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Improvment to publish tool [message #562695] Wed, 23 April 2008 08:21
Eclipse UserFriend

We have a need to be able to document the Tigerstripe model.
I know this can be done by a specific plug-in, but this is a generic need
and I had a look at the result of the publish project and I compared it
with the javadoc html output.

Today, the publish information is not very user-friendly and navigation is
not very easy.

Here are a few remarks:
1) title page: this is too hardcoded. It should be possible to customize
it more to add an overview, a copyright notice...

2) on the title page, there is an empty integration profiles sub-page.
This is correct as I didn't define any integration profile, but this
sub-page should not be present if no profile. On the same topic, the link
"Integration profiles" has 3 pre-defined profiles that points to
pre-defined pages saying information not available.

3) It would be nice to see on the left side all the TS artefacts as it is
presented in the explorer. Today, the left side mix the artefacts and the

4) when a category of artefact is selected, it should not remove the
details of the other categories previously expanded.

5) It would be nice to be able to publish both for web and as pdf

Best regards,

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