: Referencing classes from different ecore using qualified names in my DSL [message #1740139 is a reply to message #1740138] Tue, 09 August 2016 14:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Re: Referencing classes from different ecore using qualified names in my DSL [message #1740187 is a reply to message #1740139] Wed, 10 August 2016 08:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Ok so now i want to build on that. In my eclipse plugin project I want to use Embedded editor that will refer to classes from ecore defined in another plugin. I added xtext nature to the plugin with ecore files and added it as a dependency but the classes from the ecore don't get picked up. Is there a way to programatically tell the embedded editor what aditional ecores should be used?
Re: Referencing classes from different ecore using qualified names in my DSL [message #1740189 is a reply to message #1740187] Wed, 10 August 2016 09:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
in your EditedResourceSetProvider.
this the stuff there set on the classpath of the resourceset?
how is the resourceset created there?
is it connected to a project or hanging in the air?
did you try to set a resourceset.classpathuricontext with a classloader that has ghe stuff on the classpath? ....

i dont know if this will work. too many parameters ...
Re: Referencing classes from different ecore using qualified names in my DSL [message #1740190 is a reply to message #1740189] Wed, 10 August 2016 09:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
There is no special project for the dsl files nor a folder on the disk. So i guess it is hanging in the air. I would like I to be in memory if it's possible.

This is the code that creates the ditor:
  IResourceSetProvider resourceSetProvider = injector.getInstance(IResourceSetProvider.class);
        FileExtensionProvider extensionProvider = injector.getInstance(FileExtensionProvider.class);

        ResourceSet resourceSet = resourceSetProvider.get(null);
        URI uri = URI.createURI("synthetic:/query." + extensionProvider.getPrimaryFileExtension());
        XtextResource xtextResource = (XtextResource) resourceSet.createResource(uri);
        Resource createResource = resourceSet.createResource(URI.createURI("platform:/plugin/my.ecore.plugin/model/model.ecore"));

        IEditedResourceProvider queryResourceProvider = new IEditedResourceProvider() {
            public XtextResource createResource()
                return xtextResource;
        EmbeddedEditorFactory editorFactory = injector.getInstance(EmbeddedEditorFactory.class);

        QueryHandlerDialog queryHandlerDialog = new QueryHandlerDialog(shell, editorFactory, queryResourceProvider);
        int open =;

[Updated on: Wed, 10 August 2016 09:28] by Moderator

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Re: Referencing classes from different ecore using qualified names in my DSL [message #1740192 is a reply to message #1740190] Wed, 10 August 2016 09:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
does this loading help or does it not?

unfortunately i dont have the time to build the as runnable example to look what happens
Re: Referencing classes from different ecore using qualified names in my DSL [message #1740193 is a reply to message #1740192] Wed, 10 August 2016 09:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
No, adding it to the resource set doesn't help

[Updated on: Wed, 10 August 2016 09:36] by Moderator

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Re: Referencing classes from different ecore using qualified names in my DSL [message #1740194 is a reply to message #1740193] Wed, 10 August 2016 09:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
can you share a minimal example that reproduces this?
Re: Referencing classes from different ecore using qualified names in my DSL [message #1740196 is a reply to message #1740194] Wed, 10 August 2016 10:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi Christan thanks for help. I attached a minimal project to replicate my use case. The plugin contributes a view with the embedded editor.
Re: Referencing classes from different ecore using qualified names in my DSL [message #1740197 is a reply to message #1740196] Wed, 10 August 2016 11:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
i had to change the grammar to accept qualified names.

then the following works for me

XtextResourceSet resourceSet = injector.getInstance(XtextResourceSet.class);
		ProjectDescription projectDescription = new ProjectDescription();
		Map<String, ResourceDescriptionsData> dataMap = Maps.<String, ResourceDescriptionsData>newHashMap();
        final ChunkedResourceDescriptions index = new ChunkedResourceDescriptions(dataMap, resourceSet);
        ResourceDescriptionsData data = new ResourceDescriptionsData(Lists.newArrayList());
		index.setContainer(projectDescription.getName(), data);
		FileExtensionProvider extensionProvider = injector.getInstance(FileExtensionProvider.class);
		URI uri = URI.createURI("synthetic:/query." + extensionProvider.getPrimaryFileExtension());
		XtextResource xtextResource = (XtextResource) resourceSet.createResource(uri);
		Resource createResource = resourceSet.createResource(
		try {
		} catch (IOException e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block
		IResourceDescription resourceDescription = IResourceServiceProvider.Registry.INSTANCE.getResourceServiceProvider(createResource.getURI()).getResourceDescriptionManager().getResourceDescription(createResource);
		data.addDescription(createResource.getURI(), resourceDescription);
Re: Referencing classes from different ecore using qualified names in my DSL [message #1740204 is a reply to message #1740197] Wed, 10 August 2016 12:40 Go to previous message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi Christian
It works perfectly! Thank You
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