Uses of Interface

Packages that use Function0
This package contains interfaces for Eclipse Collections API.
This package contains interfaces for Bag API.
This package contains interfaces for BiMap API.
This package contains factory API for creating instances of type ListIterable.
This package contains interfaces for map API which enhance the performance and functionality of Map
This package contains API for primitive to primitive maps, primitive to object maps and object to primitive maps with mutable and immutable variants.
This package contains mutable and immutable sorted map interfaces.
This package contains interfaces for Multimap.
This package contains interfaces for stack API.
This package contains implementations for Eclipse Collections API.
This package contains implementations of the ImmutableBag interface.
This package contains implementations of the MutableBag interface.
This package contains implementations of the MutableBiMap interface.
This package contains factory implementations for Function, Predicate, SerializableComparator and Procedure.
This package contains implementations of Function, Function0 and Function2.
This package contains abstract implementations of Function, Function0 and Function2.
This package contains implementations of Procedure and Procedure2.
This package contains implementations of the MutableCollection interface.
This package contains implementations which has several parallel algorithms that work with Collections and make use of Java's fork-join framework.
This package contains implementations of the MutableList interface.
This package contains implementations of the MapIterable interface.
This package contains implementations of the ImmutableMap interface.
This package contains implementations of the MutableMap interface.
This package contains implementations of the mutable primitive-primitive, primitive-object and object-primitive map interfaces.
This package contains implementations of the MutableSortedMap interface.
This package contains implementations of the MutableSortedMap interface.
This package contains mutable map implementations backed by hashtables that rely on HashingStrategys provided by the developer to compute the hashCode and equals for the objects stored in the map.
This package contains implementations of the Multimap interface.
This package contains classes which is used for parallel iteration through the containers.
This package contains implementations of the MutableStack interface.
This package contains static utilities that provide iteration pattern implementations which work with JCF collections.
This package contains static utilities that provide internal iteration pattern implementations which work with JCF collections.