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bringing together 4diac users

1st 4diac Users' Workshop @ ETFA 2010

The 1st Users' Workshop has been hold in conjunction with the 15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) in Bilbao.

Workshop Date: 16th September 2010

Workshop Organizers:

Workshop Program:

Antonio Valentini (O3neida Europe)
Introduction to 4DIAC
Ingo Hegny (Vienna University of Technology)
Implementation of Control Systems and Future Trends at the Martin-LutherUniversity using 4DIAC
Christian Gerber (Martin-Luther-University)
Using FORTE in Infomechatronics lab, The University of Auckland
William Dai (University of Auckland)
Utilizing Lego Mindstorms nxt(tm) as teaching and training platform for IEC 61499
Alois Zoitl (Vienna University of Technology)
SIFB Development Approach to Provide Control and Real Time Communication
Federico Perez (University of the Basque Country)
4DIAC and wireless sensor networks for factory automation
Robert Brennan (University of Calgary)
4DIAC Initiative near future plans
Alois Zoitl (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Open discussion
Moderator: Antonio Valentini, O3neida Europe