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Home » Archived » XML Schema Definition (XSD) » Letting XSDEcoreBuilder reuse existing EPackages for imported schemas
Letting XSDEcoreBuilder reuse existing EPackages for imported schemas [message #603054] Wed, 11 June 2008 12:56
Eclipse UserFriend

I'm using the XSDEcoreBuilder to programmatically generate Ecore
packages from XSD files. In my scenario I have a couple of XSD files on
my hard drive and I want to have the derived EPackages in memory. The
XSDs can include/import each other.

The problem is that any XSD can change any time and I have to regenerate
the EPackages while keeping the effort at a minimum.

If one XSD changes, I already manage to reload it's XSDSchema model and
all depending XSDSchema models, so I always have the current XSDSchema
models in memory.

Regenerating the EPackages for all at once works perfectly, but how do I
prevent the XSDEcoreBuilder to regenerate Epackages that have already
been generated and are up to date?


- there are XSD A and XSD B, A imports B
- there are EPackages A and B generated from the XSDs
- A changes, I reload A and update B's referencingDirectives
- I want to regenerate EPackage A, but NOT EPackage B, since it didn't
change. How to I tell the XSDEcoreBuilder to reuse the existing EPackage B?

First I thought it might be possible by making EPackage B available via
the extendedMetaData's PackageRegistry, but it didn't seem to work out.

Then I noticed that an XSDSchema model's typeDefinition list also
contains all TypeDefinitions of included/imported XSDs... which
surprised me, since I expected to find only the ones that are defined in
that file. And since the XSDEcoreBuilder iterates over that list, this
explains why subpackages are always generated, too.

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