Web Services Explorer – Headers Support Scenarios





About the Header Test web service





WSE_HEADER_01 – Basic Invocation (Weight 1 pt)


  1. Make sure the header and body sections can be collapsed or expanded independently.
  2. Fill in values and invoke the web service (leave the mustUnderstand and actor fields blank)
  3. Examine the results in both form and source views and ensure they are correct.


WSE_HEADER_02 – Source View Invocation (Weight 2 pt)


  1. Fill in values in form view (leave the mustUnderstand and actor fields blank)
  2. Flip the input form to source view.  Ensure the header fragments are serialized correctly in source view (1 pt).
  3. Change some value in the header and invoke the web service.
  4. Examine the results in both form and source views and ensure they are correct (1 pt).


WSE_HEADER_03 – Form/Source view synchronization (Weight 3 pts)


  1. Fill in values in form view.  Check the mustUnderstand checkbox and fill in the actor field with some URI for one of the header fragments.
  2. Flip the input form to source view.  Ensure the header fragments are serialized correctly in source view.  Look for the mustUnderstand and actor attributes (1 pt).
  3. Delete the mustUnderstand attribute and put a space in the actor URI.
  4. Flip the input form back to form view.  The mustUnderstand checkbox should be uncheck, and the actor attribute should be flagged as invalid (1 pt).
  5. Remove the space from the actor URI and invoke the web service.
  6. Examine the results in both form and source views and ensure they are correct (1 pt).


WSE_HEADER_04 – mustUnderstand and actor (Weight 1 pt)


  1. Fill in values in form view.  Check the mustUnderstand checkbox but leave the actor field blank for one of the header fragments.
  2. Invoke the web service.
  3. There should be no results.  Flip to source view in the results pane to see that a mustUnderstand fault has occurred.