Package org.eclipse.collections.api.list

This package contains interfaces for list API which enhance the performance and functionality of List.

This package contains 5 interfaces:

  • ListIterable - an Iterable which contains items that are ordered and may be accessed directly by index.
  • MutableList - an implementation of a JCF List which provides internal iterator methods matching the Smalltalk Collection protocol.
  • ImmutableList - the non-modifiable equivalent interface to MutableList.
  • FixedSizeList - a list that may be mutated, but cannot grow or shrink in size.
  • ParallelListIterable - a RichIterable which will defer evaluation for certain methods like select, reject, collect, etc. When evaluation occurs it is in parallel.
  • Interface Summary 
    Interface Description
    A FixedSizeList is a list that may be mutated, but cannot grow or shrink in size.
    ImmutableList is the non-modifiable equivalent interface to MutableList.
    An iterable whose items are ordered and may be accessed directly by index.
    A MultiReaderList provides thread-safe iteration for a list through methods withReadLockAndDelegate() and withWriteLockAndDelegate().
    A MutableList is an extension of java.util.List which provides methods matching the Smalltalk Collection protocol.
    A ParallelIterable is RichIterable which will defer evaluation for certain methods like select, reject, collect, etc.