Module eclipselink

Class WildFlyRuntimeServices

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class WildFlyRuntimeServices
    extends RuntimeServices

    Purpose: Provide a dynamic interface into the EclipseLink Session.

    Description: This class is meant to provide facilities for managing an EclipseLink session external to EclipseLink over JMX.

    EclipseLink 4.0.1
    • Constructor Detail

      • WildFlyRuntimeServices

        public WildFlyRuntimeServices()
        PUBLIC: Default Constructor
      • WildFlyRuntimeServices

        public WildFlyRuntimeServices​(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
        PUBLIC: Create an instance of WildFlyRuntimeServices to be associated with the provided session
        session - The session to be used with these RuntimeServices
      • WildFlyRuntimeServices

        public WildFlyRuntimeServices​(Locale locale)
        Create an instance of WildFlyRuntimeServices to be associated with the provided locale The user must call setSession(Session) afterwards to define the session.