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Home » Eclipse Projects » Memory Analyzer » Heap dump instances count differs for Visualvm and Eclipse Memory Analyzer(Heap dump instances count differs for Visualvm and Eclipse Memory Analyzer)
Heap dump instances count differs for Visualvm and Eclipse Memory Analyzer [message #1707646] Tue, 08 September 2015 10:27
Eclipse UserFriend
I'm getting the different numeric result while opening the same heap dump in the VisualVm and Eclipse memory analyzer.
Instance count differs for the same class.
For example, jvisualvm shows 75318 instances for ArrayList vs 72199 in the Eclipse Memory Analyzer. Adding unreachable objects from Elicpse, I'd still have difference (75398).
Total bytes differs more than twice (500 in the visualvm vs. 231.5 for Eclipse) and classloades differs (621 vs 275).
I get the same difference analyzing any heap dump.
I suppose, there is some difference in counting of objects available for GC in the visualvm and eclipse mat.
Could you explain the algorithm and this behavior for Eclipse memory analyzer?
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