Class AbstractTransactionController

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractTransactionController extends Object implements ExternalTransactionController

Purpose: Abstract implementation of an ExternalTransactionController.

Description: This class implements the ExternalTransactionController interface. Concrete implementations of this class are responsible for performing the coordination with the external transaction manager through whatever means available to that manager. Different transaction services may do this in slightly different ways, but most common ones (JTA and JTS/OTS) will use a synchronization interface.

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • unitsOfWork

      protected ConcurrentMap unitsOfWork
      Table of external transaction object keys and unit of work values
    • session

      protected org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session
      The session this controller is responsible for controlling
    • listenerFactory

      protected SynchronizationListenerFactory listenerFactory
      Generates listener instances for synchronization
    • activeUnitOfWorkThreadLocal

      protected ThreadLocal activeUnitOfWorkThreadLocal
      PERF: Cache the active uow in a thread local.
    • sequencingListeners

      protected ConcurrentMap<Object,AbstractSynchronizationListener> sequencingListeners
      Non-null only in case sequencing callbacks are used: numSessionsRequiringSequencingCallback > 0
    • currentlyProcessedListeners

      protected ConcurrentMap<Object,AbstractSynchronizationListener> currentlyProcessedListeners
      Non-null only in case sequencing callbacks are used: numSessionsRequiringSequencingCallback > 0
    • numSessionsRequiringSequencingCallback

      protected int numSessionsRequiringSequencingCallback
      more - the session is a session broker with several members requiring sequencing callbacks.
    • exceptionHandler

      protected ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler
      Allow exception in before/after completion to be wrapped.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractTransactionController

      public AbstractTransactionController()
      INTERNAL: Return a new controller.
  • Method Details

    • getExceptionHandler

      public ExceptionHandler getExceptionHandler()
      Return the exception handler used to handle or wrap exceptions thrown in before/after completion.
      Specified by:
      getExceptionHandler in interface ExternalTransactionController
    • setExceptionHandler

      public void setExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler)
      Set an exception handler to handle or wrap exceptions thrown in before/after completion.
      Specified by:
      setExceptionHandler in interface ExternalTransactionController
    • bindToCurrentTransaction

      public void bindToCurrentTransaction(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: Associate the given unit of work and EclipseLink session with the active external transaction. This may be done by whatever means supported by the transaction manager (i.e. through a synchronization protocol).
      unitOfWork - The unit of work that is to be bound to the active transaction
      session - The session ancestor of the unit of work
    • beginTransaction

      public void beginTransaction(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: Begin an external transaction.
      Specified by:
      beginTransaction in interface ExternalTransactionController
      session - The session for which the transaction is being begun.
    • commitTransaction

      public void commitTransaction(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: Commit the external transaction.
      Specified by:
      commitTransaction in interface ExternalTransactionController
      session - The session for which the transaction is being committed.
    • rollbackTransaction

      public void rollbackTransaction(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: Roll back the external transaction.
      Specified by:
      rollbackTransaction in interface ExternalTransactionController
      session - The session for which the transaction is being rolled back.
    • markTransactionForRollback

      public void markTransactionForRollback()
      INTERNAL: Mark the external transaction for rollback.
      Specified by:
      markTransactionForRollback in interface ExternalTransactionController
    • getTransaction

      public Object getTransaction()
      INTERNAL: Return the active external transaction object, or null if none is active. This may be in whatever form the transaction system uses.
    • getTransactionKey

      public Object getTransactionKey(Object transaction)
      INTERNAL: Return a key for the specified external transaction object. The key is just something that can be inserted into a hashtable (must support hashCode() and equals() methods).
    • getTransactionStatus

      public Object getTransactionStatus()
      INTERNAL: Return the transaction status. This may be any type of status or value, depending upon the transaction system.
    • noTransactionOrRolledBackOrCommited

      public boolean noTransactionOrRolledBackOrCommited()
      INTERNAL: Used the EJB 3.0 to determine if a transaction is in a state where an EntityManager can be closed
    • isRolledBack_impl

      public abstract boolean isRolledBack_impl(Object status)
      INTERNAL: Return true if the transaction is in the rolled back state.
    • hasActiveUnitOfWork

      public boolean hasActiveUnitOfWork()
      INTERNAL: Return true if there is a unit of work associated with the active external transaction. Return false if no transaction is current, or if no uow has been associated with the active transaction yet.
    • getActiveUnitOfWork

      public org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl getActiveUnitOfWork()
      INTERNAL: Return the active unit of work for the current external transaction. If no transaction is active then return null. If a transaction is active but no unit of work has been bound to it then create and return one.
      Specified by:
      getActiveUnitOfWork in interface ExternalTransactionController
    • lookupActiveUnitOfWork

      public org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl lookupActiveUnitOfWork()
      INTERNAL: Return the unit of work associated with the active external transaction. Return null if no transaction is active, or if no uow has been associated with the active transaction yet.
    • lookupActiveUnitOfWork

      public org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl lookupActiveUnitOfWork(Object transaction)
      INTERNAL: Return the unit of work associated with the active external transaction. Return null if no transaction is active, or if no uow has been associated with the active transaction yet.
    • addUnitOfWork

      public void addUnitOfWork(Object transactionKey, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl activeUnitOfWork)
      INTERNAL: Add a UnitOfWork object to the Hashtable keyed on the external transaction object.
    • removeUnitOfWork

      public void removeUnitOfWork(Object transactionKey)
      INTERNAL: Remove the unit of work associated with the transaction passed in.
    • getSession

      public org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession getSession()
      INTERNAL: Return the manager's session.
      Specified by:
      getSession in interface ExternalTransactionController
    • setSession

      public void setSession(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: Set the manager's session.
      Specified by:
      setSession in interface ExternalTransactionController
    • getUnitsOfWork

      public Map getUnitsOfWork()
      INTERNAL: Return the hashtable keyed on the external transaction objects with values that are the associated units of work.
    • setUnitsOfWork

      protected void setUnitsOfWork(ConcurrentMap unitsOfWork)
      INTERNAL: Set the table of transactions to units of work.
    • getListenerFactory

      public SynchronizationListenerFactory getListenerFactory()
      INTERNAL: Get the factory used to generate synchronization listeners.
    • setListenerFactory

      public void setListenerFactory(SynchronizationListenerFactory factory)
      INTERNAL: Set the factory used to generate synchronization listeners. This should be set if a listener other than the default one is being used.
    • registerSynchronizationListener

      public void registerSynchronizationListener(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl uow, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException
      INTERNAL: Associate the given unit of work and EclipseLink session with the current external transaction. This method is offered only for backwards compatibility.
      Specified by:
      registerSynchronizationListener in interface ExternalTransactionController
    • jndiLookup

      public Object jndiLookup(String jndiName)
      PUBLIC: Look up a given name in JNDI. This can be used by a subclass or even an application to look up transaction artifacts that are required for the implementation.

      The lookup assumes that it is taking place on the server side, and that the InitialContext can be used without requiring any special properties.

      jndiName - The name to look up
      The object bound in JNDI to the specified name
      TransactionException - Thrown in case of lookup failure
    • initializeSequencingListeners

      public void initializeSequencingListeners()
      INTERNAL: Initializes sequencing listeners. There are two methods calling this method: 1. setSession method - this could lead to initialization of sequencing listeners only if sequencing already connected (that would happen if setSession is called after session.login, which is normally not the case). 2. in the very end of connecting sequencing or adding descriptors to sequencing, after it's determined whether sequencing callbacks (and therefore listeners) will be required. In SessionBroker case each member's sequencing may call this method. Note that the number of sessions requiring callbacks may never decrease, therefore if isSequencingCallbackRequired method has returned true once, it will always return true after that (unless clearSequencingListeners method is called).
      Specified by:
      initializeSequencingListeners in interface ExternalTransactionController
    • getActiveSequencingCallback

      public org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sequencing.SequencingCallback getActiveSequencingCallback(DatabaseSession dbSession, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sequencing.SequencingCallbackFactory sequencingCallbackFactory)
      INTERNAL: Returns sequencingCallback for the current active external transaction. DatabaseSession is passed for the sake of SessionBroker case. This method requires active external transaction.
      Specified by:
      getActiveSequencingCallback in interface ExternalTransactionController
    • clearSequencingListeners

      public void clearSequencingListeners()
      INTERNAL: Clears sequencing listeners. Called by initializeSequencingListeners and by sequencing on disconnect.
      Specified by:
      clearSequencingListeners in interface ExternalTransactionController
    • isSequencingCallbackRequired

      public boolean isSequencingCallbackRequired()
      INTERNAL: Indicates whether sequencing callback may be required.
    • numSessionsRequiringSequencingCallback

      public int numSessionsRequiringSequencingCallback()
      INTERNAL: Indicates how many sessions require sequencing callbacks.
    • removeSequencingListener

      public void removeSequencingListener(Object transactionKey)
      INTERNAL: Clears sequencingCallbacks. Called by initializeSequencingCallbacks and by sequencing on disconnect.
    • logTxTrace

      public void logTxTrace(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, String msgInd, Object[] args)
    • logTxStateTrace

      public void logTxStateTrace(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, String msgInd, Object status)
    • registerSynchronization_impl

      protected abstract void registerSynchronization_impl(AbstractSynchronizationListener listener, Object txn) throws Exception
      INTERNAL: Register the specified synchronization listener with the given active transaction.
      listener - The synchronization listener created for this transaction
      txn - The active transaction for which notification is being requested
    • getTransaction_impl

      protected abstract Object getTransaction_impl() throws Exception
      INTERNAL: Return the active external transaction for the calling thread, or null if none is currently active for this thread.
      The active transaction object, or null if no transaction is active
    • getTransactionKey_impl

      protected abstract Object getTransactionKey_impl(Object transaction) throws Exception
      INTERNAL: Return a key for the specified external transaction object. The key is just something that can be inserted into a hashtable (must support hashCode() and equals() methods).
      transaction - The transaction to which the returned key applies (may be null)
      A key for the passed in transaction, or null if no transaction specified
    • getTransactionStatus_impl

      protected abstract Object getTransactionStatus_impl() throws Exception
      INTERNAL: Return the transaction status. This may be any type of status or value, depending upon the transaction system.
      The current transaction status
    • beginTransaction_impl

      protected abstract void beginTransaction_impl() throws Exception
      INTERNAL: Begin an external transaction. Do this in a way appropriate to the transaction subsystem.
    • commitTransaction_impl

      protected abstract void commitTransaction_impl() throws Exception
      INTERNAL: Commit the external transaction. Do this in a way appropriate to the transaction subsystem.
    • rollbackTransaction_impl

      protected abstract void rollbackTransaction_impl() throws Exception
      INTERNAL: Roll back the external transaction. Do this in a way appropriate to the transaction subsystem.
    • markTransactionForRollback_impl

      protected abstract void markTransactionForRollback_impl() throws Exception
      INTERNAL: Mark the external transaction for rollback. Do this in a way appropriate to the transaction subsystem.
    • canBeginTransaction_impl

      protected abstract boolean canBeginTransaction_impl(Object status)
      INTERNAL: Return true if the status indicates that a transaction can be started. This would normally mean that no transaction is currently active. The status is interpreted by the transaction subsystem.
      status - The current transaction status
      true if the current state allows for a transaction to be started
    • canCommitTransaction_impl

      protected abstract boolean canCommitTransaction_impl(Object status)
      INTERNAL: Return true if the status indicates that a transaction can be committed. This would normally mean that a transaction is currently active. The status is interpreted by the transaction subsystem.
      status - The current transaction status
      true if the current state allows for a transaction to be committed
    • canRollbackTransaction_impl

      protected abstract boolean canRollbackTransaction_impl(Object status)
      INTERNAL: Return true if the status indicates that a transaction can be rolled back. This would normally mean that a transaction is currently active. The status is interpreted by the transaction subsystem.
      status - The current transaction status
      true if the current state allows for a transaction to be rolled back
    • canIssueSQLToDatabase_impl

      protected abstract boolean canIssueSQLToDatabase_impl(Object status)
      INTERNAL: Return true if the status indicates that the SQL should be issued to the db. This would normally mean that a transaction was active and not being rolled back or marked for rollback. The status is interpreted by the transaction subsystem.
      status - The current transaction status
      true if the current state allows for the SQL to be sent to the database
    • canMergeUnitOfWork_impl

      protected abstract boolean canMergeUnitOfWork_impl(Object status)
      INTERNAL: Return true if the status indicates that the unit of work should be merged into the shared cache. This would normally mean that the transaction was committed successfully. The status is interpreted by the transaction subsystem.
      status - The current transaction status
      true if the current state dictates that the unit of work should be merged
    • statusToString_impl

      protected abstract String statusToString_impl(Object status)
      INTERNAL: Convert the status to a string for tracing.