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Home » Modeling » MDT (Model Development Tools) » [Announce] Eclipse/OMG Symposium 2010
[Announce] Eclipse/OMG Symposium 2010 [message #600537] Mon, 09 November 2009 18:35
Eclipse UserFriend
In 2008, Eclipse and the OMG (Object Management Group) jointly ran two
one-day symposia to promote and build on the partnership between
Eclipse's open source software and OMG's open specifications. Following
the success of these events, OMG and Eclipse will hold a further one-day
symposium during the OMG Technical Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota on
23rd June 2010. The symposium will be organized as a series of
discussion sessions on OMG specifications and corresponding Eclipse
projects, to discuss the alignment between current specifications and
implemented software, and identify areas where the cooperation could be
further improved in the future.

Eclipse and OMG invite position papers of up to 600 words on any of the
topic areas below, or any other area where an OMG specification relates
to Eclipse software. The Program Committee will publish all submitted
position papers, and invite some of the paper authors to lead individual
discussion sessions. This symposium is a further opportunity to
participate in shaping the joint future of the Eclipse Open Source
community and the OMG Open Specifications community. Please join us for
stimulating technical planning and discussion in this exciting area.

Topics may include (but are not limited to) the following:

- Extensibility of specifications and/or open source implementations to
> conforming commercial implementations
> new application domains new
> requirements

- Processes for evolving specifications and/or open source implementations

- Open source implementations for specifications

- Standardized models or interfaces for open source implementations

- Collaboration between open source implementations

Papers that deal with specific problems and solutions that may benefit
from a wider discussion than that available though Eclipse Bug Reports
or OMG Issues are particularly welcome. Interested individuals or
organizations are invited to submit a brief (up to 600 words) position
paper by 24th February 2010 using the form at (please select "Session Presentation").
The Program Committee will send invitations to prospective leaders for
each session in early March 2010. The final symposium agenda and
registration details will be available on 17th March 2010 and posted at e.htm

We hope to see you at this special event.
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