Women and Software-Defined Vehicles: Shaping the Female Future of Mobility Software-defined vehicles sit at the crossroads of automotive and software development – two fields where, sadly, women have historically been underrepresented. The good news is that this convergence presents a unique opportunity to bridge the gender gap by joining forces, sharing experiences, and uniting talents from both domains. Automotive and software development share a common trait: compared to other scientific and …
Blogs and Videos
From Eclipse Foundation Team
Hashtag Jakarta EE #267 Welcome to issue number two hundred and sixty-seven of Hashtag Jakarta EE! I am still enjoying time off in Indonesia, but will be back in business again this week. I am happy to see the Jakarta Config specification is finally gaining some momentum again. This is a specification we wanted included first in Jakarta EE 10, and then in Jakarta EE 11. Now it looks like Jakarta EE 12 will be where it is finally made available to the Jakarta EE developers. After coming back …