Web Services Required Jars Download Instructions
Web Services Required Jars Download Instructions using Update Manager (WTP 0.7 M3 only)
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by Keith Chong
February 9, 2005 (updated June 16, 2005)

These instructions apply primarily to WTP 0.7 M3. Do not follow them for WTP 0.7 M4 and beyond unless you specifically need to upgrade any of the third party plugins described herein.

The Web Services plugins require third party plugins that are external to the WTP project. In order for these Web Services plugins to work properly, all of the third party plugins must be installed. These plugins are now available on the Eclipse Update Manager site at SourceForge. The most recent versions of these plugins are included in WTP builds. However, newer versions may become available. To obtain the newest versions, follow the instructions described below.


For end users

  1. After downloading and unzipping WTP and its prerequisites, start WTP.
  2. Launch the Install/Update wizard. Click on menu item Help > Software Updates > Find and Install...
  3. In the Install/Update wizard, select Search for new features to install and click Next

  4. Click on the New Remote Site button. In the popup dialog, enter SourceForge update site as the name and http://eclipseupdates.sourceforge.net as the URL.

  5. Click OK to dismiss the popup dialog. A new entry is now created in the list of update sites. Click Finish.

  6. Select and expand the SourceForge update site and you should see four new features available for install. Click Next.

  7. Read through the license agreements for the four features. If you accept the license agreements, select the accept radio button and click Next.

  8. Click Finish to download the new features.
  9. After downloading, a new dialog will pop up. Click Install All to install the features.

  10. Eclipse will prompt you to restart the workbench for this change to take effect. Click Yes to restart.


For developers
You can check out the four third party plugins from :pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/eclipseupdates

  1. org.wsdl4j
  2. org.uddi4j
  3. org.apache.axis11
  4. org.apache.wsil4j