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Re: [smila-user] classloading errors revisited

Hi Juergen,


I have already tried all that.

My application finds both needed JARs and can execute calls from both of them.

The problem appears when I call a specific function from A.jar, which internally needs a class from B.jar.


As I already mentioned, I solved the problem by combining both JARs into a new JAR, AB.jar.

I just don’t like messing around with other people’s libraries.

Since you don’t have a direct solution on this, I will leave it as it is.


Thanks anyway for your response,





From: smila-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:smila-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jurgen Schumacher
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 9:48 AM
To: smila-user@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [smila-user] classloading errors revisited



On 17.09.2012 12:13, Michalis Lazaridis wrote:

Hi all,


I’m using some web services from an external jar file and I have, as expected, some classloading errors.

I have followed the workaround described in SMILA/FAQ, under ”I get classloading errors when I try to access an external Web Service using JAX-WS”, which works fine in most of the cases.

In my case, I use several external jars and some calls to one jar use internally other calls to another jar.

So, the context changes several times during my call and this workaround is not enough in this case.

I managed to make everything work through opening all jars, repackaging everything in one jar and using this jar in my pipelet.

Since this is more a hack than a solution, is there a more elegant way to do this?


Sorry, without more details and trying to reproduce this myself I don't have any idea. I would have suspected that it should be sufficient to add all single needed JARs to the runtime classpath of the bundle calling the webservice. If the needed classes are in other bundles, adding more Import-package statements (or even using Require-Bundle instead) might help. We do not do things like this often, so unfortunately we don't have much experience with such scenarios.


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