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Home » Language IDEs » ServerTools (WTP) » Re: Adding a menu contribution to XML Editor
Re: Adding a menu contribution to XML Editor [message #187205] Sat, 27 January 2007 21:01
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

Hooray! Thanks for your help.

So as you suggested, pretty much everything was a standard contribution to
the popupMenu extension. I am writing up a blog post with a sample project
to document this. Yeah, this is straightforward, but still.

One problem is that I'm trying to learn about SSE at the same time I'm
learning about Eclipse, and that's tricky.

One final question: how would I know about
org.eclipse.core.runtime.xml.source.EditorContext? Granted, if I google for
"org.eclipse.core.runtime.xml.source.EditorContext" I get a small number of
hits that tell me just that. Is this just a matter of pending documentation,
or am I looking for information in the wrong places?

Thanks again for all your help Nitin.


> "Robert Konigsberg" <> wrote in message
>> Nitin, thank you very much for your help, in matters SSE and not. I'm
>> learning, I swear. :)
>> Nitin Dahyabhai wrote:
>>> Robert Konigsberg wrote:
>>>> This question is similar to my prior question about opening up
>>>> StructuredTextEditor. In this case, what I'd like to do is add a popup
>>>> menu item so I may add a "Show In" submenu. (Show in Package Explorer
>>>> would be more than enough.)
>>>> Of course, my first thought is to figure out how to extend STE and
>>>> found
>>>> the private method abstractTextEditorContextMenuAboutToShow. OK, it's
>>>> private.
>>>> I'm hoping someone might be able to save me from once again considering
>>>> between an enhancement request and/or duplicating StructuredTextEditor.
>>> That looks like a standard org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus extension to add a
>>> menu using the
>>> "org.eclipse.core.runtime.xml.source.EditorContext" context.
>>> --
>>> Nitin Dahyabhai
>>> Structured Source Editor
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