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[CDO] Problems with eAnnotation [message #645304] Thu, 16 December 2010 14:40 Go to next message
Stephane Rousseau is currently offline Stephane RousseauFriend
Messages: 34
Registered: September 2010
Hello every one,

As said in the subject, I have problems managing eAnnotation in my ecore
metamodel with CDO.

I have an ecore metamodel. In this metamodel, I have one eAnnotation per
eClassifier for documentation purpose :

<eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="MyFirstClass"
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="documentation" value="a Class"/>
<eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute"
name="myFirstAttribute" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>

I used the tutoriual here
( est_way_to_convert_an_XMIResource_to_a_CDOResource.3F)
to have my ecore + CDO metamodel

After reading my xmi file, at the commit time, I have this exception in
mapMetaInstances(EPackage ePackage, CDOIDMetaRange metaIDRange) method :

throw new IllegalStateException("range.size() != metaIDRange.size()");

The difference is the sum of eAnnotation occurrences and
eStringToStrigMapEntity occurrences.

If I remove the eAnnnotation from my ecore metamodel, I have no more the

So, I wonder if I make something wrong (not impossible at all) or is
there any bug around this ?

Here is my environment : Eclipse SDK 3.7.0 + CDO 4.0.0.v20101108-0809


Stephane Rousseau
Re: [CDO] Problems with eAnnotation [message #645309 is a reply to message #645304] Thu, 16 December 2010 14:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eike Stepper is currently offline Eike StepperFriend
Messages: 6682
Registered: July 2009
Senior Member
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Hi Stephane,

It seems to me you don't have a problem caused by annotations but rather a problem with modelevolution, which is generally not yet supported by CDO. Adding anything, including annotations, to a model results in a different model, an evolved model. I expect to come up with a solution to this complex problem in the first quarter of 2011.

In the meatime you'de have to migrate your existing data manually, possibly with the brand new export/import feature:

330235: Backup/Restore Functionality

332355: Provide OSGi console commands to start/stop/list/export/import repositories

332428: CDO Export does not support custom datatypes

Just the other second I answered some related questions of a customer. Please find an excerpt attached.



Am 16.12.2010 15:40, schrieb Stephane Rousseau:
> Hello every one,
> As said in the subject, I have problems managing eAnnotation in my ecore metamodel with CDO.
> I have an ecore metamodel. In this metamodel, I have one eAnnotation per eClassifier for documentation purpose :
> <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="MyFirstClass" eSuperTypes="#//ModelElement">
> <eAnnotations source="">
> <details key="documentation" value="a Class"/>
> </eAnnotations>
> <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="myFirstAttribute" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
> I used the tutoriual here ( est_way_to_convert_an_XMIResource_to_a_CDOResource.3F) to have my ecore + CDO metamodel
> After reading my xmi file, at the commit time, I have this exception in mapMetaInstances(EPackage ePackage, CDOIDMetaRange metaIDRange) method :
> throw new IllegalStateException("range.size() != metaIDRange.size()");
> The difference is the sum of eAnnotation occurrences and eStringToStrigMapEntity occurrences.
> If I remove the eAnnnotation from my ecore metamodel, I have no more the error.
> So, I wonder if I make something wrong (not impossible at all) or is there any bug around this ?
> Here is my environment : Eclipse SDK 3.7.0 + CDO 4.0.0.v20101108-0809
> Regards
> Stephane Rousseau

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PiBRdWVzdGlvbnMgSSBjdXJyZW50bHkgaGF2ZSBhcmU6DQo+IC0gSG93IHdl IGNhbiByZWFk
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PiAgICBJcyB0aGlzIGRvbmUgdGhyb3VnaCBFTUYsDQpOby4gV2VsbCwgaXQg Y291bGQgYmUs
IGJlY2F1c2UgdmlydHVhbGx5IGV2ZXJ5IFhNTCBTY2hlbWEgaXMgY29udmVy dGlibGUgdG8g
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b21lIE1ldGEgSURzIGluIHlvdXIgb3duIGluc3RhbmNlcyAoZS5nLiBoYXZl IGEgcmVmZXJl
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bWVudGF0aW9uIGRldGFpbCBpbiB0aGUgc2NvcGUgb2YgdGhlIGltcG9ydC9l eHBvcnQgbWVj
aGFuc2ltLiBUaGVyZSdzIGEgY2hhbmNlIHRoYXQgd2UgY2FuIHJlbW92ZSB0 aGlzIHR5cGUg
b2YgaW5mb3JtYXRpb24gZnJvbXRoZSBleHBvcnQgZmlsZSBhbmQgcmVwbGFj ZSB5b3VyIG93
biBNZXRhIElEIHJlZmVyZW5jZXMgYnkgbm9ybWFsIEVNRiBwcm94eSBVUklz IGludG8gdGhl
IHJlc3BlY3RpdmUgbWV0YSBtb2RlbHMuIFRoaXMgZGlzY3Vzc2lvbiBpcyBu b3QgZmluaXNo
ZWQsIHlldC4NCg0KU29ycnksIEkga25vdyB0aGlzIGlzIGEgbG90IG9mIHN0 dWZmIHRvIGNv
b3J0L2ltcG9ydCBtZWNoYW5zaW0gaXN0IHRoZSAqYmVzdCogc29sdXRpb24g dG8gbW9kZWwg

Re: [CDO] Problems with eAnnotation [message #645313 is a reply to message #645309] Thu, 16 December 2010 15:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Stephane Rousseau is currently offline Stephane RousseauFriend
Messages: 34
Registered: September 2010
Thank you for your quick answer, Eike,

Before making the post, I read some posts about model evolution. But I
think it's not my case.

The xmi file is conformed to the ecore metamodel with annotation even if
there is no annotation in my xmi file.

The only evolution I've made is to remove eAnnotation from the ecore
metamodel to complete the commit.

I will read your links to see if the situations are the same, and for my
personal information too.



On 16/12/2010 15:58, Eike Stepper wrote:
> Hi Stephane,
> It seems to me you don't have a problem caused by annotations but rather
> a problem with modelevolution, which is generally not yet supported by
> CDO. Adding anything, including annotations, to a model results in a
> different model, an evolved model. I expect to come up with a solution
> to this complex problem in the first quarter of 2011.
> In the meatime you'de have to migrate your existing data manually,
> possibly with the brand new export/import feature:
> 330235: Backup/Restore Functionality
> 332355: Provide OSGi console commands to start/stop/list/export/import
> repositories
> 332428: CDO Export does not support custom datatypes
> Just the other second I answered some related questions of a customer.
> Please find an excerpt attached.
> Cheers
> /Eike
> ----
> Am 16.12.2010 15:40, schrieb Stephane Rousseau:
>> Hello every one,
>> As said in the subject, I have problems managing eAnnotation in my
>> ecore metamodel with CDO.
>> I have an ecore metamodel. In this metamodel, I have one eAnnotation
>> per eClassifier for documentation purpose :
>> <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="MyFirstClass"
>> eSuperTypes="#//ModelElement">
>> <eAnnotations source="">
>> <details key="documentation" value="a Class"/>
>> </eAnnotations>
>> <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute"
>> name="myFirstAttribute" eType="ecore:EDataType
>> I used the tutoriual here
>> ( est_way_to_convert_an_XMIResource_to_a_CDOResource.3F)
>> to have my ecore + CDO metamodel
>> After reading my xmi file, at the commit time, I have this exception
>> in mapMetaInstances(EPackage ePackage, CDOIDMetaRange metaIDRange)
>> method :
>> throw new IllegalStateException("range.size() != metaIDRange.size()");
>> The difference is the sum of eAnnotation occurrences and
>> eStringToStrigMapEntity occurrences.
>> If I remove the eAnnnotation from my ecore metamodel, I have no more
>> the error.
>> So, I wonder if I make something wrong (not impossible at all) or is
>> there any bug around this ?
>> Here is my environment : Eclipse SDK 3.7.0 + CDO 4.0.0.v20101108-0809
>> Regards
>> Stephane Rousseau
Re: [CDO] Problems with eAnnotation [message #645314 is a reply to message #645309] Thu, 16 December 2010 15:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Stephane Rousseau is currently offline Stephane RousseauFriend
Messages: 34
Registered: September 2010
Just one more thing,

I commit into a new database after each reading so the database is
always consistent with the metamodel.


On 16/12/2010 15:58, Eike Stepper wrote:
> Hi Stephane,
> It seems to me you don't have a problem caused by annotations but rather
> a problem with modelevolution, which is generally not yet supported by
> CDO. Adding anything, including annotations, to a model results in a
> different model, an evolved model. I expect to come up with a solution
> to this complex problem in the first quarter of 2011.
> In the meatime you'de have to migrate your existing data manually,
> possibly with the brand new export/import feature:
> 330235: Backup/Restore Functionality
> 332355: Provide OSGi console commands to start/stop/list/export/import
> repositories
> 332428: CDO Export does not support custom datatypes
> Just the other second I answered some related questions of a customer.
> Please find an excerpt attached.
> Cheers
> /Eike
> ----
> Am 16.12.2010 15:40, schrieb Stephane Rousseau:
>> Hello every one,
>> As said in the subject, I have problems managing eAnnotation in my
>> ecore metamodel with CDO.
>> I have an ecore metamodel. In this metamodel, I have one eAnnotation
>> per eClassifier for documentation purpose :
>> <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="MyFirstClass"
>> eSuperTypes="#//ModelElement">
>> <eAnnotations source="">
>> <details key="documentation" value="a Class"/>
>> </eAnnotations>
>> <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute"
>> name="myFirstAttribute" eType="ecore:EDataType
>> I used the tutoriual here
>> ( est_way_to_convert_an_XMIResource_to_a_CDOResource.3F)
>> to have my ecore + CDO metamodel
>> After reading my xmi file, at the commit time, I have this exception
>> in mapMetaInstances(EPackage ePackage, CDOIDMetaRange metaIDRange)
>> method :
>> throw new IllegalStateException("range.size() != metaIDRange.size()");
>> The difference is the sum of eAnnotation occurrences and
>> eStringToStrigMapEntity occurrences.
>> If I remove the eAnnnotation from my ecore metamodel, I have no more
>> the error.
>> So, I wonder if I make something wrong (not impossible at all) or is
>> there any bug around this ?
>> Here is my environment : Eclipse SDK 3.7.0 + CDO 4.0.0.v20101108-0809
>> Regards
>> Stephane Rousseau
Re: [CDO] Problems with eAnnotation [message #645332 is a reply to message #645313] Thu, 16 December 2010 15:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eike Stepper is currently offline Eike StepperFriend
Messages: 6682
Registered: July 2009
Senior Member
Am 16.12.2010 16:08, schrieb Stephane Rousseau:
> Thank you for your quick answer, Eike,
> Before making the post, I read some posts about model evolution. But I think it's not my case.
And I think it is :P

> The xmi file is conformed to the ecore metamodel with annotation even if there is no annotation in my xmi file.
A particular persistence mechanism is always free to consider particular model evolutions as compatible or not, or even try to implicitely migrate instances during load or save. The following assertion is false:

(instance conforms to model1 and instance conforms to model2) implies model1 == model2

> The only evolution I've made is to remove eAnnotation from the ecore metamodel
There we go!

> to complete the commit.
> I will read your links to see if the situations are the same, and for my personal information too.
Please also understand that for certain persistence formats like XML or XMI it is just easier to cope with compatible evolution. While other formats like SQL tables are way harder to adjust. In the case of CDO there's even not a single implied format because custom data backends can be plugged into the framework.



> Regards
> Stephane
> On 16/12/2010 15:58, Eike Stepper wrote:
>> Hi Stephane,
>> It seems to me you don't have a problem caused by annotations but rather
>> a problem with modelevolution, which is generally not yet supported by
>> CDO. Adding anything, including annotations, to a model results in a
>> different model, an evolved model. I expect to come up with a solution
>> to this complex problem in the first quarter of 2011.
>> In the meatime you'de have to migrate your existing data manually,
>> possibly with the brand new export/import feature:
>> 330235: Backup/Restore Functionality
>> 332355: Provide OSGi console commands to start/stop/list/export/import
>> repositories
>> 332428: CDO Export does not support custom datatypes
>> Just the other second I answered some related questions of a customer.
>> Please find an excerpt attached.
>> Cheers
>> /Eike
>> ----
>> Am 16.12.2010 15:40, schrieb Stephane Rousseau:
>>> Hello every one,
>>> As said in the subject, I have problems managing eAnnotation in my
>>> ecore metamodel with CDO.
>>> I have an ecore metamodel. In this metamodel, I have one eAnnotation
>>> per eClassifier for documentation purpose :
>>> <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="MyFirstClass"
>>> eSuperTypes="#//ModelElement">
>>> <eAnnotations source="">
>>> <details key="documentation" value="a Class"/>
>>> </eAnnotations>
>>> <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute"
>>> name="myFirstAttribute" eType="ecore:EDataType
>>> I used the tutoriual here
>>> ( est_way_to_convert_an_XMIResource_to_a_CDOResource.3F)
>>> to have my ecore + CDO metamodel
>>> After reading my xmi file, at the commit time, I have this exception
>>> in mapMetaInstances(EPackage ePackage, CDOIDMetaRange metaIDRange)
>>> method :
>>> throw new IllegalStateException("range.size() != metaIDRange.size()");
>>> The difference is the sum of eAnnotation occurrences and
>>> eStringToStrigMapEntity occurrences.
>>> If I remove the eAnnnotation from my ecore metamodel, I have no more
>>> the error.
>>> So, I wonder if I make something wrong (not impossible at all) or is
>>> there any bug around this ?
>>> Here is my environment : Eclipse SDK 3.7.0 + CDO 4.0.0.v20101108-0809
>>> Regards
>>> Stephane Rousseau

Re: [CDO] Problems with eAnnotation [message #645333 is a reply to message #645314] Thu, 16 December 2010 15:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eike Stepper is currently offline Eike StepperFriend
Messages: 6682
Registered: July 2009
Senior Member
Am 16.12.2010 16:15, schrieb Stephane Rousseau:
> Just one more thing,
> I commit into a new database after each reading so the database is always consistent with the metamodel.
Well, that indeed doesn't sound like a model evolution problem then, because from the point of the new repository it's just the first and only version.

It rather sounds like a deployment problem on your server. Please note that the package registry of a CDO repository by default consults the global EMF package registry before it attempts to create a dynamic package from the stored information about the originally committed package. In other words, generated packages have precedence.

It seems that you have old package versions registered in your global EMF package registry, Older and different from the ones deployed to and used by your clients.



> Stephane
> On 16/12/2010 15:58, Eike Stepper wrote:
>> Hi Stephane,
>> It seems to me you don't have a problem caused by annotations but rather
>> a problem with modelevolution, which is generally not yet supported by
>> CDO. Adding anything, including annotations, to a model results in a
>> different model, an evolved model. I expect to come up with a solution
>> to this complex problem in the first quarter of 2011.
>> In the meatime you'de have to migrate your existing data manually,
>> possibly with the brand new export/import feature:
>> 330235: Backup/Restore Functionality
>> 332355: Provide OSGi console commands to start/stop/list/export/import
>> repositories
>> 332428: CDO Export does not support custom datatypes
>> Just the other second I answered some related questions of a customer.
>> Please find an excerpt attached.
>> Cheers
>> /Eike
>> ----
>> Am 16.12.2010 15:40, schrieb Stephane Rousseau:
>>> Hello every one,
>>> As said in the subject, I have problems managing eAnnotation in my
>>> ecore metamodel with CDO.
>>> I have an ecore metamodel. In this metamodel, I have one eAnnotation
>>> per eClassifier for documentation purpose :
>>> <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="MyFirstClass"
>>> eSuperTypes="#//ModelElement">
>>> <eAnnotations source="">
>>> <details key="documentation" value="a Class"/>
>>> </eAnnotations>
>>> <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute"
>>> name="myFirstAttribute" eType="ecore:EDataType
>>> I used the tutoriual here
>>> ( est_way_to_convert_an_XMIResource_to_a_CDOResource.3F)
>>> to have my ecore + CDO metamodel
>>> After reading my xmi file, at the commit time, I have this exception
>>> in mapMetaInstances(EPackage ePackage, CDOIDMetaRange metaIDRange)
>>> method :
>>> throw new IllegalStateException("range.size() != metaIDRange.size()");
>>> The difference is the sum of eAnnotation occurrences and
>>> eStringToStrigMapEntity occurrences.
>>> If I remove the eAnnnotation from my ecore metamodel, I have no more
>>> the error.
>>> So, I wonder if I make something wrong (not impossible at all) or is
>>> there any bug around this ?
>>> Here is my environment : Eclipse SDK 3.7.0 + CDO 4.0.0.v20101108-0809
>>> Regards
>>> Stephane Rousseau

Re: [CDO] Problems with eAnnotation [message #645493 is a reply to message #645333] Fri, 17 December 2010 13:25 Go to previous message
Stephane Rousseau is currently offline Stephane RousseauFriend
Messages: 34
Registered: September 2010

As I am in the prototyping part, I will not spend much time to see where
the problem comes from.

So I will be back with my problem in some weeks (in 2011).

Happy new year.

On 16/12/2010 16:46, Eike Stepper wrote:
> Am 16.12.2010 16:15, schrieb Stephane Rousseau:
>> Just one more thing,
>> I commit into a new database after each reading so the database is
>> always consistent with the metamodel.
> Well, that indeed doesn't sound like a model evolution problem then,
> because from the point of the new repository it's just the first and
> only version.
> It rather sounds like a deployment problem on your server. Please note
> that the package registry of a CDO repository by default consults the
> global EMF package registry before it attempts to create a dynamic
> package from the stored information about the originally committed
> package. In other words, generated packages have precedence.
> It seems that you have old package versions registered in your global
> EMF package registry, Older and different from the ones deployed to and
> used by your clients.
> Cheers
> /Eike
> ----
>> Stephane
>> On 16/12/2010 15:58, Eike Stepper wrote:
>>> Hi Stephane,
>>> It seems to me you don't have a problem caused by annotations but rather
>>> a problem with modelevolution, which is generally not yet supported by
>>> CDO. Adding anything, including annotations, to a model results in a
>>> different model, an evolved model. I expect to come up with a solution
>>> to this complex problem in the first quarter of 2011.
>>> In the meatime you'de have to migrate your existing data manually,
>>> possibly with the brand new export/import feature:
>>> 330235: Backup/Restore Functionality
>>> 332355: Provide OSGi console commands to start/stop/list/export/import
>>> repositories
>>> 332428: CDO Export does not support custom datatypes
>>> Just the other second I answered some related questions of a customer.
>>> Please find an excerpt attached.
>>> Cheers
>>> /Eike
>>> ----
>>> Am 16.12.2010 15:40, schrieb Stephane Rousseau:
>>>> Hello every one,
>>>> As said in the subject, I have problems managing eAnnotation in my
>>>> ecore metamodel with CDO.
>>>> I have an ecore metamodel. In this metamodel, I have one eAnnotation
>>>> per eClassifier for documentation purpose :
>>>> <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="MyFirstClass"
>>>> eSuperTypes="#//ModelElement">
>>>> <eAnnotations source="">
>>>> <details key="documentation" value="a Class"/>
>>>> </eAnnotations>
>>>> <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute"
>>>> name="myFirstAttribute" eType="ecore:EDataType
>>>> I used the tutoriual here
>>>> ( est_way_to_convert_an_XMIResource_to_a_CDOResource.3F)
>>>> to have my ecore + CDO metamodel
>>>> After reading my xmi file, at the commit time, I have this exception
>>>> in mapMetaInstances(EPackage ePackage, CDOIDMetaRange metaIDRange)
>>>> method :
>>>> throw new IllegalStateException("range.size() != metaIDRange.size()");
>>>> The difference is the sum of eAnnotation occurrences and
>>>> eStringToStrigMapEntity occurrences.
>>>> If I remove the eAnnnotation from my ecore metamodel, I have no more
>>>> the error.
>>>> So, I wonder if I make something wrong (not impossible at all) or is
>>>> there any bug around this ?
>>>> Here is my environment : Eclipse SDK 3.7.0 + CDO 4.0.0.v20101108-0809
>>>> Regards
>>>> Stephane Rousseau
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