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Eclipse Web Tools Platform 3.3 M4
New and Noteworthy



External Source Project Layout

    The layout and usability of the 'External JavaScript Source' project has been updated. It is no longer filtered by default and is also no longer deleted whenever Eclipse is shut down. The format of the source within the project has been changed to make it easier to find scripts. Scripts are now added to the project in sub-folders corresponding to their URL rather than the often cryptic hash code of the source.

    The External JavaScript Source project

Core Debug Preferences

    You can now configure some of the core debug preferences on the JavaScript > Debug preference page.

    Core debug preference page

Rhino Debug Preferences

    You can now configure some of the Rhino debug preferences on the JavaScript > Debug > Rhino preference page.

    Variable value hover

Formatted Function Variable Source

    If the source for a function variable is available, it will be formatted when displayed in the details pane of the Variables view.

    Variable value hover

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