Module eclipselink

Class DefaultSchemaResolver

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    SchemaResolver, EntityResolver

    public class DefaultSchemaResolver
    extends Object
    implements SchemaResolver

    Purpose: Default implementation of the org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.SchemaResolver interface


    • Given the source schema and namespace and schemaLocation values from an import or include return the referenced Schema
    • If a baseSchemaLocation is set it will be prepended to all schemaLocations passed into the resovleSchema methods
    • This implementation will try to open an Inputstream to a URL created from the schemaLocation and return a StreamSource based on that inputstream
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultSchemaResolver

        public DefaultSchemaResolver()
    • Method Detail

      • resolveSchema

        public Source resolveSchema​(Source sourceXSD,
                                    String namespace,
                                    String schemaLocation)
        Given the source schema and namespace and schemaLocation values from an import or include return the referenced Schema.
        Specified by:
        resolveSchema in interface SchemaResolver
        sourceXSD - The Source object of the source schema
        namespace - The namespace portion of the import/include
        schemaLocation - The schemaLocation portion of the import/include
        Source for the referenced Schema or null if processing the referenced schema should be skipped
      • resolveEntity

        public InputSource resolveEntity​(String publicId,
                                         String systemId)
        Satisfy EntityResolver interface implementation. Allow resolution of external entities.
        Specified by:
        resolveEntity in interface EntityResolver
        publicId -
        systemId -
      • setBaseSchemaLocation

        public void setBaseSchemaLocation​(String baseSchemaLocation)
        Optional baseSchemaLocation can be specified If set, all schemaLocations passed into the resolveSchema methods will be resolved against this base location according to the API
        baseSchemaLocation - optional baseSchemaLocation
      • getBaseSchemaLocation

        public String getBaseSchemaLocation()