Module eclipselink

Class XPathHelper.QueryPart

  • Enclosing class:

    public class XPathHelper.QueryPart
    extends Object
    A QueryPart knows the name of the property to be queried against on a given DataObject, as well as the value to be used in the comparison.
    • Constructor Detail

      • QueryPart

        public QueryPart​(String query)
        This constructor breaks the provided query into property name and query value parts.
        query -
      • QueryPart

        public QueryPart​(String property,
                         String value,
                         int op)
        This constructor sets a logical operator and breaks the provided query into property name and query value parts.
    • Method Detail

      • evaluate

        public boolean evaluate​(SDODataObject dao)
        Indicate if the query represented by this QueryPart evaluates to true or false when executed on a given DataObject.
        dao -