The Ditto team is proud to announce the next milestone release.

Have a look at the Milestone 0.2.0-M1 release notes.

The main changes are

  • being able to search in namespaces which can speed up search queries when applied to a large population of digital twins
  • the enhancement of our Feature entity by Definitions which lays the foundation for using Features in a typesafe way (later by enforcing the schema with the help of an Eclipse Vorto generator


The new Java artifacts have been published at the Eclipse Maven repository as well as Maven central.

The Docker images have been pushed to Docker Hub:

Virtual IoT Meetup

Today at 8am PT / 11am ET / 5pm CET Eclipse IoT will host a Virtual IoT meetup in which we will show Eclipse Ditto’s features from a technical perspective.

The video will be streamed on YouTube and will be available afterwards here:

See you there ;-)


The Eclipse Ditto team