Module eclipselink

Class RMIIIOPTransportManager

  • public class RMIIIOPTransportManager
    extends RMITransportManager

    Purpose: Provide an RMI-IIOP transport implementation for RCM.

    Description: This class manages the RMI remote connections to other RCM service instances and posts the local RMI connection to this service instance in a name service so that other RCM service instances can connect to it.

    • Method Detail

      • createConnectionFromJNDI

        protected org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.RemoteConnection createConnectionFromJNDI​(String remoteObjectIdentifier,
                                                                                                                   String hostURL)
        INTERNAL: Look the specified remote object up in JNDI and return a Connection to it.
        createConnectionFromJNDI in class RMITransportManager