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Home » Language IDEs » ServerTools (WTP) » WTP Book Released!
WTP Book Released! [message #193797] Fri, 01 June 2007 16:08
Eclipse UserFriend
I'm very pleased to announce that the first WTP book in the Eclipse Series
has been released. Eclipse Web Tools Platform: Developing Java Web
Applications by Naci Dai, Lawrence Mandel and Arthur Ryman is now
available from retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and

An overview of the book follows below. Visit the book's web site for more
information including the table of contents and downloadable source code
examples (licensed under the EPL).

Eclipse Web Tools Platform focuses on the Web Tool Platform (WTP), which
seamlessly integrates all the tools a Web developer needs, including Web
Tools, XML Tools, EJB Tools, Web Service Tools, and more. WTP includes a
set of core tools for Web application developers and a set of platform
application programming interfaces (API) for tool vendors.

This book is the first definitive guide to the Web Tools Platform and
presents an in-depth description of all the tools that make up WTP and an
introduction to how they can be extended. It also covers Web application
architecture and shows you how to set up a development project. It will
appeal to Eclipse users, Enterprise Java developers, and companies and
developers who reuse Eclipse in their products. Discussion includes many
tools that are new to the Eclipse community and provide functionality that
has not been present in Eclipse itself. This book will show Eclipse users
and developers how to use and extend the new tools and incorporate them
into their own products.

Key topics covered include: Java Web Application Development, Web
Application Architecture and Design, Multi-tier Application Design, The
Presentation Tier-HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Servlets, JSP, XML, and XSLT, The
Business Logic Tier-Developing with EJBs, The Persistence Tier-Database
Access and JDBC, Adding a Web Service Interface to Your Application,
Testing Your Web Application, Unit and Integration Testing, Extending WTP,
Adding New Servers, Supporting New File Types, Creating WSDL Extensions,
Customizing Resource Resolution, Other Web Tools Based on Eclipse, What's
Coming in Future Versions of WTP.

Lawrence Mandel
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