Today, approximately 4 months after Eclipse Ditto’s 1.0.0 release, the team is happy to announce the first minor (feature) update of Ditto 1.0:
Eclipse Ditto 1.1.0

The Ditto team was quite busy, 1.1.0 focuses on the following areas:

  • Management of Policies via Ditto Protocol
  • Possibility to search via Ditto Protocol
  • Enrich published Ditto events/message via additional custom fields of the affected thing
  • Support for establishing managed connections via MQTT 5
  • End-2-end acknowledgements preparing Ditto to enable “at least once” processing
    • Addition of acknowledgement APIs in Ditto Java client
  • Officially documented pre-authenticated authentication mechanism
  • Use of Java 11 for running Ditto containers
  • Deprecation of API version 1 (authorization via ACL mechanism)
  • Use of CBOR as cluster internal replacement for JSON serialization
  • Further improvements on increasing throughput

Please have a look at the 1.1.0 release notes for a more detailed information on the release.


The new Java artifacts have been published at the Eclipse Maven repository as well as Maven central.

Also the Ditto Java client’s artifacts were published to Maven central.

The Docker images have been pushed to Docker Hub:

Kubernetes ready: Helm chart

In order to run Eclipse Ditto in a Kubernetes environment, best rely on the official Helm chart and deploy Ditto via the Helm package manager.


The Eclipse Ditto team