Class CoreAttributeGroup<ATTRIBUTE_ITEM extends CoreAttributeItem,DESCRIPTOR extends CoreDescriptor>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class CoreAttributeGroup<ATTRIBUTE_ITEM extends CoreAttributeItem,DESCRIPTOR extends CoreDescriptor> extends Object implements Serializable, Cloneable
INTERNAL Purpose: A generic super class for AttributeGroup and other subclasses
See Also:
Matt MacIvor
  • Field Details

    • name

      protected String name
      Name of the group. This is used in subclasses where the groups are stored and can be used within a query by name as with FetchGroup. For dynamic groups the name has no functional value.
    • typeName

      protected String typeName
      The name of the class represented by this AttrbuteGroup. Used to specify overriding groups for subclasses.
    • type

      protected Class type
      The class represented by this AttrbuteGroup. Used to specify overriding groups for subclasses.
    • superClassGroup

      protected CoreAttributeGroup superClassGroup
      To add inheritance support the two following attrbutes are used to create a model of the inheritance tree This attribute points to the parent AttributeGroup of this attribute group.
    • subClasses

      protected transient Set<CoreAttributeGroup> subClasses
      This attribute references the immediate subclass groups for this attributeGroup. This is not required but acts as a means to support adding inheritance branches into the an established tree.
    • allsubclasses

      protected Map<Object,CoreAttributeGroup> allsubclasses
      This attribute is used to store all of the classes in this hierarchy keyed by type. It is used to find the correct graph for polymorphic groups.
    • items

      protected Map<String,ATTRIBUTE_ITEM extends CoreAttributeItem> items
      Specified attributes in the group mapped to their AttributeItems
    • isValidated

      protected boolean isValidated
      Marks this AttributeGroup as having been validated by the builder and does not require further validation
  • Constructor Details

    • CoreAttributeGroup

      public CoreAttributeGroup(String name)
    • CoreAttributeGroup

      public CoreAttributeGroup(String name, String type, boolean isValidated)
    • CoreAttributeGroup

      public CoreAttributeGroup(String name, Class type, boolean isValidated)
      INTERNAL: This constructer is to only be used by EclipseLink internally
      name -
      type -
    • CoreAttributeGroup

      public CoreAttributeGroup()
  • Method Details

    • addAttribute

      public void addAttribute(String attributeNameOrPath)
      Add a basic attribute or nested attribute with each String representing an attribute on the path to what needs to be included in the AttributeGroup.

      Example: group.addAttribute("firstName");

      attributeNameOrPath - A simple attribute, array or attributes forming a path
    • addAttribute

      public void addAttribute(String attributeNameOrPath, Collection<? extends CoreAttributeGroup> groups)
      Add an attribute and the corresponding list of AttributeGroups. Multiple groups are added in the case of inheritance

      attributeNameOrPath - A simple attribute, array or attributes forming a path
      groups - - a collection of AttributeGroups to be added.
    • addAttribute

      public void addAttribute(String attributeNameOrPath, CoreAttributeGroup group)
      Add a basic attribute or nested attribute with each String representing an attribute on the path to what needs to be included in the AttributeGroup.

      Example: group.addAttribute("firstName", group1);
      group.addAttribute("manager.address", group2);
      Note that existing group corresponding to attributeNameOrPath will be overridden with the passed group.

      attributeNameOrPath - A simple attribute, array or attributes forming a path
      group - - an AttributeGroup to be added.
    • addAttributeKey

      public void addAttributeKey(String attributeNameOrPath, CoreAttributeGroup group)
      Add a basic attribute or nested attribute with each String representing the key of an attribute of type Map on the path to what needs to be included in the AttributeGroup.

      Example: group.addAttribute("firstName", group1);
      group.addAttribute("manager.address", group2);
      Note that existing group corresponding to attributeNameOrPath will be overridden with the passed group.

      attributeNameOrPath - A simple attribute, array or attributes forming a path to a Map key
      group - - an AttributeGroup to be added.
    • addAttributes

      public void addAttributes(Collection<String> attrOrPaths)
      Add a set of attributes to the group.
    • clone

      public CoreAttributeGroup clone()
      clone in class Object
    • clone

      INTERNAL: This method is used internally in the clone processing.
      cloneMap -
    • containsAttribute

      public boolean containsAttribute(String attributeNameOrPath)
      Return if the attribute is defined in the group.
    • containsAttributeInternal

      public boolean containsAttributeInternal(String attributeName)
      INTERNAL: Return if the attribute is defined in the group. Only local attribute names are checked.
    • convert

      protected String[] convert(String... nameOrPath)
      Convert a provided name or path which could be a single attributeName, a single string with dot separated attribute names, or an array of attribute names defining the path.
      IllegalArgumentException - if name is not valid attribute name or path.
    • convertClassNamesToClasses

      public void convertClassNamesToClasses(ClassLoader classLoader)
      INTERNAL: Convert all the class-name-based settings in this Descriptor to actual class-based settings. This method is used when converting a project that has been built with class names to a project with classes.
      classLoader -
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • findGroup

      public CoreAttributeGroup findGroup(DESCRIPTOR type)
    • getAllItems

      public Map<String,ATTRIBUTE_ITEM> getAllItems()
    • getAttributeNames

      public Set<String> getAttributeNames()
    • getGroup

      public CoreAttributeGroup getGroup(String attributeNameOrPath)
      Returns AttributeGroup corresponding to the passed (possibly nested) attribute.
    • getItem

      public ATTRIBUTE_ITEM getItem(String attributeNameOrPath)
      INTERNAL: Lookup the AttributeItem for the provided attribute name or path.
      item or null
      IllegalArgumentException - if name is not valid attribute name or path
    • getItem

      protected ATTRIBUTE_ITEM getItem(String[] attributePath, boolean create)
      Locate the AttributeGroup where the leaf attribute in the path should be applied to.
      create - indicates if intermediate AttributeGroup required within the specified path should be created as needed. When checking the state of the map callers should set this to false to avoid changing the state unexpectedly
    • getItems

      public Map<String,ATTRIBUTE_ITEM> getItems()
      Non-null Map of attributes in the group mapped to their AttributeItems
    • getName

      public String getName()
    • getSubClassGroups

      public Map<Object,CoreAttributeGroup> getSubClassGroups()
    • getType

      public Class getType()
    • getTypeName

      public String getTypeName()
      INTERNAL: Returns the name of the type this group represents
    • hasInheritance

      public boolean hasInheritance()
      Indicates whether this group is part of an inheritance hierarchy
    • hasItems

      public boolean hasItems()
      Indicates whether the group has at least one attribute.
    • insertSubClass

      public void insertSubClass(CoreAttributeGroup group)
      INTERNAL: This method will insert the group into the entity hierarchy just below this AttributeGroup.
      group -
    • isConcurrent

      public boolean isConcurrent()
      INTERNAL: Only LoadGroups allow concurrency.
    • isCopyGroup

      public boolean isCopyGroup()
      INTERNAL: This method is used internally when converting to a copy group.
    • isFetchGroup

      public boolean isFetchGroup()
    • isLoadGroup

      public boolean isLoadGroup()
    • isSupersetOf

      public boolean isSupersetOf(CoreAttributeGroup<ATTRIBUTE_ITEM,DESCRIPTOR> anotherGroup)
      Return true if this AttributeGroup is a super-set of the passed in AttributeGroup.
    • isValidated

      public boolean isValidated()
      the isValidated
    • newGroup

      protected CoreAttributeGroup newGroup(String name, CoreAttributeGroup parent)
      Subclass may create different types.
    • newItem

      protected CoreAttributeItem newItem(CoreAttributeGroup group, String attrName)
      Subclass may create different types.
    • removeAttribute

      public void removeAttribute(String attributeNameOrPath)
      Remove an attribute from the group.
    • setAllSubclasses

      public void setAllSubclasses(Map<Object,CoreAttributeGroup> subclasses)
    • setAttributeNames

      public void setAttributeNames(Set attributeNames)
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • toStringAdditionalInfo

      protected String toStringAdditionalInfo()
      Used by toString to print additional info for derived classes.
    • toStringItems

      protected String toStringItems()
      Used by toString to print attribute items.
    • toStringPath

      protected static String toStringPath(String[] attributePath, int position)