RPMN For Regulatory Subject Matter Experts

For business users RPMN (Regulatory Process Model and Notation) is just 2 things: Some simple diagrams and associated simple text formats.

Users can choose to interact with either visual or text formats .

The text files are human readable text files and easily stored in version control systems like Git/GitHub/GitLab/SVN .

It is easy to display and understand the difference between 2 versions of the text file

These diagrams and text formats formats are currently being improved

We have a different diagram and text format for each of these regulatory artefacts

  • Data Model
  • Workflow
  • Report Generation
  • Business Requirements/Regulations
  • Tests
We show examples of these below

Artefact Type Image Type Diagram Text Example
DataModel DataModel datamodel datamodel
Workflow Workflow workflow workflow_text
Workflow Workflow lineage lineage lineage_text
Report Generation No Diagram just text sql_text sql_text
Requirements Requirements book requiements_image requiremnts_text
Test Test Data test_data tests_text
Test Unit Test Scope test_lineage tests_text
Test E2E Test Scope test_lineage tests_text