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[platform-core-dev] Core file system API released

We have a 3.2 plan item to decouple the tight connection between resources and the local file system:

As part of this plan item, I have prototyped an abstract file system API.  This API provides an extension point to allow other plugins to provide implementations for other file systems.  Clients of this API use this abstraction layer as a replacement for interaction with  An initial cut of this API has been released into a new plugin called "org.eclipse.core.filesystem", available now in  This plugin also provides an implementation for interaction with the local file system. I have ported the org.eclipse.core.resources plugin to run on top of this abstract API, and this work is currently in a CVS branch called "v20050705_FileSystemAPI" (for org.eclipse.core.resources and org.eclipse.core.tests.resources).

Coments, feedback, and criticism of this API is most welcome, either on this mailing list or in the plan item bug report.  In particular, I would be very interested to hear from people who have potential uses for this API as clients, and from those who want to plugin different file system implementations.  While I have prototyped both local file system and an FTP-based file system, the API could benefit from a few other file systems implementations to validate that the abstraction layer is sufficient for a broad enough set of different file systems.

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