Function statements

This lesson explains the different statements that can be used in internal user-defined functions:

Assignment statement

Assignments in functions are very similar to assignments to discrete variables. For instance:

x := x + 1;

Besides local variables, it is also allowed to assign new values to the parameters. Changes to parameters only have effect inside the function itself.

For multi-assignments, the outer parentheses are not needed:

// Multi-assignment on an edge.
edge do (x, y) := (1, 2);

// Multi-assignment in a function.
x, y := 1, 2;

Return statement

The execution of a function ends when a return statement is encountered. The value following the return statement is the result of the entire function. Consider again the return statement from the mean function from the previous lesson:

return sum / length;

In this case, the sum of the input values is divided by the number of input elements (variable length) to obtain the mean of the input values. The mean of the input values is the result of the function.

While statement

The while statements allows for repeated execution of the statements in its body, as long as the condition of the while loop holds. Consider again the mean function from the previous lesson:

func real mean(list real vs):
  int length = size(vs);
  int index = 0;
  real sum = 0;

  while index < length:
    sum := sum + vs[index];
    index := index + 1;
  return sum / length;

The mean function processes each of its input values, using a while loop. As long as the condition (index < length) holds, the body of the while is executed over an over. The body consists of two assignments. The first assignment obtains an input value (vs[index]) and adds it to the sum. The second statement increases the index, to proceed with the next input value. After the two assignments have been executed, the condition of the while is evaluated again. If the condition still holds, the two assignments are executed again, etc. When the condition no longer holds, the while statement is done, and execution proceeds with the next statement, the return statement.

If statement

In a previous lesson, the if expression is introduced to construct more complex expressions. Consider the if expression from that previous lesson, but now used within a function:

func int signum(real x):
  return if   x > 0:  1
         elif x < 0: -1
         else         0

For functions one can also use if statements. This expression can be rewritten into an if statement as follows:

func int signum(real x):
  if x > 0:
    return 1;
  elif x < 0:
    return -1;
    return 0;

A difference between an if statement and an if expression is that the if statement can be partial in the sense that it does not need an else part. Consider again the mean function from above. It does not correctly handle empty lists. The length of an empty list is 0, so the return statement will cause a division-by-zero error. We can correctly handle this edge case using an if statement:

func real mean(list real vs):
  int length = size(vs);
  int index = 0;
  real sum = 0;

  if length = 0:
    return 0;

  while index < length:
    sum := sum + vs[index];
    index := index + 1;
  return sum / length;

Break statement

A break statement 'jumps out' of a while statement, continuing with the first statement after the while. Consider the following CIF specification:

// Get the first 'n' values from 'xs' that are not 'bad'.
func list int first_n(list int xs; int n; int bad):
  int index = 0;
  int x;
  list int result = [];

  while index < size(xs):
    x := xs[index];
    if x != bad:
      result := result + [x];
    if size(result) = n:
    index := index + 1;
  return result;

// The value of 'y' is [1, 5, 3].
alg list int y = first_n([1, 2, 5, 3, 4, 1, 3], 3, 2);

The first_n function takes a list of integer numbers xs, and returns a list result with the first n numbers from xs that are not bad. A while loop is used to process each of the numbers in list xs. The current number is stored in variable x. If the current number is not the same as bad, it is added to the result. If the result then contains n values, the break statement is used to break out of the while loop and continue execution at the first statement after the while loop, which is the return statement. If less than n values are in the result, index is incremented to ensure the next number of the list is processed in the next iteration of the while loop. The return statement at the end of the function is used to return the result list, which contains at most n values.

Continue statement

A continue statement 'jumps over' the remaining statements in the body of a while statement, and continues with the next iteration of that while statement. Consider the following CIF specification:

// Get the values from 'xs' that are greater than 5.
func list int filter_gt5(list int xs):
  int index = 0;
  int x;
  list int result = [];

  while index < size(xs):
    x := xs[index];
    index := index + 1;
    if x <= 5:
    result := result + [x];
  return result;

// The value of 'y' is [8, 7, 6].
alg list int y = filter_gt5([1, 8, 5, 7, 4, 6, 3]);

The filter_gt5 function takes a list of integer numbers, and returns a filtered list that only contains those integer number that are greater than 5. A while loop is used to process each of the numbers in list xs. The current number is stored in variable x, and index is incremented to ensure the next number of the list is processed in the next iteration of the while loop. If the current number is not greater than 5, the remaining statements in the body of the while are skipped, meaning x is not added to the result. The while loop then continues with the next iteration, for the next number in xs. If the current number (x) is greater than 5, execution continues after the if statement, and the number is added to the result. After all numbers in the list have been processed, the filtered result list is returned to the caller of the function.