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[pde-ui-dev] Finding API usage problems in batch mode

For the interest of those wanting to create "illegal API usage" reports during a batch build process, it should be a little simpler now. We've refactored code such that a search can be called from an integrated builder or batch process. See the new class "ApiUseAnalyzer". It can be called to find illegal API use in an entire profile, component, or specific scope within a component. It returns the illegal usages as a collection of IReferences that can be processed as desired.

Darin Wright

----- Forwarded by Darin Wright/Ottawa/IBM on 01/25/2008 01:09 PM -----
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01/16/2008 12:06 PM

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"Eclipse PDE UI developers list." <pde-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[pde-ui-dev] re: PDE API tooling questions

I'm posting this discussion on the mailing list to benefit others interested leveraging API tooling features...

Hi Barys,

API tooling is scheduled to have its "graduation review" with the EMO on Jan 30th. You can see our graduation review link off this page - Assuming we pass the review, the code will be graduated to the Eclipse SDK shortly after that (likely the week of Feb 11th). So, API tooling exists as code in the CVS repository, but will not be available as a binary download as part of the SDK until that time.

There's nothing to stop you from experimenting with the code right now - in fact, I encourage you to do so. My only disclaimer is that the code is under development - APIs are not frozen. In fact, as you will see in the slides, we are not planning to ship a public API in the first release. So, you need to be willing to accept migration effort as API tooling evolves.

> I'd like to start with "API
> Usage Reporting" feature from

> php/PDE_UI_Incubator_ApiTools#API_Usage_Reporting_.28Batch_Mode.29.

> 1) What is the current state of this feature?

Infrastructure to support API usage analysis exists. There is *no* command line tool as of yet. We do intend to produce rudimentary API usage reports with Eclipse builds (we will likey write some Ant tasks to help with this). The support is designed to work in "pure Java" mode (i.e. no OSGi or workspace required). So you would need to write a Java program that calls our provisional APIs. Below is a description of what you would need to do. Perhaps you could review this, and provide some feedback on how we can make this more consumable for you.

For example, in the SDK, we analyze a project for API usage problems when it is built. We do this by collecting all of its prequisite bundles' API descriptions to create search criteria for elements that have usage restrictions. We then search the project being built.


* Create an API profile (translates to a product made up of binary bundles/plug-ins).

- use the Factory to do this (based on a location, name, id, version, and execution environment description file)

* For each bundle in the product, create and add the corresponding API component to the profile

- API components are created from the profile, based on location

* Use the API search engine to search for specific API usage problems

- define the scope to search, and the problems you are searching for

- you could look at the APIToolBuilder as an example that searches components for illegal API use

* Create a report with the search results (references)

- we do not currently create reports, we create problem markers in the SDK

Note: currently an API component initializes its "API description" from the bundle's (i.e. defines which packages are API), and from the .api_description file in the root of the bundle (jar or folder). The .api_description file is the same format as component.xml files - but also allows visibility and usage flags to be set on members within types. This means you'd need to have some way of injecting the api description files into the bundles. We plan to do this with regular Eclipse builds. Here's an example file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<component name="Debug Core">

   <plugin id="org.eclipse.debug.core"/>

   <package name="org.eclipse.debug.core">

       <type extend="false" name="DebugEvent"/>

       <type extend="false" name="DebugException"/>

       <type extend="false" instantiate="false" name="DebugPlugin"/>

       <type implement="false" name="IBreakpointManager"/>

       <type implement="false" name="IExpressionManager"/>

       <type implement="false" name="ILaunchConfiguration">

           <field name="ATTR_SOURCE_LOCATOR_ID" reference="false"/>

           <field name="LAUNCH_CONFIGURATION_FILE_EXTENSION" reference="false"/>

           <method name="getName" reference="false" signature="()Ljava/lang/String;"/>


       <type implement="false" name="ILaunchConfigurationType"/>

       <type implement="false" name="ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy"/>

       <type implement="false" name="ILaunchDelegate"/>

       <type implement="false" name="ILaunchManager"/>

       <type implement="false" name="ILaunchMode"/>

       <type implement="false" name="IMemoryBlockManager"/>


   <package name="org.eclipse.debug.core.model">

       <type implement="false" name="IWatchExpression"/>


   <package name="org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup">

       <type implement="false" name="ISourceContainerType"/>

       <type implement="false" name="ISourcePathComputer"/>


   <package name="org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers">

       <type extend="false" name="ArchiveSourceContainer"/>

       <type extend="false" instantiate="false" name="ContainerSourceContainer"/>

       <type extend="false" name="DefaultSourceContainer"/>

       <type extend="false" name="DirectorySourceContainer"/>

       <type extend="false" name="ExternalArchiveSourceContainer"/>

       <type extend="false" name="FolderSourceContainer"/>

       <type extend="false" name="LocalFileStorage"/>

       <type extend="false" name="ProjectSourceContainer"/>

       <type extend="false" name="WorkspaceSourceContainer"/>

       <type extend="false" name="ZipEntryStorage"/>



> 2) Which version of PDE API tooling should I pick up that has this
> feature working?

The code is all in HEAD. There are instructions on how to get the code here:

> 3) What are the environment requirements (Eclipse/JRE version, etc)?

We require the latest I-build of Eclipse, and a 1.4 JRE. Our test suite requires a 1.5 JRE.

> 4) Are there usage examples I can follow?

The test suite provides the best examples. API usage problems are found by performing a search (search a scope for specific types of problems). The SearchEngineTests might be a good place to start.

> Any other pointers to speed up the adoption of the tool?

We have tried to write good javadoc and keep it up to date. But, you will likely need to ask questions :-)

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