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EclipseLink enhancement request in bugzilla [message #779965] Mon, 16 January 2012 22:49
Claude Bernard Diesse is currently offline Claude Bernard DiesseFriend
Messages: 7
Registered: July 2009
Junior Member
I have filled an enhancement request on EclipseLink in bugzilla system : Bug 367630.

> Enhancement: Identity Override for optional auto generator strategy in derived concrete entities

Please give a supporting vote to help it be in the next release wagons.
Here is the submitted description. (Also feel free to add comments or submit others equivalent solutions)

> The context here is how to align JPA capabilities to Java generics, and allow
> to write clean java codes.
> Considering JPA coding, I have some preferences :
> - Field mapping over method mapping
> - Try to use all power of java generics in java model design
> - Factor and reduce code in generic mapped super classes (for maintenance and
> safety reasons)
> All those advantages are lost because of a missing JPA function : Identity
> generation override capability
> Lets show it in a simple reduced example
> BaseEntity<K> : a generic mapped super class, with a prim key of type K.
> LongBasedEntity : a concrete derived entity class mapped on "LONG_ENTITY" table
> with "BIGINT" prim key type
> StringBasedEntity : a concrete derived entity class mapped on "STRING_ENTITY"
> table with "VARCHAR(32)" prim key type
> SeqBasedEntity : a concrete derived entity class mapped on "SEQ_ENTITY" table
> with "BIGINT" prim key type (But with auto generate sequence values in this
> case "Sequence/Table/Auto generator" ...)
> I want the abstract BaseEntity class to host all common fields and methods...
> And I want specially to declare the id variable in that root class, but with
> generic type.
> For LongBasedEntity and StringBasedEntity, I can use @AttributeOverride and
> @AssociationOveride to achieve the mapping to related tables.
> But for SeqBasedEntity, there is actually no way to override the generation
> strategy ... Because there is no
> annotation for that.
> So, I am proposing to add a new annotation :
> @IdOverride(generate=GeneratedValue(...))
> This make sense, because JPA already allow mapping override at the entity class
> level :
> - So, if you have defined the id in higher level classes, you can just
> specify at the concrete entity class level, a new generation strategy, and give
> it as the @IdOverride.generate parameter
> An example follow:
> @MappedSuperclass public abstract class BaseEntity<K extends Serializable>
> implements Serializable
> {
> private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
> @Version @Column(name = "VERSION") protected Integer version;
> @Id @Basic(optional = false) @Column(name = "ID", nullable = false) protected
> K id;
> protected BaseEntity() { super(); }
> protected BaseEntity(K xid) { = xid; }
> public K getId() { return id; }
> public void setId(K xid) { = xid; }
> }
> @Entity @Table(name = "LONG_ENTITY")
> public abstract class LongBasedEntity extends BaseEntity<Long>
> {
> private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
> @Basic(optional = false) @Column(name = "ENT_TYPE", length = 32) private
> String entType;
> protected LongBasedEntity() { super(); }
> protected LongBasedEntity(Long id) { super(id); }
> public String getEntityType() { return entType; }
> public void setEntityType(String s) { this.entType = s; }
> }
> @Entity @Table(name = "STRING_ENTITY")
> public abstract class StringBasedEntity extends ManagedEntity<String>
> {
> private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
> @Basic(optional = false) @Column(name = "ENT_TYPE", length = 32) private
> String entType;
> protected StringBasedEntity() { super(); }
> protected StringBasedEntity(String id) { super(id); }
> public String getEntityType() { return entType; }
> public void setEntityType(String s) { this.entType = s; }
> }
> @Entity @Table(name = "SEQ_ENTITY")
> @TableGenerator(name="METAINFO_GEN", table="SEQUENCE_TABLE",
> pkColumnName="SEQ_NAME", valueColumnName="SEQ_COUNT", pkColumnValue="METAINFO")
> @IdOverride(generate=@GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.TABLE,
> generator="METAINFO_GEN"))
> public abstract class SeqBasedEntity extends BaseEntity<Long>
> {
> private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
> @Basic(optional = false) @Column(name = "ENT_TYPE", length = 32) private
> String entType;
> protected SeqBasedEntity() { super(); }
> protected SeqBasedEntity(Long id) { super(id); }
> public String getEntityType() { return entType; }
> public void setEntityType(String s) { this.entType = s; }
> }
> By using @IdOverride, I can now separate the key generation strategy and the
> inheritance and data type problems.
> I also thought to use @AttributeOverride with an optional generate parameter...
> But this will certainly add overhead in existing implementation error tracking.
> There are many others valuable reasons to add this functionality ... But as
> coding preferences are different from developers, I prefer to let others give
> their thoughts for this request for enhancement.
> Thanks for taking this problem very seriously because I have tone of codes
> waiting for refactoring.
> Regards.
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