I created a second project as showcase project for the bugzilla entry and with this project it is possible to save a model that has an attribute being a list of Enums! What makes me confused is that I cannot see any difference in the model/used plugin versions between my original project and the showcase project. When I compare the generated databases, there is a first difference: In the showcase project the relationship between the model (Employee) and the list of enums (EmployeeType) is properly applied to the database with an additional table employee_types. The generated hbm is equal to what is generated as database structure: Employee http://orgstructure/1.0 true com.emfdbexample.orgstructure.model.EmployeeType EmployeeType http://orgstructure/1.0 In my orignal project producing the ClassCastExeption the generated hbm is not equal with the generated database structure. The generated hbm looks good, also here is a second table defined to apply the 1:n relationship between the model (Business) and the list of enums (BusinessType). Business http://mymodel.biz/1.0 true true biz.mymodel.model.BusinessType BusinessType http://mymodel.biz/1.0 the database itself DOES NOT have this additional table "business_types" and instead the model table "business" has only a column "types" of type VARCHAR. So the 1:n relationship is actually not applied in the database. I don't understand why this is the case, since both hbm definitions are fine and the configured mapping providers are the same: Mopping provider / config from the showcase project: Mapping provider / config from the original project: Furthermore, when I debug into the org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.internal.hibernate.tuplizer.CDOENumStringType.nullSafeSet method, in the showcase project the "value" parameter is an Integer and therefore probably never reaches the line where the Classcast Excepiton occurs. In the original project the "value" parameter is of type HibernateMovableListWrapper and therefore goes into the last else block where Classcast exception occurs. Does the above information provide any hint where the two setups (original and showcase) are not equal?