Gemini DBAccess Derby starting osgi> Gemini JPA Sample Library client - creating library... [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1568661094)--The access type for the persistent class [class model.configadmin.Library] is set to [FIELD]. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1568661094)--The target entity (reference) class for the one to many mapping element [field books] is being defau lted to: class model.configadmin.Book. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1568661094)--The access type for the persistent class [class model.configadmin.Book] is set to [FIELD]. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1568661094)--The target entity (reference) class for the many to one mapping element [field library] is being def aulted to: class model.configadmin.Library. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1568661094)--The alias name for the entity class [class model.configadmin.Library] is being defaulted to: Library . [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1568661094)--The table name for entity [class model.configadmin.Library] is being defaulted to: LIBRARY. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1568661094)--The column name for element [id] is being defaulted to: ID. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1568661094)--The column name for element [name] is being defaulted to: NAME. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1568661094)--The alias name for the entity class [class model.configadmin.Book] is being defaulted to: Book. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1568661094)--The table name for entity [class model.configadmin.Book] is being defaulted to: BOOK. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1568661094)--The column name for element [author] is being defaulted to: AUTHOR. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1568661094)--The column name for element [title] is being defaulted to: TITLE. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1568661094)--The column name for element [isbn] is being defaulted to: ISBN. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1568661094)--The primary key column name for the mapping element [field library] is being defaulted to: ID. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1568661094)--The foreign key column name for the mapping element [library] is being defaulted to: LIBRARY_ID. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1568661094)--The key column name for the basic map mapping element [books] is being defaulted to: BOOKS_KEY. [EL Info]: ServerSession(1568661094)--EclipseLink, version: Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.5.0.v20130507-3faac2b [EL Config]: connection: ServerSession(1568661094)--Connection(1946879818)--connecting(DatabaseLogin( platform=>DerbyPlatform user name=> "" connector=>JNDIConnector datasource name=>null )) [EL Config]: connection: ServerSession(1568661094)--Connection(2009351152)--Connected: jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/accountDB;url=jdbc:derby://localhos t:1527/accountDB;create=true;create=true User: app Database: Apache Derby Version: - (764942) Driver: Apache Derby Network Client JDBC Driver Version: - (764942) [EL Config]: connection: ServerSession(1568661094)--Connection(1914504256)--connecting(DatabaseLogin( platform=>DerbyPlatform user name=> "" connector=>JNDIConnector datasource name=>null )) [EL Config]: connection: ServerSession(1568661094)--Connection(1325547591)--Connected: jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/accountDB;url=jdbc:derby://localhos t:1527/accountDB;create=true;create=true User: app Database: Apache Derby Version: - (764942) Driver: Apache Derby Network Client JDBC Driver Version: - (764942) [EL Info]: connection: ServerSession(1568661094)--Library_nonJtaDataSource=1356423524 login successful [EL Fine]: sql: ServerSession(1568661094)--Connection(1500858285)--ALTER TABLE BOOK DROP CONSTRAINT FK_BOOK_LIBRARY_ID [EL Fine]: sql: ServerSession(1568661094)--Connection(1304008321)--DROP TABLE LIBRARY [EL Fine]: sql: ServerSession(1568661094)--Connection(568275539)--DROP TABLE BOOK [EL Fine]: sql: ServerSession(1568661094)--Connection(979092782)--CREATE TABLE LIBRARY (ID INTEGER NOT NULL, NAME VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (ID)) [EL Fine]: sql: ServerSession(1568661094)--Connection(1999778112)--CREATE TABLE BOOK (ISBN VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, AUTHOR VARCHAR(255), TITLE VARCHAR(2 55), LIBRARY_ID INTEGER, BOOKS_KEY VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (ISBN)) [EL Fine]: sql: ServerSession(1568661094)--Connection(1352049205)--ALTER TABLE BOOK ADD CONSTRAINT FK_BOOK_LIBRARY_ID FOREIGN KEY (LIBRARY_ID) REFEREN CES LIBRARY (ID) [EL Fine]: sql: ServerSession(1568661094)--Connection(489500088)--DELETE FROM SEQUENCE WHERE SEQ_NAME = SEQ_GEN [EL Fine]: sql: ServerSession(1568661094)--Connection(1871328486)--SELECT * FROM SEQUENCE WHERE SEQ_NAME = SEQ_GEN [EL Fine]: sql: ServerSession(1568661094)--Connection(1281561817)--INSERT INTO SEQUENCE(SEQ_NAME, SEQ_COUNT) values (SEQ_GEN, 0) [EL Fine]: sql: ClientSession(1200936456)--Connection(2087701486)--UPDATE SEQUENCE SET SEQ_COUNT = SEQ_COUNT + ? WHERE SEQ_NAME = ? bind => [50, SEQ_GEN] [EL Fine]: sql: ClientSession(1200936456)--Connection(2087701486)--SELECT SEQ_COUNT FROM SEQUENCE WHERE SEQ_NAME = ? bind => [SEQ_GEN] [EL Fine]: sql: ClientSession(1200936456)--Connection(2044660278)--INSERT INTO LIBRARY (ID, NAME) VALUES (?, ?) bind => [1, Springfield Memorial Library] [EL Fine]: sql: ClientSession(1200936456)--Connection(2044660278)--INSERT INTO BOOK (ISBN, AUTHOR, TITLE, LIBRARY_ID) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) bind => [978-1-59059-645-6, Mike Keith, Pro EJB 3, 1] [EL Fine]: sql: ClientSession(1200936456)--Connection(2044660278)--INSERT INTO BOOK (ISBN, AUTHOR, TITLE, LIBRARY_ID) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) bind => [978-1-4302-1956-9, Mike Keith, Pro JPA 2, 1] [EL Fine]: sql: ClientSession(1200936456)--Connection(2044660278)--UPDATE BOOK SET BOOKS_KEY = ? WHERE (ISBN = ?) bind => [978-1-59059-645-6, 978-1-59059-645-6] [EL Fine]: sql: ClientSession(1200936456)--Connection(2044660278)--UPDATE BOOK SET BOOKS_KEY = ? WHERE (ISBN = ?) bind => [978-1-4302-1956-9, 978-1-4302-1956-9] Library: Library(Springfield Memorial Library, 2 books) List of books: [EL Fine]: sql: ServerSession(1568661094)--Connection(690349086)--SELECT ISBN, AUTHOR, TITLE, LIBRARY_ID FROM BOOK Book(Pro EJB 3, by Mike Keith) Book(Pro JPA 2, by Mike Keith) [EL Config]: connection: ServerSession(1568661094)--Connection(152424403)--disconnect [EL Info]: connection: ServerSession(1568661094)--Library_nonJtaDataSource=1356423524 logout successful Gemini JPA Sample Configuration Generator created configuration. Gemini JPA Sample Library client - creating library... [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1805406530)--The access type for the persistent class [class model.configadmin.Library] is set to [FIELD]. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1805406530)--The target entity (reference) class for the one to many mapping element [field books] is being defau lted to: class model.configadmin.Book. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1805406530)--The access type for the persistent class [class model.configadmin.Book] is set to [FIELD]. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1805406530)--The target entity (reference) class for the many to one mapping element [field library] is being def aulted to: class model.configadmin.Library. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1805406530)--The alias name for the entity class [class model.configadmin.Library] is being defaulted to: Library . [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1805406530)--The table name for entity [class model.configadmin.Library] is being defaulted to: LIBRARY. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1805406530)--The column name for element [id] is being defaulted to: ID. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1805406530)--The column name for element [name] is being defaulted to: NAME. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1805406530)--The alias name for the entity class [class model.configadmin.Book] is being defaulted to: Book. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1805406530)--The table name for entity [class model.configadmin.Book] is being defaulted to: BOOK. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1805406530)--The column name for element [author] is being defaulted to: AUTHOR. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1805406530)--The column name for element [title] is being defaulted to: TITLE. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1805406530)--The column name for element [isbn] is being defaulted to: ISBN. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1805406530)--The primary key column name for the mapping element [field library] is being defaulted to: ID. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1805406530)--The foreign key column name for the mapping element [library] is being defaulted to: LIBRARY_ID. [EL Config]: metadata: ServerSession(1805406530)--The key column name for the basic map mapping element [books] is being defaulted to: BOOKS_KEY. [EL Info]: ServerSession(1805406530)--EclipseLink, version: Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.5.0.v20130507-3faac2b [EL Config]: connection: ServerSession(1805406530)--Connection(1762362916)--connecting(DatabaseLogin( platform=>DerbyPlatform user name=> "" connector=>JNDIConnector datasource name=>null )) [EL Config]: connection: ServerSession(1805406530)--Connection(1939069788)--Connected: jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/accountDB;url=jdbc:derby://localhos t:1527/accountDB;create=true;create=true User: app Database: Apache Derby Version: - (764942) Driver: Apache Derby Network Client JDBC Driver Version: - (764942) [EL Config]: connection: ServerSession(1805406530)--Connection(1881583691)--connecting(DatabaseLogin( platform=>DerbyPlatform user name=> "" connector=>JNDIConnector datasource name=>null )) [EL Config]: connection: ServerSession(1805406530)--Connection(2080392562)--Connected: jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/accountDB;url=jdbc:derby://localhos t:1527/accountDB;create=true;create=true User: app Database: Apache Derby Version: - (764942) Driver: Apache Derby Network Client JDBC Driver Version: - (764942) [EL Info]: connection: ServerSession(1805406530)--Library_nonJtaDataSource=53759805 login successful [EL Fine]: sql: ServerSession(1805406530)--Connection(219388302)--ALTER TABLE BOOK DROP CONSTRAINT FK_BOOK_LIBRARY_ID [EL Fine]: sql: ServerSession(1805406530)--Connection(2125074601)--DROP TABLE LIBRARY [EL Fine]: sql: ServerSession(1805406530)--Connection(1406089685)--DROP TABLE BOOK [EL Fine]: sql: ServerSession(1805406530)--Connection(205774796)--CREATE TABLE LIBRARY (ID INTEGER NOT NULL, NAME VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (ID)) [EL Fine]: sql: ServerSession(1805406530)--Connection(1119808037)--CREATE TABLE BOOK (ISBN VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, AUTHOR VARCHAR(255), TITLE VARCHAR(2 55), LIBRARY_ID INTEGER, BOOKS_KEY VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (ISBN)) [EL Fine]: sql: ServerSession(1805406530)--Connection(712794629)--ALTER TABLE BOOK ADD CONSTRAINT FK_BOOK_LIBRARY_ID FOREIGN KEY (LIBRARY_ID) REFERENC ES LIBRARY (ID) [EL Fine]: sql: ServerSession(1805406530)--Connection(718466595)--DELETE FROM SEQUENCE WHERE SEQ_NAME = SEQ_GEN [EL Fine]: sql: ServerSession(1805406530)--Connection(1634346773)--SELECT * FROM SEQUENCE WHERE SEQ_NAME = SEQ_GEN [EL Fine]: sql: ServerSession(1805406530)--Connection(2128323436)--INSERT INTO SEQUENCE(SEQ_NAME, SEQ_COUNT) values (SEQ_GEN, 0) [EL Fine]: sql: ClientSession(1533998001)--Connection(1363220572)--UPDATE SEQUENCE SET SEQ_COUNT = SEQ_COUNT + ? WHERE SEQ_NAME = ? bind => [50, SEQ_GEN] [EL Fine]: sql: ClientSession(1533998001)--Connection(1363220572)--SELECT SEQ_COUNT FROM SEQUENCE WHERE SEQ_NAME = ? bind => [SEQ_GEN] [EL Fine]: sql: ClientSession(1533998001)--Connection(1980260358)--INSERT INTO LIBRARY (ID, NAME) VALUES (?, ?) bind => [1, Springfield Memorial Library] [EL Fine]: sql: ClientSession(1533998001)--Connection(1980260358)--INSERT INTO BOOK (ISBN, AUTHOR, TITLE, LIBRARY_ID) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) bind => [978-1-59059-645-6, Mike Keith, Pro EJB 3, 1] [EL Fine]: sql: ClientSession(1533998001)--Connection(1980260358)--INSERT INTO BOOK (ISBN, AUTHOR, TITLE, LIBRARY_ID) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) bind => [978-1-4302-1956-9, Mike Keith, Pro JPA 2, 1] [EL Fine]: sql: ClientSession(1533998001)--Connection(1980260358)--UPDATE BOOK SET BOOKS_KEY = ? WHERE (ISBN = ?) bind => [978-1-59059-645-6, 978-1-59059-645-6] [EL Fine]: sql: ClientSession(1533998001)--Connection(1980260358)--UPDATE BOOK SET BOOKS_KEY = ? WHERE (ISBN = ?) bind => [978-1-4302-1956-9, 978-1-4302-1956-9] Library: Library(Springfield Memorial Library, 2 books) List of books: [EL Fine]: sql: ServerSession(1805406530)--Connection(2082901023)--SELECT ISBN, AUTHOR, TITLE, LIBRARY_ID FROM BOOK Book(Pro EJB 3, by Mike Keith) Book(Pro JPA 2, by Mike Keith)