Re: invoking Buckminster from an ant script [message #977404 is a reply to message #976045] |
Fri, 09 November 2012 08:53  |
Eclipse User |
After many attempts I came to the conclusion that, probably, at least in
Windows 7, running buckminster.bat with -Dkey=path simply does not work:
the path is not interpreted correctly...
However, by taking a look at
I tried to invoke bucky with a <java> task and use <sysproperty> e.g.,
<java fork="true" dir="${buckminster.home}" logError="true"
classname="org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main" failonerror="true">
<fileset dir="${buckminster.home}/plugins">
<include name="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar" />
<arg line='-update' />
<arg line='-data "${build.root}/buckminster.workspace"' />
<arg line='-configuration "${build.root}/configuration"' />
<arg line='--script "${resolve.commands.file}"' />
<sysproperty key="projects.location"
value="${projects.location}" />
<sysproperty key="buckminster.output.root"
value="${build.root}/buckminster.output" />
<sysproperty key="buckminster.temp.root"
value="${build.root}/buckminster.temp" />
<sysproperty key="target.platform"
value="${build.root}/${target.platform}" />
<jvmarg line=" -Xms256m -Xmx512m" />
and it works! :)
both in windows and linux :)
I've updated
hope this helps!
would a wiki page help?
On 11/08/2012 10:12 AM, Lorenzo Bettini wrote:
> Hi
> I was invoking buckminster from an ant script as follows (snippet):
> <exec executable="${buckminster.home}/${executable.file}">
> <arg value="-Dprojects.location=${projects.location}" />
> <arg
> value="-Dbuckminster.output.root=${build.root}/buckminster.output" />
> <arg
> value="-Dbuckminster.temp.root=${build.root}/buckminster.temp" />
> <arg
> value="-Dtarget.platform=${build.root}/${target.platform}" />
> <arg line="-data '${build.root}/buckminster.workspace'" />
> <arg line="-configuration '${build.root}/configuration'" />
> <arg line="-S '${resolve.commands.file}'" />
> </exec>
> and this works fine in Linux... but not in Windows, since the paths
> contain the dreadful \ which are considered escape chars...
> I'm not a regular windows user, thus I was wondering what is the
> "portable" way of executing buckminster from ant so that it behaves
> correctly also in windows...
> thanks in advance
> Lorenzo
Lorenzo Bettini, PhD in Computer Science, DI, Univ. Torino
ICQ# lbetto, 16080134 (GNU/Linux User # 158233)
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