
Making pretty syntax specifications easy.

For languages, an often used specification of the grammar of the language in a user manual is some form of (E)BNF rules. However for people not used to reading them, it may be hard to understand what the rules say.

An alternative is to use syntax diagrams also known as railroad diagrams. These diagrams are often easier to understand for users that do not know (E)BNF.

A disadvantage of the syntax diagrams is that the diagrams have to be created. For a full language the number of diagrams can grow to over 50 pictures. To reduce the effort in creating them, tools have been developed by several persons. The tools vary in required program environment, accepted input, and quality of the output.

We are very fond of the CTAN rail package. It is written in TeX, and uses a C program to parse its input. We used it for all our languages. It is very good for creating diagrams in PDF documents, but much less useful in an Eclipse environment with online help web pages. Competitors did not seem to fit much better either, so the decision was made to make a Java program that behaves in much the same way as the CTAN rail package.

Files containing input for the Eclipse ESCET rail diagram generator use a .rr file extension by convention.