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Eclipse Web Tools Platform 3.5 (Dali 3.3)
New and Noteworthy


Dali Java Persistence Tools

JPA 2.1 Support

    Dali has added basic JPA 2.1 support in the Kepler release. This support includes proper validation for Converters, a new facet version, NamedStoredProcedureQuery support, and schema generation configuration in the persistence.xml

    JPA 2.1 Facet

    Named Stored Procedure Query

    JPA 2.1 Schema Gen

    Dali has added EclipseLink 2.5.x support for the Kepler release. This new platform is now available when using JPA 2.0 or 2.1.

    EclipseLink 2.5 Platform

Table Filtering for entity generation

    Dali has made entity generation easier by adding table filtering to the table selection UI.

    Entity generation table filtering

    JPQL queries now have on-demand hyperlink support, allowing for easy navigation to entities in a query. The modifier key for showing it can be configured from the General->Editors->Text Editors->Hyperlinking Preference Page.

    Showing a JPQL hyper-link

Enhanced orm.xml content assist

    Dali now offers Content Assist for Java Class names in XML mapping files.

    XML Content Assist for Java Class names

    Dali now provides a simple action to quickly convert an ORM XML mapping file to an EclipseLink ORM XML file.

    EclipseLink ORM XML upgrade

    Dali has added a "New EclipseLink MOXy OXM File" wizard to allow for easy creation of an EclipseLink OXM mapping file.

    EclipseLink OXM Mapping File Wizard

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