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Home » Language IDEs » ServerTools (WTP) » Extending the HTML editor for content assist
Extending the HTML editor for content assist [message #187423] Thu, 01 February 2007 02:39
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:


I have a content type that is a superset of HTML. And so, I am building
an editor that sits on top of the HTML editor, so I'm extending many of
the HTML-based classes for my own.

I have a couple of questions about content assistance (I'm using 1.5.2,
by the way.)

1. When I try to complete tag insertion proposals, and it comes back
with proposals such as <A>, <BODY>, et cetera, all HTML tags come back
in upper case, even if I select the lowercase preference for "Tag Names"
and "Attribute Names" in the HTML Source preference page.

In order to get around this, I create a copy of the
ContentAssistRequest, feed that copy to the HTML Content Assist
Processor's addTagInsertionProposals, and then copy the proposals from
my copy back to the one supplied to me, using toLowerCase() for the
replacement string and the display string.

1a. There's no method getUpdateRepalcementLengthOnValidate in
CustomCompletionProposal. Should I submit this as an enhancement request?

2. The attributes are surrounded by double-quotes. I would very much
like the standard to be single-quotes. Are these only related to the

Note that the uppercase problem, as well as the double-quotes problem,
are the same for me whether I use my custom content, or the default HTML

Thanks, Robert
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