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Re: [platform-dev] New vscode light theme for eclipse

On Mon, May 30, 2022 at 9:47 AM Christoph Läubrich <laeubi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
All I can see is a screenshot which seems to collapse some things to the
bottom in contrast to the usual left right?

* some "hype" colors
* no more toolbar
* no more menu
* Moved run shortcuts to the bottom
* persective switcher collapsed on the left

All that makes UI feel lighter without loosing any functionality, and -IMO- without loosing any usability (once users have learned about Ctrl+3).
I think all those are good ideas that deserve to be discussed -maybe individually- as things we could bring to the default workbench layout and theme.
I particularly like getting rid of the toolbar. As people don't like Eclipse icons because they "look like they're from the 90's", it's good to hide most of them and much simpler than trying to change them all.

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