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Native drag and drop provides the ability to drag data from one GUI object to another GUI object, which could potentially be in another application. GEF allows access to the operating system's underlying drag and drop infrastructure through SWT. This article will provide an in-depth look at GEF's drag and drop functionality and show some simple examples of how to take advantage of this API.Eric Bordeau, IBM
August 25, 2003
Native drag and drop means the operating system's underlying drag and drop mechanism is used. This is different from when you drag EditParts around inside a single viewer. By using native drag and drop, you can transfer items between views, editors, windows and even between different applications (providing both applications support the transfer of that particular type of object). But not only will you be able to utilize other plug-ins' and applications' drag and drop capabilities, the opposite is also true. By using native drag and drop, you open the door for other plug-ins and applications to interact with your application in ways you may not have envisioned.
In order to access the operating system's drag and drop facilities, GEF uses SWT's DragSource and DropTarget API. (If you would like more information on how SWT's drag and drop mechanism works, see Veronika Irvine's SWT drag and drop article.) To use SWT's drag and drop support, you need to create a DragSource and/or DropTarget for your control. Then you can add DragSourceListeners and/or DropTargetListeners to handle the drag and drop events. Here's a simple drag and drop example that allows you to drag from a tree and drop the tree item into a text field, changing the text field's text to that of the tree item.
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.*; import; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*; public class DNDExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Shell shell = new Shell(); shell.setBackground(new Color(null, 200, 200, 200)); shell.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, false)); // Create the tree and some tree items final Tree tree = new Tree(shell, SWT.NONE); TreeItem item1 = new TreeItem(tree, SWT.NONE); item1.setText("Item 1"); TreeItem item2 = new TreeItem(tree, SWT.NONE); item2.setText("Item 2"); // Create the drag source on the tree DragSource ds = new DragSource(tree, DND.DROP_MOVE); ds.setTransfer(new Transfer[] {TextTransfer.getInstance()}); ds.addDragListener(new DragSourceAdapter() { public void dragSetData(DragSourceEvent event) { // Set the data to be the first selected item's text = tree.getSelection()[0].getText(); } }); // Create the text field final Text text = new Text(shell, SWT.NONE); // Create the drop target on the text field DropTarget dt = new DropTarget(text, DND.DROP_MOVE); dt.setTransfer(new Transfer[] {TextTransfer.getInstance()}); dt.addDropListener(new DropTargetAdapter() { public void drop(DropTargetEvent event) { // Set the text field's text to the text being dropped text.setText((String); } }); shell.pack();; Display display = Display.getDefault(); while (!shell.isDisposed()) if (!display.readAndDispatch()) display.sleep(); display.dispose(); } } |
The DragSourceListener needs to set the data being dragged during the dragSetData event and the DropTargetListener needs to do something with that data during the drop event.
GEF uses SWT's DragSource and DropTarget to facilitate its drag and drop function. When adding a drag listener to your EditPartViewer, a DragSource gets created and hooked into the underlying control. And similarly, a DropTarget gets created when adding a drop listener. But instead of adding your listener directly to the DragSource or DropTarget, the viewer creates a DelegatingDragSourceAdapter or DelegatingDropTargetAdapter, respectively, and adds them to their corresponding widget. Then, your listener gets added to the delegating adapter. When events are dispatched by the DragSource or DropTarget, the corresponding delegating adapter gets notified and it in turn delegates the event to the proper listener.
One of the advantages of delegating the drag and drop events in this way is to ease the separation of listeners by Transfer type. Code is simpler to read because each listener is only concerned with one type of transfer. And extension of drag and drop functionality is simplified since all that needs to be done is to add a new listener. Delegation of drag and drop events allows for a consensus of all the available listeners -- if one listener can handle the drag, it's allowed to do so, instead of letting the last listener determine whether the drag will be aborted or not. SWT lets you add multiple listeners but doesn't achieve the same effect. Delegating allows for easier maintainability of code and extension by third-party plug-ins.
Let's just get started with some code. I'll be describing how to add drop functionality to the logic editor (available from our download page). This will allow the user to drag files from the Navigator or Package Explorer (or any file explorer that supports dragging files) and drop them onto the logic editor. The editor will respond by creating a new label with the file name as its text. First off, you need a TransferDropTargetListener (GEF provides you with AbstractTransferDropTargetListener for you to subclass). Create a subclass called FileTransferDropTargetListener:
package org.eclipse.gef.examples.logicdesigner.dnd; import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.FileTransfer; import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.Transfer; import org.eclipse.gef.EditPartViewer; import org.eclipse.gef.dnd.AbstractTransferDropTargetListener; public class FileTransferDropTargetListener extends AbstractTransferDropTargetListener { public FileTransferDropTargetListener(EditPartViewer viewer, Transfer xfer) { super(viewer, xfer); } public FileTransferDropTargetListener(EditPartViewer viewer) { super(viewer, FileTransfer.getInstance()); } protected void updateTargetRequest() {} } |
The first thing you need to do is override createTargetRequest() to create the appropriate request. CreateRequest should be used so that a new label will be created when a file is dropped on the editor. The CreateRequest needs a CreationFactory to create the new object that will be passed to the command. You should implement your own factory that will create a new LogicLabel based on the file name (which you will set later during the drop event).
package org.eclipse.gef.examples.logicdesigner.dnd; import org.eclipse.gef.requests.CreationFactory; import org.eclipse.gef.examples.logicdesigner.model.LogicLabel; public class FileLabelFactory implements CreationFactory { private String text = ""; public Object getNewObject() { LogicLabel label = new LogicLabel(); label.setLabelContents(text); return label; } public Object getObjectType() { return LogicLabel.class; } public void setText(String s) { text = s; } } |
Now that we've got our factory, we can add a field to our drop listener to store this factory...
private FileLabelFactory factory = new FileLabelFactory(); |
and set the factory on the CreateRequest during createTargetRequest()...
protected Request createTargetRequest() { CreateRequest request = new CreateRequest(); request.setFactory(factory); return request; } |
Next, implement updateTargetRequest() by setting the current drop location on the request.
protected void updateTargetRequest() { ((CreateRequest)getTargetRequest()).setLocation(getDropLocation()); } |
Now since we'll be dragging files from the Navigator (or any file explorer), we want to ensure that the file won't be deleted. To do this, override handleDragOver() and set the drop detail to DND.DROP_COPY. If we leave it as the default (DND.DROP_MOVE), after the drop the drag source will assume the file is somewhere else and remove the original. We want the file to stay right where it is.
protected void handleDragOver() { getCurrentEvent().detail = DND.DROP_COPY; super.handleDragOver(); } |
Finally, we need to implement handleDrop() to get the file name from the current DropTargetEvent. The data field of the event is typed as Object but the actual data type is dependent on the transfer type. For FileTransfers, the data is a String array storing the full paths of the files being dragged. To make this easier, we'll only be concerned with the first file in the list and we'll only display the file name, not the full path. Once we extract this information from the current event, set the text on the factory and the superclass will do the rest.
protected void handleDrop() { String s = ((String[])getCurrentEvent().data)[0]; String separator = System.getProperty("file.separator"); s = s.substring(s.lastIndexOf(separator) + 1); factory.setText(s); super.handleDrop(); } |
That's all we need to do to implement our drop listener. The superclass will take care obtaining a Command from the target edit part and executing it. All that's left is to add the listener to our editor and see what happens. To do this, we need to change initializeGraphicalViewer() in the LogicEditor class. Notice there are already 2 drop listeners being added -- a LogicTemplateTransferDropTargetListener, which allows for dragging templates from the palette and dropping them onto the editor for creation; and a TextTransferDropTargetListener, which allows the user to drag text (such as from a word processor) and drop it on an already existing label to change the label text to match the text being dragged. We need to add our listener to the viewer by adding the following line to this method:
getGraphicalViewer().addDropTargetListener( new FileTransferDropTargetListener(getGraphicalViewer())); |
For most people, all you need (or want) to know is that when you add a listener to a viewer, the viewer creates a new DragSource or DropTarget, if one has not already been created. The viewer also ensures the DragSource/DropTarget is aware of the Transfers from all of the listeners that have been added. For those of you interested in a more intricate look at what's happening behind the scenes, read on. (I'll be explaining how drop listeners are added, but drag listeners work in a similar fashion.)
When you add a TransferDropTargetListener to an EditPartViewer, the viewer adds the listener to the DelegatingDropAdapter. Next, the DropTarget is refreshed. During the refresh, the viewer checks to see if the DelegatingDropAdapter is empty (i.e. it has no listeners) and if so, sets the DropTarget (an SWT widget) to null. This occurs because when there are no listeners to delegate the drop events to, there's no reason to be notified of these drop events. When the first listener is added to the DelegatingDropAdapter (in other words, the DelegatingDropAdapter is not empty but the DropTarget is still null), the viewer creates a new DropTarget for the viewer's control and sets all possible styles (DND.DROP_MOVE, DND.DROP_COPY, DND.DROP_LINK). This makes all styles available to the delegated listeners, even if they don't use them. Finally, the viewer sets the Transfer types on the DropTarget by getting them from the DelegatingDropAdapter. The DelegatingDropAdapter obtains these transfer types by querying all of its listeners for their transfer types and adding them all to an array. This completes the DropTarget setup and the DelegatingDropAdapter will now be notified of DropTargetEvents. WARNING: You can't mix your own DropTarget with the DropTarget created by the viewer. This is because, according to the DropTarget javadoc, "there can only be a one to one mapping between a Control and a DropTarget." If you try to create another DropTarget on the same control, you'll get an error.
The DelegatingDropAdapter chooses one listener to be active (inactive listeners will not receive events) and refreshes the active listener before each event. To be considered active, a listener must satisfy three conditions: 1) The transfer type of the listener must match up with the transfer type of the data being dragged. 2) There must be an EditPart under the mouse cursor that understands the listeners request. 3) The listener must be the first listener in the list to satisfy the first two conditions. The active listener could potentially change during each event, based on mouse location, modifier keys pressed, etc. In AbstractTransferDropTargetListener.isEnabled(DropTargetEvent), the listener tries to match its transfer type with one of the supported transfer types in the event. If a match is found, the listener tries to find an EditPart at the current mouse location that understands its target request. If a target edit part is found, the listener is enabled and the DelegatingDropTargetAdapter stops looking for listeners to handle this event. Then the event is actually delegated to the active listener. If the active listener changes, the old listener gets a dragLeave() event and the new listener gets a dragEnter() event to ensure proper initialization and clean-up is available.
Adding drag and drop support to an EditPartViewer is a fairly simple task. And by doing so, your GEF application will be able to interact with other views, editors and applications by transferring data at the OS level. All that is really needed is a subclass of AbstractTransferDragSourceListener or AbstractTransferDropTargetListener added to the viewer with the appropriate Transfer type. In this article, I introduced a very simple drop listener to demonstrate how easy it is to implement such a feature. Real-world applications would most likely perform a more meaningful task, but the overall process is the same.
You can get the source code for the standalone SWT example here.
The author would like to thank Randy Hudson, Daniel Lee, David Williams, and Nitin Dahyabhai for providing constructive comments on the article.
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