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Home » Eclipse Projects » GEF » Connection line visible at PolygonDecoration arrow point
Connection line visible at PolygonDecoration arrow point [message #215548] Thu, 04 May 2006 18:32 Go to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

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I've attached a screenshot of the behavior I'm about to describe.

I have a PolygonDecoration.TRIANGLE_TIP for my connection line target
decoration. If my connection line is of width 1, then the point of the
arrow looks perfect.

But if I set the connection width to a larger value (say, 8), then I can
start to see pieces of the connection line appear around the point of
the arrow. It is clear in the attached screenshot, where the arrow and
the connection line are different colors.

The only solution I can think of is..

1) Instead of a PolygonDecoration, use a figure with an endpointlocator
which is a square and then add a triangle-shaped child figure. The
square would be opaque (to cover the pieces of connection line that are
showing up), and the triangle would mimick the arrow decoration.

Are there other suggestions?


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Re: Connection line visible at PolygonDecoration arrow point [message #215593 is a reply to message #215548] Thu, 04 May 2006 20:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Steven R. Shaw is currently offline Steven R. ShawFriend
Messages: 128
Registered: July 2009
Senior Member
You could override fillShape on the PolygonDecoration to draw a background
colored square at the head of the polygon? fillShape gets called before
outlineShape so it would erase the area of the line before the arrow head
gets drawn.


"Ben Vitale" <> wrote in message
> I've attached a screenshot of the behavior I'm about to describe.
> I have a PolygonDecoration.TRIANGLE_TIP for my connection line target
> decoration. If my connection line is of width 1, then the point of the
> arrow looks perfect.
> But if I set the connection width to a larger value (say, 8), then I can
> start to see pieces of the connection line appear around the point of
> the arrow. It is clear in the attached screenshot, where the arrow and
> the connection line are different colors.
> The only solution I can think of is..
> 1) Instead of a PolygonDecoration, use a figure with an endpointlocator
> which is a square and then add a triangle-shaped child figure. The
> square would be opaque (to cover the pieces of connection line that are
> showing up), and the triangle would mimick the arrow decoration.
> Are there other suggestions?
> Thanks
> Ben

------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
Re: Connection line visible at PolygonDecoration arrow point [message #215616 is a reply to message #215548] Fri, 05 May 2006 13:48 Go to previous message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

The best solution would be to not paint the line there, rather than erase
it. You could subclass polylineconnection and stop short of drawing the line
all the way, based on the decoration's needs. You could create an anchor
whichs returns a location further out, and then put the base of the triangle
at the end of the line instead of the tip.

"Ben Vitale" <> wrote in message
> I've attached a screenshot of the behavior I'm about to describe.
> I have a PolygonDecoration.TRIANGLE_TIP for my connection line target
> decoration. If my connection line is of width 1, then the point of the
> arrow looks perfect.
> But if I set the connection width to a larger value (say, 8), then I can
> start to see pieces of the connection line appear around the point of
> the arrow. It is clear in the attached screenshot, where the arrow and
> the connection line are different colors.
> The only solution I can think of is..
> 1) Instead of a PolygonDecoration, use a figure with an endpointlocator
> which is a square and then add a triangle-shaped child figure. The
> square would be opaque (to cover the pieces of connection line that are
> showing up), and the triangle would mimick the arrow decoration.
> Are there other suggestions?
> Thanks
> Ben
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